I set this up years ago, back when I was on SC and thought I would post it here, since I just got a notice that there is currently (9/17/19) a 25% discount on goods. I do not make a penny on any of these items. Buyers deal directly with the company. I invested the money in development of this "design" as a service to the community. At the moment, it is the only design available through this portal. If you do purchase any items from this site, please take pictures and post them here. I have been very pleased with the quality of the products this company puts out. Happy shopping.
Enjoy great savings at our Online Store now - take 25% off any order with no minimum purchase! Click below for your discount. This offer expires at 11:59 pm Eastern on Monday, September 30th, 2019.
I've never been happy with the simple line drawings of the Spyder that have been floating around the internet for some time. Still I'd think I would like to add another design that could be used for embroidered items like I posted above. A friend of mine put this together. Truth is, I'm not sure if I like it -- or how it will read once it is digitized and adjusted for embroidered items. Take a look and leave your feedback, no matter how brutal it may be. If you are a digital artist and can adjust it, or come up with something on your own, post here and lets see what we can come-up with as a community. I'm willing to invest the money to get it digitized and put into production, if y'all think it is something you would like. Here's the artwork I'm vetting with y'all. Let me know what you think. Thanks.
Topic starter
Posted : September 17, 2019 11:09 pm
I've never been happy with the simple line drawings of the Spyder that have been floating around the internet for some time. Still I'd think I would like to add another design that could be used for embroidered items like I posted above. A friend of mine put this together. Truth is, I'm not sure if I like it -- or how it will read once it is digitized and adjusted for embroidered items. Take a look and leave your feedback, no matter how brutal it may be. If you are a digital artist and can adjust it, or come up with something on your own, post here and lets see what we can come-up with as a community. I'm willing to invest the money to get it digitized and put into production, if y'all think it is something you would like. Here's the artwork I'm vetting with y'all. Let me know what you think. Thanks.
Its very nice however its missing one quality that lets everyone know its a Spyder and that is the side vent design.
If that can be line drawn into the sketch it would go a long way.
I won't try to push it too far off the original, but I think it needs a few more details, without getting noisy.
A hint of wheels (allude to the stock 5-spoke, perhaps, with no tire at all? maybe not...), side vents as Dev mentioned, and give a nod to our big bulbous eyeballs. Oh, and sharpen the nose a bit like it's supposed-ta.
I know the idea there is abstraction, for good reason to suit the purpose, but as it is now, it takes just a little too much work for the brain to match that silhouette to that of the Grinwagon. There is a balance between over-abstracted and a concrete, realistic line-drawing with no style. This sits just a bit too far to the abstract side, IMO.
And no, I don't know shit about art or graphic design.
Please remember, I am not an artist and a friend of mine is helping with this project/concept. Here is the most recent iteration:
Again, the original idea was to come up with a graphic that would translate well into an embroidered item, like shirts and hats, etc. I'm about to give up on this project. It's just not feeling the way I want it to feel.
Also . . . for those who might be interested in the old embroidered design, this just came through today:
This week, ALL embroidered apparel & accessories are 3 for the price of 2. There is no minimum purchase required. Plus, we'll ship orders for FREE, no matter how big!
Again, I don't make any money, points -- nuttin' -- on any of this stuff. It's just a service to the community, for those who want to take advantage of the offer.