Brace is 1"sq 304 stainless steel 1/16th wall , weighs in at 6.85 lbs. Will include stainless A2 hardware either 6 button heads (5mm) and 6 bonded washers OR 6 flange bolts (13mm head) that will be your choice . This brace "doesn't" have the 3 holes cut for the plastic tube holders .
Price $205 shipped to the lower 48 , 11 of the 25 have been sold .
link to more info and pictures ....
Still hoping you give in and make a full MSB.
Still hoping you give in and make a full MSB.
I've not totally ruled it out but it's pretty low on the priority list .... so I wouldn't hold your breath . lol
A real quality piece! Really firmed up my Spyder.
It looks like it could survive most anything. Way to go Phats!
2007 S2000 (New Formula Red)
2005 Spyders (Two in Paradise Blue Metallic, One Super White)
2004 Tundra SR5 Double Cab (White with 2UZ-FE Engine)
2003 Tundra SR5 Access Cab (Silver Stepside with 2UZ-FE Engine)
2003 Sequoia SR5 (Black with 2UZ-FE Engine)
1970 Olds 442 W30 (Nugget Gold )
I finally installed my Phat brace this morning. I took some pictures of a factory brace, a Cusco brace and Phat's brace for comparison. I thought of drilling some holes for the three plastic tube clamps, but realized they require square holes. The Cusco brace has holes drilled but they're round, and too large to hold the plastic clips, so not very helpful. I snugged up my three tubes with a piece of split rubber hose and a zip tie.
And if you see that Phat's brace is particularly shiny in my pictures, that's because I couldn't resist hitting it just once with a buffer wheel. 🙂
I make Amateur Armrests - see the Commercial Forum. I also have SMT repair seals available.
I'm hoping to install mine tomorrow... I'm dependent upon others for flat driveway space where I can do the work.
Stay tuned.
list updated : 14 of 25 sold
I'm finally ready to go .... here's the list I have , If your on it and don't want to be just let me know . I'll be sending PM's with payment details . Post #2 on SC was updated with info and pics .
1. cyclehead , maybe , Pm'd , payment 6/4 , flange bolts , shipped 6/4
2. jtrown ,pm'd , payed 6/23 , flange bolts , shipped 6/24
3. pwnzor , Pm'd , payed 6/21 , button head , shipped 6/22
4. Erdoc48 , Pm'd , payed 6/2 , flange bolts , shipped 6/3
5. DesertWanderer , Pm'd , payed 6/2 , button head , shipped 6/3
6. zzwgtsr , Pm'd , payment 6/4 , flange bolts , shipped 6/4
7. chi , Pm'd , payed 6/9 , flange bolts , shipped 6/10
8. blewis87 , PM'd ,payed 8/1 , flange bolts , shipped 8/1
9. dan1546 , Pm'd , payed 6/11 , flange bolts , shipped 6/12
10. hello , pm'd , payed 6/8 , flange bolts , shipped 6/8
11. gixercrusher , pm'd , payed 6/8 , button head , shipped 6/8
12. ike Dmikle , payed 6/11 , flange bolts , shipped 6/11
13. Shawnboy , PM'd , payed 8/1 , button head , 8/2
14. Rhino5six , PM'd , payed 8/7 , flange bolts , shipped 8/7
I want to buy one but I am holding onto hope that you make the full midship brace available at some point.
I want to buy one but I am holding onto hope that you make the full midship brace available at some point.
First I've heard of it .... lol 😉
Finally got it installed a couple weeks ago, with the help of Eric (heeltoehero)... on jackstands in his driveway... in the rain.
Immediate impression of this brace is that it dramatically reduces the flexibility of the chassis, and also has reduced some of the rattling noises in the cabin.
After thoughts are, I'll never work under this car again unless it's up here: