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Coilover Strut Tower Caps for Rear - Interest Gathering

Member Admin

Since my current project is all about scope creep, I decided to design and 3D Print some custom strut tower caps for the rear that will fit around my BC Racing adjustable coilovers.  The results came out great, IMHO.  So I figured I'd see if there was any interest from others with coilovers that would like some caps in the rear.  If you are interested and have a different brand of coil overs, let me know and I'd like you to take some measurements and I'll see if these will work or if I'll need to offer some variants as well.

Here are before and after pics of my prototype with a logo on the face.  As you can see, they fit perfectly with the BC Racing set:

StrutTowerTop NoCap
StrutTowerTop CapWithLogo

And here's a shot of the cap without the logo:

StrutCap PETG NoLogo InstalledLeft

 All of the above pics are printed in black PETG.  Here is the same cap, but without the logo and shown in PETG + Carbon Fiber:

StrutCap PETGCF Top
StrutCap PETGCF Bottom


I don't know if I'll be selling the CF versions or not, but I'll be using them on my car for sure.  The CF filament is quite a bit more expensive.  Anyway, please post if you would be interested in something like this.  And, if so, what would you expect to pay for a pair of these caps?

Thanks for your time.


Get your Short Antennas, Decals, and all sorts of goodies at:

Topic starter Posted : April 17, 2023 4:30 pm
Honorable Member

"Scope creep"...interesting phrase(and yes, I looked it up). Anyway, this is kinda cool, although I'm thinking "chrome"... 😎 

"Think as we think", say many Spyder owners, "or you are abominably wicked, you are a toad". After I'd thought about, I said "I will then, be a toad."
Thank you, Stephen Crane

Posted : April 19, 2023 7:34 pm
Uncle Mush

Posted by: @galo

"Scope creep"...interesting phrase(and yes, I looked it up). Anyway, this is kinda cool, although I'm thinking "chrome"... 😎 

  Thanks for suggesting that.  I looked it up, following your example and also learned something new.  🙂


Posted : April 20, 2023 2:18 am
Honorable Member

Posted by: @uncle-mush

Posted by: @galo

"Scope creep"...interesting phrase(and yes, I looked it up). Anyway, this is kinda cool, although I'm thinking "chrome"... 😎 

  Thanks for suggesting that.  I looked it up, following your example and also learned something new.  🙂



Hey UM! Yah, after seeing this, I went searching, and there are some very cool products out there that produce good results. bumpers on the Spyder...


"Think as we think", say many Spyder owners, "or you are abominably wicked, you are a toad". After I'd thought about, I said "I will then, be a toad."
Thank you, Stephen Crane

Posted : April 20, 2023 2:24 am
Just a member.

Very nice prints. It's hard to get them perfect like that with stronger materials.  





Posted : April 20, 2023 11:27 am
Member Admin

Thanks.  Yeah, I use a lot of software development jargon.  I'm even using Jira (Project management software) to keep track of my MR2 project.  haha.  I'm printing on a Prusa MK3S+ with a textured build plate to give a sort of  uniform texture to the first layer.  Also, the Prusa and Prusa Slicer is what I attribute my print success to.

Chrome is interesting, but I don't think I could get any PETG colors that would closely resemble that.  I'd rather not do PLA for something in the engine bay due to fears of warping.  I can do other colors provided I either already have the filament or someone requests it and doesn't mind paying a "Custom" fee or if there are multiple sets in the new color. ... Anyway, my thoughts for this product was $30 for the pair.  But maybe doing an exclusive pre-launch sale for members of this forum for like $25 (shipped in the US).  The CF option is something that I would need to think about before offering it as an option.

Get your Short Antennas, Decals, and all sorts of goodies at:

Topic starter Posted : April 21, 2023 2:01 pm
Honorable Member

I need a pair of these for the front of my outback... 

Posted : April 23, 2023 12:17 am
Member Admin

Posted by: @marsrock7

I need a pair of these for the front of my outback... 

Do you have a set of digital calipers you can get me some measurements?  (Diameter of hole and diameter of protrusion).  It's possible these will work or I can tweak some sizing in the design.


Get your Short Antennas, Decals, and all sorts of goodies at:

Topic starter Posted : April 24, 2023 10:15 am
Honorable Member

Posted by: @lordtakuban

Chrome is interesting, but I don't think I could get any PETG colors that would closely resemble that.  I'd rather not do PLA for something in the engine bay due to fears of warping.


LT, it's not REAL chrome, lol  The different products range from spray on to brush on, and there are some that are, imho, quite amazing...


"Think as we think", say many Spyder owners, "or you are abominably wicked, you are a toad". After I'd thought about, I said "I will then, be a toad."
Thank you, Stephen Crane

Posted : April 24, 2023 1:28 pm
Member Admin

Posted by: @galo

Posted by: @lordtakuban

Chrome is interesting, but I don't think I could get any PETG colors that would closely resemble that.  I'd rather not do PLA for something in the engine bay due to fears of warping.


LT, it's not REAL chrome, lol  The different products range from spray on to brush on, and there are some that are, imho, quite amazing...


Interesting...  I haven't looked into any sort of spray chrome since I was greatly disappointed in the 80's trying to jazz up my BMX bike and it ended up looking like crap.  Chrome could be a possibility.  although, I'd rather send someone the un-chromed pieces and let them spray the finish on them.  I can print these with a smooth (non-textured) top section which would look better when chrome.  I'm not sure how the sides would turn out though with the layer lines and such.


Get your Short Antennas, Decals, and all sorts of goodies at:

Topic starter Posted : April 26, 2023 7:17 pm
Honorable Member

Posted by: @lordtakuban

Posted by: @marsrock7

I need a pair of these for the front of my outback... 

Do you have a set of digital calipers you can get me some measurements?  (Diameter of hole and diameter of protrusion).  It's possible these will work or I can tweak some sizing in the design.


I do. I will get some measurements as soon as I have a chance. Thanks in advance!


Posted : May 1, 2023 1:19 am