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Noble Member

Thanks Uncle Mush!

Well the title never said CAR glamour shots...

IMG 20200212 141845

2000 Toyota MR2 Spyder, 2021 Lexus UX 250h F Sport

Posted : April 3, 2020 2:14 am
Honorable Member

My crew! We are sheltering in place but we have a lot of land and no neighbors. These guys (Pretty Boy and Bob (German Shepherd) are my two latest rescues.



2007 S2000 (New Formula Red)
2005 Spyders (Two in Paradise Blue Metallic, One Super White)
2004 Tundra SR5 Double Cab (White with 2UZ-FE Engine)
2003 Tundra SR5 Access Cab (Silver Stepside with 2UZ-FE Engine)
2003 Sequoia SR5 (Black with 2UZ-FE Engine)
1970 Olds 442 W30 (Nugget Gold )

Posted : April 3, 2020 11:47 am
Just a member.

Thanks for checking in Don. Good to see you are doing well. 



Posted : April 3, 2020 11:51 am
Uncle Mush

I appreciate the additional "glamor shots" -- makes me feel a bit more comfortable and grounded . . . brining back a little more sense of normalcy for me.  We don't have any pets, but I have a special place in my heart for puppies.

Posted : April 3, 2020 12:02 pm
Honorable Member

@dev Thanks Dev! The German Shepherd only rides in the S2000 because my Spyders both have hardtops and he cannot fit!

2007 S2000 (New Formula Red)
2005 Spyders (Two in Paradise Blue Metallic, One Super White)
2004 Tundra SR5 Double Cab (White with 2UZ-FE Engine)
2003 Tundra SR5 Access Cab (Silver Stepside with 2UZ-FE Engine)
2003 Sequoia SR5 (Black with 2UZ-FE Engine)
1970 Olds 442 W30 (Nugget Gold )

Posted : April 3, 2020 12:15 pm
Just a member.
Posted by: @desertwanderer

@dev Thanks Dev! The German Shepherd only rides in the S2000 because my Spyders both have hardtops and he cannot fit!

And that picture looks like a Norman Rockwell painting. Nicely done. 


Posted : April 3, 2020 12:16 pm
Honorable Member

@uncle-mush I am caring for and being taken care by 22 dogs at present. Do not fear! I am taking care of all that (puppies, full-grown, and all in-between!) I find without a home! Take care all!

2007 S2000 (New Formula Red)
2005 Spyders (Two in Paradise Blue Metallic, One Super White)
2004 Tundra SR5 Double Cab (White with 2UZ-FE Engine)
2003 Tundra SR5 Access Cab (Silver Stepside with 2UZ-FE Engine)
2003 Sequoia SR5 (Black with 2UZ-FE Engine)
1970 Olds 442 W30 (Nugget Gold )

Posted : April 3, 2020 12:19 pm
Honorable Member

@dev Thanks Dev! Someone once told me "If you think you are too close, get closer!" I remembered!

2007 S2000 (New Formula Red)
2005 Spyders (Two in Paradise Blue Metallic, One Super White)
2004 Tundra SR5 Double Cab (White with 2UZ-FE Engine)
2003 Tundra SR5 Access Cab (Silver Stepside with 2UZ-FE Engine)
2003 Sequoia SR5 (Black with 2UZ-FE Engine)
1970 Olds 442 W30 (Nugget Gold )

Posted : April 3, 2020 12:55 pm
Noble Member
Posted by: @uncle-mush

I appreciate the additional "glamor shots" -- makes me feel a bit more comfortable and grounded . . . brining back a little more sense of normalcy for me.  We don't have any pets, but I have a special place in my heart for puppies.

Whenever the next MR2 BBQ happens to roll around, since we've obviously cancelled any upcoming ones, I'll try to bring my pupper for a while. He's an old man at almost 15 years old but if it's during fall or winter, not too warm, he might enjoy hanging out.

2000 Toyota MR2 Spyder, 2021 Lexus UX 250h F Sport

Posted : April 3, 2020 9:11 pm
Uncle Mush

That would be awesome and something to look forward to.   Hope for the future!  Perfect. 

Posted : April 3, 2020 10:49 pm
Honorable Member

@haloruler64 My vet (a good friend) at one point tried to get me used to the idea that my two 12 year old Cockerdoodles (brother and sister) were senior citizens. They were I guess but the male made it to 20 years old and the female to 21 years old. They were active and had great times all of their lives.

The female literally fell over while chasing a jackrabbit. The point of all of this? God I love dogs! They keep me reasonably sane, or at least so I think!

Stay safe and happy with your four-legged friend. No social distancing there!

2007 S2000 (New Formula Red)
2005 Spyders (Two in Paradise Blue Metallic, One Super White)
2004 Tundra SR5 Double Cab (White with 2UZ-FE Engine)
2003 Tundra SR5 Access Cab (Silver Stepside with 2UZ-FE Engine)
2003 Sequoia SR5 (Black with 2UZ-FE Engine)
1970 Olds 442 W30 (Nugget Gold )

Posted : April 4, 2020 1:01 pm
Noble Member

Wow that's incredible! My little dude is definitely showing his old age at 15, but he only started slowing down from his utter insanity around 10. Still, he goes to the beach and runs around and is doing surprisingly well. Cheers! 

PS: Pics of your dogs are now required.

2000 Toyota MR2 Spyder, 2021 Lexus UX 250h F Sport

Posted : April 5, 2020 12:03 am
Honorable Member

@haloruler64 Pics forthcoming... Be ready! I am kind of like the annoying parent with a million photos of their offspring.

Strange (to me) fact. I have 4 Cockerdoodles (still in my heart but all have passed from this world) that have all made at least 19 years of age. The strange thing is that all of them slowed down from around 10 years old (+ or - 1 year), pepped up from 11-15, another slow down from 15-17, and then really pepped up from 17 on. I have been so happy that, yeah, ups and downs but they really went out enjoying their lives much as they did as puppies.

I am the perfect person to survive social distancing, as long as it is not from four-legged friends! I also have 17 ferrets that free-range (they sleep in the house but go out the doggie door). All are rescues from people who really did not know anything about ferrets before they bought one.


Take Care!

2007 S2000 (New Formula Red)
2005 Spyders (Two in Paradise Blue Metallic, One Super White)
2004 Tundra SR5 Double Cab (White with 2UZ-FE Engine)
2003 Tundra SR5 Access Cab (Silver Stepside with 2UZ-FE Engine)
2003 Sequoia SR5 (Black with 2UZ-FE Engine)
1970 Olds 442 W30 (Nugget Gold )

Posted : April 5, 2020 9:31 pm
Noble Member

That's just incredible. Yeah I noticed my dude pepped up a bit around 13, he went through some health issues and almost seemed like he recovered better than before. 

I judge people by how they treat photos of their dog. If I see a phone full of dog photos... good sign. 

PS: Photos of ferrets are also required.

2000 Toyota MR2 Spyder, 2021 Lexus UX 250h F Sport

Posted : April 5, 2020 10:47 pm
Honorable Member

@haloruler64 I must admit that I am 100% with you on judging people based on their feelings about dogs. I will also include the pics of my last litter of possums just before I released them. A female possum was run over near the turnoff to my house and I moved the body to the ditch. (We have hungry carrion eaters in Texas and I knew that the "cleanup crew" would take excellent care of the remains.) As I did so I noticed movement on her belly and I was lucky enough to find 12 healthy babies! I bottle-fed them and all survived and, in fact, were quite adorable. (I must admit that possum beauty is an acquired taste!) I released them into the wild and they are still very friendly toward me. They love digging up my yard and eating dog food. 


Stay Safe!



This post was modified 5 years ago by DesertWanderer

2007 S2000 (New Formula Red)
2005 Spyders (Two in Paradise Blue Metallic, One Super White)
2004 Tundra SR5 Double Cab (White with 2UZ-FE Engine)
2003 Tundra SR5 Access Cab (Silver Stepside with 2UZ-FE Engine)
2003 Sequoia SR5 (Black with 2UZ-FE Engine)
1970 Olds 442 W30 (Nugget Gold )

Posted : April 5, 2020 11:22 pm
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