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[Sticky] Submit your glamour shots!

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Just a member.
Posted by: @petrus



This mixed lighting shot is nice but the background and foreground is too hard.  If you had taken the shot hours later it would be perfect. 


Posted : February 8, 2020 8:37 am
Just a member.
Posted by: @marsrock7


Thanks for the almost compliment! Lol

Here's another...

IMG 20180926 211532

I like the shadows on this one specifically. My license plate in the windshield kinda sucks thou.


 I like the other one better. On this one I can see what you were going for with the shadows but its too much black crush. The reflectivity of the license plate and the blown out highlight from the structure behind it is also  causing a distraction to the overall image.  If the car was shot tighter and lower it could work really well.  


Posted : February 8, 2020 9:01 am
Just a member.
Posted by: @petrus




 Come to think of it, I do like this one but it would look amazing if you  let the building behind it silhouette.

Posted : February 8, 2020 9:06 am
Reputable Member
IMG 20191021 135418980 HDR
IMG 20190929 164715302 HDR
IMG 20191021 135432736 HDR
IMG 20191003 102813240 HDR
IMG 20190317 175420988 HDR
IMG 20190308 094224003 HDR
IMG 20190308 094040004 HDR
IMG 20190929 154828999 HDR
IMG 20190629 095646365 HDR
IMG 20190616 114853252 HDR

Posted : February 8, 2020 10:07 am
Prominent Member
Posted by: @dev
Posted by: @petrus



This mixed lighting shot is nice but the background and foreground is too hard.  If you had taken the shot hours later it would be perfect. 


I was unable to focus on the car in this picture for some strange reason.  Perhaps a slightly different angle would have been better.  From a vantage point about half a meter to the right, the car would have been even more difficult to see, but the shot would certainly have improved.  Alas, the moment is lost; this will just have to do.

Lots of beautiful buildings and people where you live.


🐸, 2003, Electric Green Mica

Posted : February 8, 2020 10:20 am
Just a member.

You certainly live in a more scenic place than I do. I have to work with what I have but will often avoid direct harsh light but sometimes you can get it to work but it depends on the color of the car and how you angle it.

 A different angle would certainly help. I have found that getting lower for photos of cars works better than angling on top.   


Posted : February 8, 2020 10:43 am
Noble Member

Why are we judging photography in a place for the community to post their photos? Not everyone is a photographer. It's just for sharing cars.

2000 Toyota MR2 Spyder, 2021 Lexus UX 250h F Sport

Posted : February 9, 2020 4:33 am
Reputable Member
Posted by: @Dev

This mixed lighting shot is nice but the background and foreground is too hard.  If you had taken the shot hours later it would be perfect. 


The crux agaín being that you need to forge the iron when it is hot. The lady was in it at thís moment....

Yesterday afternoon/evening the light was pérfect, the location not worth a photo and my date a vip politician so NoGo there either.

I am not trying to take perfect photos, just snapping moments when/where they occur.

Nevertheless, suggestions will be taken into account íf possible.

Posted : February 9, 2020 6:32 am
Reputable Member
Posted by: @nottamiata

I was unable to focus on the car in this picture for some strange reason.  Perhaps a slightly different angle would have been better.  From a vantage point about half a meter to the right, the car would have been even more difficult to see, but the shot would certainly have improved.  Alas, the moment is lost; this will just have to do.

Lots of beautiful buildings and people where you live.


Have some more at different angles and with different frames. Different ´distractions´ too. Apart from the daylight, the other limitations are that the car should feature ánd I don´t want to risk getting banned 😉  Usually when you park under trees the birds drop other things so I count my blessings regardsless of the light.

Yes, life has a lót to offer here. The hotel I stayed at last night was simply a dream. Small and rural, way out in the white of the map, on a hill overlooking a lake with a stunning castle at the other side. The car park is in the shade of húge eucalyptus trees blocking any view. So, even if it would not have been foggy early this morning, there was no ´car with a view´ and as I observer the lady could NÓT be photographed. She was not even registered at the desk...

All in all; the moments are when and where they are. Snap them or not.

Posted : February 9, 2020 6:44 am
Just a member.
Posted by: @haloruler64

Why are we judging photography in a place for the community to post their photos? Not everyone is a photographer. It's just for sharing cars.

If I complement a photo as others have done, it’s still judging.  I only commented on photos I like and offered tips from my own perspective and there is nothing wrong with that. Everyone is a photographer good or bad and everyone including myself could use a minor critique to have some valuable feedback to be better because there are some proven tricks that can make a photograph stand out. It’s sharing and expressing enthusiasm between members warranted or unwarranted. If it’s unwarranted ignore or just say you only want comments that you like to read in your own bubble. 

If I choose a photograph it’s because I really like it.  If I don’t I will not judge it because it’s irrelevant to me and  I would be criticizing harshly if I tried. As I mentioned I’m not criticizing anyone’s photography for being bad just some helpful perspective discussing the shot that could be tried next time so I can see some amazing photography from members that I feel have the potential to be great if they changed it up a little as I can certainly see they put effort into their photography. 
I am not new to this as have done this before on SC and others have done this for me so it’s not like I’m doing anything different and it’s in the sprit of the thread. 


Posted : February 9, 2020 9:10 am
Just a member.
Posted by: @petrus
Posted by: @Dev

This mixed lighting shot is nice but the background and foreground is too hard.  If you had taken the shot hours later it would be perfect. 


The crux agaín being that you need to forge the iron when it is hot. The lady was in it at thís moment....

Yesterday afternoon/evening the light was pérfect, the location not worth a photo and my date a vip politician so NoGo there either.

I am not trying to take perfect photos, just snapping moments when/where they occur.

Nevertheless, suggestions will be taken into account íf possible.

  When I seen the photograph in question  I did not see that part of the photograph that you are referring to until later. The only reason I picked it is primarily because I liked it but Im also going to comment on what can be improved because just about every photograph can be improved upon from the limitations of all electronic cameras and then its left to subjective interpretation. A photograph is art that should be subjected to discussion and I hope you don't mind that I like your photographs and would like to comment on them. I wouldn't do so if I thought they were bad. 

  There is one fallacy and that is you are trying to take good photos otherwise you wouldn't have put in the effort as its clear that you are. There are many who take pictures to snap up the moments which is fine but if you post something good expect some critique as its the highest form of flattery.  

Posted : February 9, 2020 9:29 am
Trusted Member

Great photos, making me eager for the salt to get washed off the roads, probably another 6-8 weeks away.

I just wanted to point out phone camera capability now has enough adjustments built in to salvage many iffy photos and to make nice photos great.  Adjusting upwards the shadows and lowering the highlights is often enough.  Spontaneity is one of the fun aspects of taking pics, you never know when things will accidentally come together.  I'm a big fan of just snapping pics to record the moment at hand, and every now and then get rewarded. 


Posted : February 9, 2020 11:03 am
Honorable Member


And some of us (me in particular) get to learn something! How many ways do we win? We get to see Spyders, we get suggestions on how to improve our pictures of our own Spyders, etc.

Thanks Dev and thanks to all of those who contribute!


2007 S2000 (New Formula Red)
2005 Spyders (Two in Paradise Blue Metallic, One Super White)
2004 Tundra SR5 Double Cab (White with 2UZ-FE Engine)
2003 Tundra SR5 Access Cab (Silver Stepside with 2UZ-FE Engine)
2003 Sequoia SR5 (Black with 2UZ-FE Engine)
1970 Olds 442 W30 (Nugget Gold )

Posted : February 9, 2020 10:05 pm
Just a member.
Posted by: @desertwanderer


And some of us (me in particular) get to learn something! How many ways do we win? We get to see Spyders, we get suggestions on how to improve our pictures of our own Spyders, etc.

Thanks Dev and thanks to all of those who contribute!


 I live vicariously though you guys and that is my only crime. 

  Cell phone cameras have gotten better with each new iteration but somehow photography has gotten worse. It has nothing to do with the camera until you reach its limitations which most will never do and a better camera can be unforgiving making pictures worse.  Over ten years ago people have taken great shots of their cars but as the years go by the expectations have gone down tremendously with photo blogging culture and everyone giving false likes to someones grommet hamburger. The worst thing you can do for a person is give them false praise to make them feel better for anything.  A bit of constructive honesty can be devastating to some but once they get over it they will make an attempt grow or stick to their guns but have some perspective. This shouldn't  be confused with passive aggressiveness as that is easily spotted.  

 The tips Dave gave with some apps can improve the photograph and there are so many free ones these days that are easy to use. 

 You don't need to do any kind of hard photographic math just some very simple tricks like crouching to take a shot and avoiding looking down at the car from your vantage point. Cameras are stupid old people that cant see well and they are not an extension of you but if you are aware of this you can mix it up a little and get out of your comfort zone by trying something different to have a great capture. Its not about capturing the moment and therefore you take a bad picture, you should apply better technique every time for the sake of your audience. I hope to see more pictures on this thread.  

Posted : February 10, 2020 10:23 am
Honorable Member

Now I am noticing everywhere how a professional looking car photo usually is from a lower point of view, like level with the grill. Will definitely be trying this in the future.

Posted : February 11, 2020 5:56 pm
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