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I went to probably the last car show in my area and fortunately it was just down the street from my house. I spotted this beetle not because I like them but I found it interesting because it has time period paint that just stood out and reminded me of when I was a small child in the 70s seeing these cars. The other ones at car shows have paint that looks too good and therefore ugly in my opinion.  I talked to the owner who was a young guy and he was very happy I was taking a picture of it and wanted me to send it to him so I developed it first.  This was taken with the Tamron 45 1.8 VC which is an great lens.   I hope this medium format  picture does it justice. 

Posted : November 8, 2020 11:03 am
Just a member.

Another from the Tamron.   This lens makes old school medium format images that pop. 


Posted : November 8, 2020 7:16 pm
Just a member.

Time for the crown jewel of my lens collection. The Canon 35L .  This lens was first made in 1998 and if you tally  how much it would cost in todays money it would be over $2k which is super expensive.  I have been eyeing this lens since 2005 because the photos it produces is amazing.  I though the 85L would be the best lens I own its not, its this one.  Where other lenses are sharp this lens has a look that makes the image. 

Posted : November 9, 2020 7:16 pm
Just a member.

 Canon 35L 

Posted : November 9, 2020 7:48 pm
Just a member.

Looking forward to getting some pictures from this beast. This is a Canon 24mm Tilt Shift lens.  I got it for a bargain because it had a crack on a plastic part in front of the lens. I bought it from a whole sale reseller that discounted the lens as a result to just a little over $1k  and decided to take a chance.  It looks like some idiot tried to remove the plastic garnish with a lens spanner and cracked it. I bought the part for $10 from Canon which is a major savings from buying brand-new which would have been $2k. I could easily turn around and sell for more. 

  This thing has a learning curve which I intend to master. 


IMG 0374
Posted : November 26, 2020 10:23 am
Just a member.

Interesting lens.  I used the both the tilt and shift feature for an interesting perspective and composition. 

Posted : December 1, 2020 9:22 am
Estimable Member

[img] [/img]

Cranky, cantankerous, sarcastic Scottish git whose interests are beer, cars, motorbikes and scuba diving.
Currently driving a 2018 sapphire blue Porsche 718 Boxster and riding a 2020 BMW S1000R Sport..

Posted : December 1, 2020 9:41 am
Uncle Mush

@nelix  Looks like it has gotten cold out in that photo.  Also, do you have a canvas top on your Roadster?

Posted : December 1, 2020 11:18 am
Estimable Member


That's snow foam, after washing, but yes is getting cold. Bike is only 3 weeks old and I'm trying, but failing, to get it run in before winter really sers in.

No canvas top, the Porsche soft top has a hard midsection, this will be the 3rd winter the car has seen and it's not garaged.

Cranky, cantankerous, sarcastic Scottish git whose interests are beer, cars, motorbikes and scuba diving.
Currently driving a 2018 sapphire blue Porsche 718 Boxster and riding a 2020 BMW S1000R Sport..

Posted : December 1, 2020 11:43 am
Just a member.

Posted : December 1, 2020 12:13 pm
Just a member.

I forgot the lens hood. This lens is very resistant to flair but I was able to catch a little. 


Posted : December 2, 2020 1:26 pm
Just a member.

Last three 


Posted : December 3, 2020 2:38 pm
Just a member.

This winter I digitized old photo albums  and found this lost photo. This is my old motorcycle from 1990. 

Posted : March 12, 2021 2:29 pm
Estimable Member


This is a really cool shot and the composition is on point. I know this is on film, but did you take a burst of shots and just pick the one with the best placement of the motorcycle, or did you just have really good timing on your shutter release?

Just ask because I know it can be a challenge shooting fast objects. My favourite photo ive taken was with a instax camera of a fire engine blazing by and somehow everything fell perfectly onto the thirds, even the lettering on the truck haha.

I also enjoy the winding roads/ on ramp in the background.

Posted : March 21, 2021 2:24 pm
Just a member.
Posted by: @ria


This is a really cool shot and the composition is on point. I know this is on film, but did you take a burst of shots and just pick the one with the best placement of the motorcycle, or did you just have really good timing on your shutter release?

Just ask because I know it can be a challenge shooting fast objects. My favourite photo ive taken was with a instax camera of a fire engine blazing by and somehow everything fell perfectly onto the thirds, even the lettering on the truck haha.

I also enjoy the winding roads/ on ramp in the background.

Thanks but I wasn't the one taking it I was the one on the bike. I did set up the shot for my friend  and he captured it during multiple passes and  a few stuck.  

He did do a good job and captured a good photo.  

 I did a lot of digitization of family photos and noticed something interesting.  Every decade starting from the 1950 you could tell which period they were shot. This is in part with the kind of period, style, architecture and the kind of film technology. As I worked my way up that stopped right around 1990s.  Film got as good as it could get and the period, style and architecture came to a stand still.  The only real difference was the cars of that era looking dated from the 90s but apart from that not much change until the first digital cameras. 

 When we get into the emergence of the first digital cameras they sucked and looked worse than film. They looked lifeless and mostly ugly until around 2006 when the emergence of the CMOS sensors in SLRs but the point and shoots weren't there yet.  As the years went on things started to improve and now many of the latest cameras including cellphones have more or less have improved to where its not quiet film but just as technically fine as far as clarity. 

Even though the earlier films were not as good in terms of realism their look is far better from an artistic  point of view and it is no wonder people are using filters to get the same kind of look.  One thing is clear and that is pictures taken from the 90s do not look like period photos, they look like they were taken yesterday. 




Posted : March 22, 2021 10:39 am
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