I went to a local GM car show in Annapolis. It was a great experience and I got some good captures that Im developing and will post as they are completed. Usually I only come away with two or three good captures to any visit but this time around I probably have a good five that are interesting enough. I probably discard 97% of my photos.
I will start off with this one in a million capture. I swear this was not contrived it just happened.
That's fun! And truth. Cool ain't cheap. But if your not really worried about cool, and one is true to oneself, that's the best cool there is and it's free!
That's fun! And truth. Cool ain't cheap. But if your not really worried about cool, and one is true to oneself, that's the best cool there is and it's free!
I have to say that those guys were cool. I don't know them and only spoke to two people in passing. What I mean by cool is they had this vibe that they couldn't care more or less that I was taking a photo of their car. No weird lame comments as they were pure gear heads that cool as a state of being and it's not about excess. There were those that were much older then I which I imagine have owned their cars for a very long time and it got me thinking that you buy once, cry once but keep and enjoy forever. The best stuff I own and cherish is vintage.
Having said that not all hobbies are alike. The photography hobby unfortunately has a weird vibe of insecurity and passive aggressiveness. Creator envy and smugness but that is how you know you are getting better but being around those types I found is toxic.
Here is another two from the event. The lighting was sublime at the venue because there was a strong overcast creating a defused light effect.
This 58mm Voigtlander renders colors beautifully.
Here again the 20mm Nikkor is gold. So much character. I have been waiting my whole life for a lens with this kind of rendering.
I don't know. I am wondering if it is a 1950's era Hudson that has been modified. Any close-up shots of the hood ornament?
I don't know. I am wondering if it is a 1950's era Hudson that has been modified. Any close-up shots of the hood ornament?
Unfortunately no close up hood ornament. The only obvious clue is that its made by GM. It was probably the best looking car at the event and it was tucked away.
51 chevrole
51 chevrole
The last of the set. I do to want to tire anyone, usually I just have two or three but this time around I had so many keepers.
Here are some modern GM cars.
That shot of the basket is insane. Instantly made me start thinking of a panning establishing shot of a shaded loving room in the morning. If every frame of a movie had the quality of that shot, it would be unheard of.
That shot of the basket is insane. Instantly made me start thinking of a panning establishing shot of a shaded loving room in the morning. If every frame of a movie had the quality of that shot, it would be unheard of.
It is isn't it. Its a combination of many things one of which is the Fujifilm film simulations which is tied close to the sensor unlike those fake ones.
The other part is using good vintage lenses. Many vintage lenses has that Zapruder film look but there are some like this lens that has character. With the combination of this lens with the focal expander on medium format is blowing me away with its color depth and micro contrast. If you go by what the internets tell you they say its going to look awful with this combination but I do not think these measurebater pixelpeepers have a clue. Their idea of quality is spending $3k on a lens that is clinical.