And here's a random sunset shot. Ive found that whenever you dont properly expose fuji superia or you under develop it it becomes all magenta. Prob has something to do with why the greens are so in your face with this film.
I went to look into Fuji Superia film profile to see if I have it. It turns out that they gave it to me in the last firmware update but its called Classic Negative.
My new favorite film profile after shooting awhile is now the Astia which I didn't initially like because its not punchy but after further review it has the warmth of film.
This leads me back to reminiscing over film photographs and there is no doubt that digital photography is just like digital audio where you lose warmth and emotion. The problem comes when people use a cheap scanner to digitize their negatives. When you do it right by using a converter and a high resolving macro lens then it becomes apparent that film is superior where it matters. I would say the companies like Fujifilm that are trying tune digital sensors to reproduce those qualities are following the correct path.
First relatively clean shot of my OBXT. Got into some sand roads after washing her... Couldn't resist. Definitely terrain my Acura would not have handled. All stock for now.
I like this and can do it in camera where it will crop off the top and bottom of the sensor and give me this perspective while looking though the view finder. I do not think there is much resolution loss. I think it will make for some interesting car shots in this perspective.
I received a new lens yesterday. PENTACON 2.8/135 15 Blades aperture. Let me repeat that 15 blades which is unreal. Most lenses have only 8 blades and if you are lucky if you get 9.
This is an older German lens is nicked named the bokeh monster and it was made at a time when these lens makers were all about character. This has to be one of the best rendering lenses I have come across with lots of character. I have lenses that have smooth creamy bokeh but this is on another level. All this for $140 . Not all vintage lenses look good, the vast majority of them have that old Technicolor look like the Kennedy Zapruder film. You have to literally pan for gold.
I like that its a nice capture. I have a hard time capturing butterflies and birds using a slow ass camera. I got lucky this time around hand holding a 135mm lens which was not easy. A cell phone will put my camera to shame when it comes to capturing the moment.
@dev if you take a look through the google album, you can zoom in on the photos and see how great that camera was. My new phone is a much better PHONE, and less so a camera.
The HTC was king when it came to quickly grabbing high res action shots. It was a terrible phone. My Moto Z2 Force is an excellent phone and most other things, but needs to be held still and have lots of light to catch anything really good.
@dev if you take a look through the google album, you can zoom in on the photos and see how great that camera was. My new phone is a much better PHONE, and less so a camera.
The HTC was king when it came to quickly grabbing high res action shots. It was a terrible phone. My Moto Z2 Force is an excellent phone and most other things, but needs to be held still and have lots of light to catch anything really good.
I had a look yesterday. Its pretty good.
Im waiting for the UPS guy to deliver my 200mm f2.8 . This lens is going to be epic for taking car photos at a distance.
First outing with my new lens. I had to crop only because telephoto lenses do not close focus. This was at f 3.2 and the butterfly could have been sharper but I was way below the shutter speed for hand holding.
I found another winner. Nikon lacks compared to Canon when it comes to telephoto but they destroy Canon and just about everyone else when it comes to wide angle lenses. Nikkor 20mm f3.5 AIS probably 1983 issue. This is shot wide open for testing. The bokeh is the best I have seen from a wide angle.
Not the sharpest wide angle available but to its credit its not clinical as many of the new ones with too much glass. It doesn't cover the full sensor so I had to crop in and lose some megapixels. So happy.
I thought this thread was for glamour shots of our cars? SCREW IT! Got my first ever shot of lightning. Though wet glass unfortunately. Jumped out of bed when I was trying to sleep to a MASSIVE thunderstorm, scrambled to get my broken blinds out of the way and camera set up. First time, so had no idea what settings to use. Struggled but did get this.
This post was modified 5 years ago 2 times by haloruler64
2000 Toyota MR2 Spyder, 2021 Lexus UX 250h F Sport