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Sway Bar Links

Estimable Member

I purchased 3 position adjustable sway bars from SC’s Two-Step (22F/19R) several years ago. All seemingly good. I have discovered the end of the rear sway contacts the right strut and is maybe 2mm from left strut. I believe this affects the car when there are undulating roads. Almost a bump steer effect. Solutions sought....I could grind off the end of the bar, eliminating the furthest hole or I could possibly get longer sway bar links. Thoughts?


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This topic was modified 4 years ago by ISpy
Topic starter Posted : December 30, 2020 11:03 am
Just a member.

It looks like there is enough material that can be grind off both areas of contact to eliminate it from touching to give it some relief. 

Sometimes aftermarket parts need a little adjustment due to variation.  



Posted : December 30, 2020 2:39 pm
Trusted Member


I would go with just taking off material from the sway bar end ( or additionally only slightly relieving the strut flange). The base of the strut is a turned flange and though it probably doesn't add much strength (as there is an open section on the furthest side from the strut mounts) I would take more from the bar.  I don't think you would have to loose the last hole in the bar. Funny thing about adjustable bars there impact is of course related to the position used - you don't have to use the same hole on both sides. 


Good luck.

Posted : February 24, 2021 10:21 am
Estimable Member

Thanks...yes I cut and contoured the end. I got a little over a 1cm gap. Sanded and repainted to body color. I have not had the time or weather to drive the car more than around the block since doing the work. I think cutting and lengthening the link would be the next step should I find any future bar-strut impact. Using the outermost hole does put the sway bar pointing slightly upward which might not be optimal. 

Topic starter Posted : February 24, 2021 10:31 am
Just a member.
Posted by: @rdawg


I would go with just taking off material from the sway bar end ( or additionally only slightly relieving the strut flange). The base of the strut is a turned flange and though it probably doesn't add much strength (as there is an open section on the furthest side from the strut mounts) I would take more from the bar.  I don't think you would have to loose the last hole in the bar. Funny thing about adjustable bars there impact is of course related to the position used - you don't have to use the same hole on both sides. 


Good luck.

There is so much meat there you can do both or as little more more from which ever side.  As you mentioned that bit of flange sticking out of the strut as you said. Just depends on how much clearance is needed. On stuff like this I like to take off a little of both just so the material on both sides have less to taken off. 


Posted : February 24, 2021 4:43 pm