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Megan Racing vs. Battle Version

Active Member

So, I am now torn as to what I want to go with. The suspension and everything suspension-wise in my car is being replaced as it is shot. 20 years old at this point. I also am restoring this car from sitting for 6 years. I've started with ordering BC Racing BR-Type coilovers, but before I even try to put them on I'm going to replace all of the Rear Arms (Toe, Trailing, and Lower).

I wanted to get some opinions on whether Megan's arms are good enough to AutoX with once I'm done doing everything I want to with the car or if I should just spend double the money and go with Battle Version arms? If so, why or why not? At double the price, is it that much of an upgrade? I would love to do the Front Lower Control arms, but $875??? Yeah, way way out of my price range for any time soon. I'm looking into a 2zz swap and don't really want to push that back to go with Front Lower Arms first.

Just looking for some wise wisdom from the experienced guys on here. I don't mind spending double if I'm going to truly feel it is worth it in the end. Also, doing the WhiteLine sway bars as well cause mine are completely rotted. I'll post pics later cause I already have the Megan Racing Toe Arms, but they are about 7-8 years old and after the car sitting for 6 years they do not look too good, which has me wondering if I want to go with them again or switch to Battle Version hence the question.

Topic starter Posted : November 21, 2020 7:06 pm
Just a member.

 I have a different option regarding any of the aftermarket control arms. I don't see a problem with the OEM set up because it just works and because it is not as strong its ability to bend if you hit a bad enough pot hole takes the brunt of force from transferring to the chassis where it will be unfixable.  If the car is going to be purely for track then the only reason why I would want the arms is for radical alignment.  It has been reported that the similar cheap Chinese arms has come apart at the joint on two cars which has been addressed with a rubber boot but I think the problem is the quality of the joint. I do not see any other advantage expect for radical alignments which most will never get but there is a downside and that is more noise from the solid joints and an increase in unsprung weight which goes against handling.  I would instead refresh with poly bushings.  

Also the BC coillovers are in my opinion not very good and overly stiff. If you have a chance to return them I would do so and instead put all of your eggs into a quality set of KWs and a pair of Whiteline sway bars and the car would just about out handle everything you throw at it with a good set of street performance tires. 





Posted : November 22, 2020 10:43 am
Estimable Member

One thing to consider is that the Battle Versions are significantly lighter weight  (Aluminum) and that is unspring weight.  Quality is excellent, though I wish they included the rubber boots to keep dirt out of the bearings.  They say it is unnecessary, but I don't agree (for a street-car).


Posted : November 22, 2020 11:39 am
Eminent Member

In a very similiar situation except the car will be for track (non-competitive). I'm definitely debating BV or rig my own with FK bearings on stock arms.


I may just swap the fronts with OEM/Moog replacements though. My thinking is there is not enough weight on the front to really be a concern with the rubber bushings. Still learning about suspension dynamics though.

Posted : November 25, 2020 6:30 pm