Gearbox/diff code
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Gearbox/diff code

Reputable Member

Does anyone know what the various codes for gearbox/dif on the id tag are.

Per example 01AC56 meaning?

or 02BC52M?

Topic starter Posted : May 14, 2020 6:27 pm
Just a member.

It’s all here. This a good way to compare ratios.



Posted : May 14, 2020 7:27 pm
Reputable Member


Thanks for the link.

Unfortunately it is not complete.

There are 4 gearboxes used; C52, C56, C65 and C66, some with SMT option indicated as M. Thése codes are straightforward.

There are various combinations of end gear and diff, either open or lsd (torsen/helical). The later typically indicated by B but the type and reduction are not so transparent.

Topic starter Posted : May 14, 2020 8:49 pm
Reputable Member

Anyway, a table with the codes and their meaning will do for me. In particular the diff codes.

P.e. 01A vs 03A for open diffs and 1B, 2B, 4C for LSDs.

Just bugs me. Should be simple enough. I mean; code on the vin plate. You´d think. 

Topic starter Posted : May 15, 2020 4:44 pm
Reputable Member


What do 04C and 02B mean?

The C or B in that position tell it´s equiped with LSD but it indicates more; whát?

Does anyone have a nephew/nice working at CSI? Those can find name, adress and the lover of the bloke who assembled it from the VIN plate so the type of box/diff should be as simple as a reflex response.

Topic starter Posted : May 16, 2020 9:46 am
Reputable Member

Right, figured it out: The ´2´ in the 2B in my bow means it has the same helical lsd and reduction as the Europe spec 6 gear.


For those with any spirited driving aspirations it is rather important to know which gearbox/totalreduction the car has.
It is all about Archimedes´Law of the Lever.

F = m x a or a = F / m.
Meaning that accelleration is Force devided by weight.
Force being the hp at the wheel.
That is the engine output at that rpm multiplied by the gear reduction.

Every gear change means you go from one reduction to less reduction at a lower rev.
To know where you land on the output curves in the next gear you need info about the gearbox.

Plot the output graphs on top of the gearing graph and you can séé when best to shift for economy to max acceleration.

Neat Covid19 activity too ;D

- there is a véry limited number of gear clusters; basically 2, each also with a sixth gear added; the crux is in the diff. and if you cannot establish yours from the tech specs. you can easily determain the overall reduction in highest gear by deviding accurate speed through engine revs through wheel circumference


Topic starter Posted : May 21, 2020 5:00 am