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When an Oil Change Goes to H**l

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Eminent Member

@haloruler64 Yeah, I just bought a Permatex plastic scraper and some brake cleaner - should be ablet o wrap this up today! The scoring is really shallow and I sort of figured the FIPG would would fill it in okay (otherwise, what would really be the point?).

Topic starter Posted : July 8, 2020 2:11 pm
Eminent Member

Success! Well, I guess we'll find out tomorrow (or within the first few days), after I refill the sump with oil. It wasn't too bad, once I got the old pan off. I tried to spend a lot of time prepping the gasket mating surface. I couldn't get every last bit of old RTV off, but I got it to the point where everything was smooth to the touch. I tried cleaning with both acetone and brake cleaner, and didn't find that either one helped at all with removal of the old gasket. I did make sure to clean as a final step before refitting the oil pan, though. I used new hardware just because the threads on the old pieces were all gunked up with RTV and I wanted everything to go as smoothly as possible (at 78¢ apiece, it was worth it to me to not have to hit 14 little bolts with a wire brush). I also installed a Stahlbus oil drain valve, so I'll never have the problem of stripping the oil pan again (I was actually trying to install this on the day I stripped the threads, ironically enough).

oil pan
Topic starter Posted : July 8, 2020 8:51 pm
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