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Brake light won't shut off its a stupid pad -fixing Covid style edited title for clarity of search

Noble Member

Was a great day today. Got a reach out from Galo regarding a very annoying problem his brake lights would not turn off. I am still pretty amazed how he figured out what the problem was but when I arrived, he was lying on his back in the cockpit (seat removed) astronaut style looking at the place where a missing contact doodad was not holding the piston that triggers the light assembly up high enough to keep the light off.  Well there is a part in the BGB We called the local dealer and it will be here Wednesday. I noticed on the shelf of his garage a package of unknown purpose with some rubber looking pads that even galo had no idea why they were there. Well we cut out a similarly shaped little square with a mushroom stalk to fit the hole in the metal ear that held the original in place with several test fits and recurs working in that terribly small and frustrating space, we got the dam thing in and ... it worked marvelously 


G-man and I had not seen each other since precovid so we were all masked up and as socially distant as you can be swapping tools and looking at a book page saying what? 

after we got everything cleaned up we slapped a new drive belt on my car bumped elbows and parted ways. 


the only sad part as I was going to the house I drove by the parking lot where Galo, xbiker, and I would go for cars and coffee. Like the cars owners don’t last forever

This topic was modified 4 years ago by T-bone
Topic starter Posted : June 20, 2020 9:40 pm
Honorable Member

That silly little brake pedal button... I like to fix mine with a nickel and a small dab of silicone to hold it in place. Not often I get to fix anything on my cars for a nickel 🙂

Posted : June 21, 2020 1:38 pm
Honorable Member

Yah, T saw the clear plastic container the had some plasticie, rubber pieces(from a jack stand protector thingy I modified) in it. My eyes lit up, I grabbed my utility knife and started carving. After a couple of adjustments, T crawled in and got the thing positioned as I pushed the brake pedal to get enough clearance to fit the piece(I'm SOOOO glad no one has a picture of that!). I connected the jumper cable, and whala(I neither speak nor type French), NO brake lights! That little, home made sucker worked! Now I'll be out the <$8 for the 2 new cushion plates...I only get to drink 1 vodka tonic tonight 😪 😪 😪 

Over the 12.5 years we have know each other, T and I have had many "working on our Spyders" times. It had been a while since the last one...Saturday was a good day of friendship.


And the new piece is doing its job well...the brake lights go out when the pedal is released, the battery is good...yeeeeehaaaaaw 😀 


Thanks T!!!

"Think as we think", say many Spyder owners, "or you are abominably wicked, you are a toad". After I'd thought about, I said "I will then, be a toad."
Thank you, Stephen Crane

Posted : June 21, 2020 4:51 pm
Honorable Member

Well, my diy "cushion" fell out today. Fortunately it happened in my drive. I was able to install one of the OEM cushions after thinking about what T and I did 9 days ago.

It was easier than the first time, due to having done it, and knowing what it all looked like, before diving in(literally).

"Think as we think", say many Spyder owners, "or you are abominably wicked, you are a toad". After I'd thought about, I said "I will then, be a toad."
Thank you, Stephen Crane

Posted : June 29, 2020 6:08 pm