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Shifter Cage bushings and transmission side shift cable to arm bushings

Estimable Member

Hey Guys,

Replaced my bushings with the MWR speed source clones (brass and aluminum). Installation was pretty straight forward except for when I got one to slide under the carpet under the passenger seat and had to pull the seat and fish around between the floor pan and carpet lmao. Also, one of the metal clips on the transmission end had to be pushed on so hard I though I was gonna cut into my thumb. #spring steel haha

Shifting feels more precise and a little more mechanical, just the way I like it. The rubber bushings I pulled off were white from all the flex fatigue. Don't have any pics of the transmission side. Removed the bushings pretty easily from the end of the shifter cables by putting a stud with a nut on it through and levering it with some pliers on the other end, going against the edge of the shift cable eyelet itself.

IMG 20200922 111718 511
IMG 20200922 112405 013
IMG 20200922 112410 111
IMG 20200922 111721 283
IMG 20200922 111721 033



Topic starter Posted : September 22, 2020 5:27 pm
Just a member.

Good to hear you got it done.  Its the little things that make this car that much better but over time you forget until you drive a stock Spyder and feel the slop. 




Posted : September 22, 2020 9:08 pm