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More Exedy Clutch Disc Failure... And general transmission woes.

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Honorable Member

Well my hypothesis was correct. Another dead Exedy hub...

IMG 20200819 162626
IMG 20200819 162635
IMG 20200819 162715

So I pull out the ACT kit I've got here... And there is that God forsaken part number again.... TYD035U.

IMG 20200819 170716
IMG 20200819 162929

So even ACT uses Exedy hubs to build their clutch discs. I've looked... And besides the OEM Toyota parts and Chinese knockoff parts, it seems just about everyone uses the Exedy hubs as a platform. McLeod, Comp Clutch are the only two I can't say for certain, since I've only seen stock photos that "may not represent the actual item" but for both, about half of the stock photos I see look like an Exedy hub still. 

After more thought... The ACT I have on hand was manufactured in the USA by Diakin.... Pre-Exedy. Dated 04-05-05, maybe it is old enough to pre-date this issue. I'm mostly decided to use it... It's on hand, along with the other required parts. The SB pressure plate and CC flywheel are in great shape. What do I have to lose? Maybe the 6th time I have to drop the gearbox out I can time myself and see if I can best 90 minutes lol...

Unless anyone knows of a manufacturer that makes an unsprung full face or not super aggressive unsprung puck type disc that can be at my door in under a week.... I'm gonna move forward with this 15 year, box-aged, USA made disc. Hopefully it is a fine wine, and not vinegar. If this doesn't work I guess I'll start contacting manufacturers and see if someone would be able to point me to, or make me as street friendly an unsprung disc as possible. 

Topic starter Posted : August 20, 2020 2:28 am
Just a member.

  I don't think the spring clutches are not all bad its just that Exedy are crap. Chinese  manufacturing has seem to go below basic standards when it comes to manufacturing and they still let these items flourish in the market without revising the issue. I bet they cheapened out on the metal or their cast process doesn't work well.  

I have found that there is nothing in the world as good as Japanese quality. They take pride in what they do even if its not manufactured in Japan they make sure they get the good stuff. Its the same with good American manufacturing.   

Posted : August 20, 2020 9:08 am
Reputable Member

I've been using these .... it says they're made in the states but who knows . I probably have them in 5 cars now with no issues so far , I don't have a lot of miles on any of them .... one has 6k so far . The price is hard to beat . I used xtd in my 2ar swap but it doesn't have many miles either .

Posted : August 20, 2020 9:40 am
Honorable Member


The Exedy hubs that are failing are made in Japan. Every other company making clutch discs appears to either use Chinese hubs or Exedy hubs. I just can't seem to find a way to get away from them without going Chinese. 


Topic starter Posted : August 20, 2020 12:13 pm
Just a member.
Posted by: @marsrock7


The Exedy hubs that are failing are made in Japan. Every other company making clutch discs appears to either use Chinese hubs or Exedy hubs. I just can't seem to find a way to get away from them without going Chinese. 


  I just checked and you are right. Its sad that a Japanese company has this kind of quality issue.  The reported failures are similar with other platforms that use the same design yet they still sell them.  



Posted : August 20, 2020 12:31 pm
Honorable Member

Well, got the ACT disc installed with the previous Comp Clutch flywheel and Southbend pressure plate, everything back together. It is quite a bit more grabby than the Southbend stage 2 disc and I was concerned for the first few miles since it required more throttle and finesse to work first and reverse... But it is starting to feel better after the first 100 miles and I'm getting used to the difference. My "helpful" friends placed bets on how long it'll be before the gearbox has to come out again.... Even leaving the cash in my garage lol.... Jerks. Who wants in on the spread?


Topic starter Posted : August 27, 2020 7:38 am
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