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Finally put NOS Yokohama Tires on the Spyder

Uncle Mush

I bought a set of Yokohama S-Drives (185/55/R15 and 215/40/R16) back in April of 2019 when it was announced that they were not going to be making them anymore.  They have been locked-up in the office in my shop since then waiting for the right time to install them.  Well, that time came yesterday and I had them installed by a reginal tire company.  Since my Spyder is mostly a garage queen, I figured it was time to get them mounted and start to put some miles on them to break them in.  I have the spyder on a Deltran battery tender and low and behold, when I got in the car to drive it to the tire store, the battery was dead.  That was odd, being as the battery wasn't that old.  Fortunately, the battery was still under warranty since I purchased it from COSTCO.  So today, I purchased (at a discount based on age of the battery) a new battery for the spyder.  Tomorrow I will install the battery and if the weather is nice, take the Spyder for a little ride. I'll take it easy since the tires are still brand new (even though old stock). Then the next project will be to use the Ammo Reflex Pro Top Coat that haolruler64 was so kind as to gift me for my birthday last month!  Thanks Dima!  I look forward to washing the spyder and spritzing this amazing new (to me) product.  I'm in Central California, so even though we are blessed with some rain this week, it should still be warm enough when the sun peeks through the clouds to go out and detail the Spyder!  

Topic starter Posted : December 2, 2022 1:13 am
Reputable Member

UM, I really like the Yokohama tires

they look good and perform very well 

I don’t drive mine as often but when I do I’m reminded why it’s my first love

when you have a moment please post some pics with the new shoes.

Posted : December 3, 2022 9:10 am
Just a member.

Good to hear that you got the right sizes. My biggest regret is not sticking with OEM size wheels. 

 You probably have a bad battery but if does it again I would suspect the float on the charger.  My small lithium battery has been going strong for the last five years and that is thanks to the intelligent battery charger. 



Posted : December 4, 2022 10:57 am
Reputable Member

Hey UM. 185/55/R15 and 215/40/R16 gives you a nice wide rear tire, but doesn't this rear tire now have a shorter overall diameter than the front ?? Does that really make any difference? Or did you mean 215/45R16 ?

Posted : December 4, 2022 2:20 pm
Uncle Mush

That is a great question and I really don't know the answer.  These are the same tire sizes I have been running since 2011.  I love the way they feel and perform.  I'm not a racer.  I'm just an old-fart Sunday driver.  Truth be told, I first started running with this configuration at the recommendation of Dev, who was most helpful in guiding and directing me on my first Yokohama S-Drives purchase years ago after we could no longer get the factory-recommended size Bridgestone tires like the ones that came on the Spyder from Toyota.  It's kinda embarrassing for me to have to admit my lack of knowledge in this area, but it's true.  I am not your typical (if there is such a thing) car guy.  I just fell in love with the Spyder when I saw it and was grateful when I could actually purchase one.  🙂 

Topic starter Posted : December 5, 2022 2:39 am
Uncle Mush


You were correct.  The battery had gone bad.  I am using a Deltran battery tender that I purchased from COSTCO years ago.  We finally got a break in the weather (and in my schedule) and I installed the battery earlier today.  The Deltran battery tender seems to be working fine now.        . . . fingers crossed.  🙂 

Topic starter Posted : December 5, 2022 2:43 am
Just a member.

Posted by: @uncle-mush

That is a great question and I really don't know the answer.  These are the same tire sizes I have been running since 2011.  I love the way they feel and perform.  I'm not a racer.  I'm just an old-fart Sunday driver.  Truth be told, I first started running with this configuration at the recommendation of Dev, who was most helpful in guiding and directing me on my first Yokohama S-Drives purchase years ago after we could no longer get the factory-recommended size Bridgestone tires like the ones that came on the Spyder from Toyota.  It's kinda embarrassing for me to have to admit my lack of knowledge in this area, but it's true.  I am not your typical (if there is such a thing) car guy.  I just fell in love with the Spyder when I saw it and was grateful when I could actually purchase one.  🙂 

 I am very happy you liked my recommendation to have you save a set.  I never owned the S-Drives but I have test driven many locals cars that had them fitted and loved them because they felt very balanced and controlled. It totally makes up for the softer sidewall otherwise I like stiff side wall tires but there is a lot more to the tire than any one thing. 

 I have to say the rebranded Bridgestone Firestone Indy 500s have to be the best tire I owned with this car. Stiff sidewalls but also excellent character and grip. Apparently with the Bridgestone model that is sold in Asia and Australia they have a lot more tire sizes and I wish they would sell it in our market.

I read somewhere that tire manufactures have to pass updated standards that are environmentally based so the next replacement model tire might not be as good as the ones they replace. 





Posted : December 5, 2022 9:50 am
Reputable Member

I was curious as a summer 215/40R16 is not that common of a size. Even Yokohama USA does not import them here. It is available in Europe 😪 .

Posted : December 5, 2022 5:36 pm