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Nitrous oxide

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Reputable Member

I know; mentioning nitrous oxide on an MR2 mk3  forum is like swearing in church. Véry much even though the church goers sin with turbos.

Point is that I have considerably lightened mine and do not need more in corners et al. Also do not need more oompf at partial throttle; if I need more, I give it more throttle till I get to the floor.

So; it´s quick enough, just when I am near/at full bore, the oompf is sómetimes lacking. P.e. when overtaking on a straight bit or wanting to accelerate hard up a steep slope. A nitrous system would give me that.

A modest 40-50 hp ssytem seems to be a very simple, unobtrusive and under the radar option. If you´d want to, the ENTIRE system could behidden in the cubby behind the seats with only the final lead to the intake rubber going through the firewall. Yet I have not found a single Spyder/Roadster install on the web.

Any knowledge here?

My appologies for swearing in church 😋 😎 

Topic starter Posted : May 1, 2020 5:17 am
Estimable Member

I've had nitrous in my 1zz Matrix when I was younger.  50 shot Nitrous Express dry kit (you t-tap your fuel line and inject through your air inake).  It actually works great, never had a problem with it.

There are 2 big issues with squeezing that people don't understand until they have it in their car:

1. Nitrous Oxide has to be in the correct state.  The quality of the spray depends on the temperature/pressure of the bottle.  You can't spray when the bottle is cold, or you'll spray liquid.  So you use need a bottle warmer, which still takes time to raise the pressure.  You need to purge the nitrous oxide that is sitting in your lines before you spray as well (you waste some).  If you want constant pressure, you need a pressure regulator as well.

2. Cost. Around me it costs around $50 to fill a 10 pound bottle.  A 10 pound bottle (@50shot) gives you less than 30 seconds of squeeze time.  Any bottle smaller than 10 pounds is a waste of time.  IMO it's only worth it for top speed situations, otherwise it's a "too soon junior" situation.  Nobody will tell you that nitrous isn't fun though.  It is.

Posted : May 1, 2020 2:36 pm
Reputable Member

Thank you for sharing.

I would fit a wet system ánd live in a rather warm climate.

The recharging is an issue here. First hurdle really. 

Topic starter Posted : May 1, 2020 4:27 pm
Honorable Member

@petrus What do they make you do to make recharging a hurdle?

2007 S2000 (New Formula Red)
2005 Spyders (Two in Paradise Blue Metallic, One Super White)
2004 Tundra SR5 Double Cab (White with 2UZ-FE Engine)
2003 Tundra SR5 Access Cab (Silver Stepside with 2UZ-FE Engine)
2003 Sequoia SR5 (Black with 2UZ-FE Engine)
1970 Olds 442 W30 (Nugget Gold )

Posted : May 1, 2020 5:09 pm
Reputable Member
Posted by: @desertwanderer

@petrus What do they make you do to make recharging a hurdle?

Nobody has a recharge service in the whole of the effin country!

Topic starter Posted : May 1, 2020 5:57 pm
Estimable Member
Posted by: @petrus

Thank you for sharing.

I would fit a wet system ánd live in a rather warm climate.

The recharging is an issue here. First hurdle really. 

I misspoke.  I had a "wet" fogger kit (fuel and nitrous combined at the jet into intake).  What I did not have was a separate fuel source, which you don't need with the amount of power that you want to run.

If you live in Spain (Madrid was my favorite place to visit in Europe), then your climate is close to mine (Southern California), you're going to want a blow-down tube as well.

As for finding Nitrous - try to make some friends in the medical field instead of just car guys.  The only difference with automotive-grade nitrous is that they add crap to it so that it can't be inhaled.

Finally, with everything said and done you will still be under $1000.  You can always sell it all when you're done.  There is something to be said about "squeezing" that is just plain fun.  It's not like n/a or turbos.  I love having lift in my 2zz, but the sound of nitrous is simply bewildering to cars when you use it. 

Also, if you mount your purge lines low enough it will lift the skirts off of women's asses in real life.

mini purge

Posted : May 1, 2020 11:32 pm
Reputable Member

Thanks again.


Yes, have a line open to the local dentist 😎  It´s step 1. 

The system I was looking at has auto-purge. Would indeed be sub 1K. Would like to have it all in the rear cubby and just the line to the fogger through the bulk head. On/off in the spare space in the dash and the micro switch at the pedal. Feed from the cigaret lighter and then only one wire to the back.

The skirts... well not much of an issue in my life 🤣 🤣

Topic starter Posted : May 2, 2020 4:43 am
Reputable Member

There máy be a door opening: A Portugese supplier is at half distance of the nearest one in Spain.

He has a 35-75 hp kit in stock at avery attractive price. Shipping no issue as we have  non-border. He is not answering about fill/refill though*... Fingers crossed.

@scotched: Where did you take the fuel from?


* YIKES!!! 20€ / kg.... That make 100€ first fill. Not a clue about how long it would last. The propane system  I  some 10 years back d.i.y.-ed on my turbo diesel lasted for ever. That sucked 20 kilo in 4 years or so. Maybe best put in the 35 hp jets 🤣 


Topic starter Posted : May 2, 2020 8:19 am
Reputable Member

Mighty car mods.

and sequals.

Topic starter Posted : May 2, 2020 1:30 pm
Estimable Member
Posted by: @petrus

@scotched: Where did you take the fuel from?

Unless they do it differently now you t-tap the fuel hose right before the fuel rail.  I bought a spare fuel line so that I could reverse it if needed.  It's a cheap part.

EDIT: I read through the TRD SC thread.  Here's a funny story.  

Back when I was a young knucklehead with my '03 Matrix, I made a lot of friends, made a lot of mistakes, and asked a lot of questions over at  I didn't know this at the time, but many Matrix owners also owned Spyder's or Celica's.  I didn't really put 2 and 2 together until a decade later at spyderchat, when I realized that there are some prominent members, like Evilthorne, that I have been following since I was barely able to drive.

Anyways, there was a member named "Larry" who was probably the first on the forums to take the TRD supercharger seriously.  He ran it with uw pulleys and meth injection.  He gave me a lot of advice and I finally met him at an Orange County Matrix meetup, where I got the chance to run him 1v1 with (my 50shot nitrous vs his SC) off of the infamous Orangethrorpe Ave.

From zero, I got the jump and pulled on him a good car's length until the end of second gear.  He caught up.  In third he slowly inched forward when I let off the spray (I used a momentary switch along with the WOT switch), and then he disappeared.

We met up later and talked about it.  I used half my bottle just keeping up with him.  I had a good advantage from 0 mph, but there was no way I could keep it up.  I probably spent around $1k on the kit plus $50 for a fill; and he had spent around $4.5k on his SC+meth kit.  His SC is basically didn't need warm up time, and my bottle needed all the elements to be perfect.  

When people talk about nitrous in a straight line performance - what they mean is, a finish line.  If you're racing someone over a long distance, you won't have enough of it and it's not feasible for road racing.  I spent at least $500 on nitrous refills learning how to use it.


Like I said before - it's fun.  You can add power in the low RPM's.  You can lose traction at 50mph.  If you purge at a red light, some people won't even test you.  It's methamphetamines for your car.

Posted : May 2, 2020 2:53 pm
Reputable Member

Thanks again.

The fuel line is hard plastic and a PITA.  Holley has a snap on adaptor for the rail. Will need to measure whether it would fit; US sizes versus Nipon...

If I´d be living is a technically less restrictive country, N2O would not feature on the list of options. For practical reasons; the load of experience/support on the one hande and lack of availability of TRD sc on the other, it would be turbo.

As it is, N2O is the only option to add hp. Even so I would prefer to add more lightness. Again the real world gets in the way: carbon bonnet/ rear lid are silly expensive x two because of shipping cost. The cheapest option is over 1K € for a rear lid. Nah...

N2O is thus not so much a choice as it is what´s left. Still very much on the fence about whether it´s a want...

Topic starter Posted : May 3, 2020 4:50 am
Reputable Member

Just noticed. There is a theme 🙂


Bwahahahaha... :)) :)) :))

Topic starter Posted : May 3, 2020 7:33 am
Reputable Member

No, nos no going to happen.

Been looking at all details of the install and there are too many shortcuts needed with what I consider good practice.

Also not happy with adding 10-12 kilo all the time for 6 minutes of 35 hp.

Prefer to spend it on adding lightness. In other words; seen the light 😎  

Topic starter Posted : May 3, 2020 12:07 pm
Estimable Member

Glad you seen the light.  Like Scotched said, nitrous is really only good for straight line performance in short bursts and can get expensive quick.  Here (in the U.S.) it's banned from auto-x and all non-drag racing organizations.

Posted : May 3, 2020 12:43 pm
Reputable Member
Posted by: @nocoolname

Glad you seen the light.  

If I´d be US based, the mind would not have strayed. I´d have carbon bonnet/rear lid and polycabobate windshield already.

Topic starter Posted : May 3, 2020 1:02 pm
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