LT's Engine swap an...
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LT's Engine swap and more Extravaganza

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And a quick update.  My injector sizing has proved to be successful and now I need to tune my fuel maps a bit as well.  The alignment has been completed so now I can drive on the road like a normal car.

I spent all that time making the modified ramps for my lift.  ... Yeah, I'm going to re-do those.  I should be able to reuse the existing pieces and just remove lots of screws and wood from them.  I have a simpler design that I've thought of that I'll be using this time.  I'll probably post some pics of that once I'm done.

All that remains are a few minor loose ends to tie up once I redo the ramps so I can get back on the lift and this project is complete!  There is still more stuff I know that I will be doing and want to do to the car, but this phase will finally be complete in August.  Now, I need to get moving on editing and posting the video series of the project.

Get your Short Antennas, Decals, and all sorts of goodies at:

Topic starter Posted : August 2, 2023 2:15 pm
Honorable Member

Great...glad you're nearing the "end" ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ 

"Think as we think", say many Spyder owners, "or you are abominably wicked, you are a toad". After I'd thought about, I said "I will then, be a toad."
Thank you, Stephen Crane

Posted : August 8, 2023 10:30 pm
Member Admin

Thanks!  I was able to modify my ramps and wrapped up some items.  That poorly made JNZ Down pipe still haunts me.  I need to modify the rear attachment of my C-One underpanel to get it to clear the exhaust since it forces that to be misaligned. ... Eh.  I might post about that later.  The key take away is don't be an early adopter of someone's new product if they don't have a proven track record already.

... Anyway, I bought one of those vacuum bleeder systems that use your air compressor and will be changing out my fluid along with the rear attachment adjustment mentioned above this weekend.  I'll also be adding a modified spare tire tub and putting Dev's frunk bin cover back in place to clean up the frunk area.  Those are very minor things so it should be relatively smooth sailing this weekend.

Thanks for following along on this journey and for all the help I've received along the way.  Once I've properly washed the car, I'll take some good pics and post them.  It's been a while since I have been able to do that.  ๐Ÿ™‚

Get your Short Antennas, Decals, and all sorts of goodies at:

Topic starter Posted : August 9, 2023 11:39 am
Member Admin

Project is now officially complete!  While I will be tweaking things and exorcising some gremlins, the car runs and drives and is able to provide feedback to CoPilot in a Windows 11 laptop.  One thing I noticed is that I need to re-scale my maps to account for the much higher load that the car can pull now with the larger displacement.

Just look at this AFR log.  I've never been that deep into the load before:

Logged AFR 20230813

I'm also running RICH AF!  haha.  At least I'll be able to do this work by just driving the car and working on the laptop.

I celebrated this accomplishment by washing the car for the first time since February, 2020.

MR S   Wash End

I will do a more thorough wash and clay bar once the weather gets cooler.  Anyway, thanks for following along.  I'll be trying to put some videos together into a series and put them on the YouTubes.  I'll post when I have the first one published.

Get your Short Antennas, Decals, and all sorts of goodies at:

Topic starter Posted : August 14, 2023 11:16 am
Honorable Member

Lookin' goooooood ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ 

"Think as we think", say many Spyder owners, "or you are abominably wicked, you are a toad". After I'd thought about, I said "I will then, be a toad."
Thank you, Stephen Crane

Posted : August 16, 2023 2:52 pm
Member Admin

Thanks!  It has been a LOOOooooong time getting here, but it is nice to finally be at this stage.  I still need to figure out what to scale my map to.  But maybe I'll just put something in that seems to make sense and see where my recorded cells end up and go from there.  One thing for sure is that my maps won't be able to be shared with anyone due to how damn specific they need to be.  hahaha.


Get your Short Antennas, Decals, and all sorts of goodies at:

Topic starter Posted : August 16, 2023 3:25 pm
Member Admin

Just a bit of an update:

  • Oil leaks have been fixed (Turbo Return line and Timing Chain Tensioner).
  • STi MAF installed
  • Some testing done

Issues that are still present:

  • I am still having issues with my idle being really jacked up.  I've decided to go the nuclear route and replace literally EVERYTHING between the intake pipe and the Intake Manifold with new OEM parts.  It's such a huge PITA to get to stuff in that area so doing this all ONCE will be better than testing individual things.  It's only money, right?  hahaha.
  • I need to fix my Pioneer Radio by fixing the firmware SD card
  • Install a custom shift boot trim piece that should work with the RexyPOW Center Console that I designed
  • Tune the car so that it makes good and reliable power.
  • Make it easier to drive onto and off of my lift ramps
  • Miscellaneous other things.

The idle issues really make driving it around a bit annoying.  So Most stuff will wait until I get that sorted out.  The new parts will just fix that outright or at least rule them out as potential causes.  The radio fix will need to wait until I am working on the center console because that thing blocks my ability to get to the HU.  Such joys I have working on this thing sometimes...  hahaha


Get your Short Antennas, Decals, and all sorts of goodies at:

Topic starter Posted : October 2, 2023 10:25 am
Member Admin

Well, I've made some progress.  Here are the updates so far...

1. I ordered a new Throttle body from Toyota that already comes with new TPS and IAC installed.  I'll swap that in over some weekend when I have the time.

2. I fixed my radio.  This required removing the center console (which I needed to modify something on there anyway) and disassembling the radio, swapping in a newly written firmware SD card and reassembling.

HU OpenedUp
HU Working

3. I designed and printed a custom shift boot ring and retention system for the shift boot when installed in a rexypow center console.  I still need to put this back in the car though.  For anyone that doesn't have one of these yet, there is nothing on the underside of the shift boot hole that holds the lower end of the boot in place.  This leads to it looking really sloppy in the car.

CenterConsole ShiftBootRing Complete
CenterConsole ShiftBootRing Closeup Black
CenterConsole ShiftBootRing Complete Underside

I also thought about doing the ring in silver.

CenterConsole ShiftBootRing Closeup Silver

But ultimately decided to stick with black.  This whole process took quite some time with many prototypes and measuring and changing plans for how it holds the shift boot in place.  Here are my prototypes that were not quite good enough.

CenterConsole ShiftBootRing Prototypes

I'm not sure if I'm  going to offer this product for sale or not since there will need to be some additional work done by the purchases (gluing the 2 halves together, and adding some adhesive padding).  And I'm not sure how many people would even be in the market for that product.  haha.

OK.  Next up will be putting the console back in the car, bolting the seats back down and then replacing the throttle body.  Once I can idle normally, then I'm pretty much done chasing down gremlins (that I'm going to chase down) aside from the tuning.

Get your Short Antennas, Decals, and all sorts of goodies at:

Topic starter Posted : October 19, 2023 11:24 am
Member Admin

OK.  I finally published the first video in the series that I'm putting on YouTube.  I plan on pushing up 1 video per week.


Get your Short Antennas, Decals, and all sorts of goodies at:

Topic starter Posted : November 28, 2023 11:52 am
Honorable Member

Posted by: @lordtakuban

 and is able to provide feedback to CoPilot in a Windows 11 laptop.


UH, I guess I missed this...I was under the impression Co-Pilot wouldn't run on Win11. Hmmmmmm...


Oh yah, nice vid ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ 


"Think as we think", say many Spyder owners, "or you are abominably wicked, you are a toad". After I'd thought about, I said "I will then, be a toad."
Thank you, Stephen Crane

Posted : December 2, 2023 3:00 am
Member Admin

Posted by: @galo

Posted by: @lordtakuban

 and is able to provide feedback to CoPilot in a Windows 11 laptop.

 UH, I guess I missed this...I was under the impression Co-Pilot wouldn't run on Win11. Hmmmmmm...


Oh yah, nice vid ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ 


HAHA.  Thanks!  Yep.  I didn't know if it would run or not either.  But it definitely does.  You will need to change the permissions on the folder that the app installs to (Program Files or Program Files (32)...  I forget which ATM) to allow writes by anyone so that it can log.

Speaking of videos...  Here is Episode 2:

This one has much more actual work being done.


Get your Short Antennas, Decals, and all sorts of goodies at:

Topic starter Posted : December 5, 2023 11:01 am
Honorable Member

Cool...I'm thinking of getting a new/different laptop for tuning, so I guess a "modern" one will work.

By the way, is that the spare tire tub I sent you?

Again, nice vid!

"Think as we think", say many Spyder owners, "or you are abominably wicked, you are a toad". After I'd thought about, I said "I will then, be a toad."
Thank you, Stephen Crane

Posted : December 5, 2023 5:46 pm
Member Admin

Posted by: @galo

Cool...I'm thinking of getting a new/different laptop for tuning, so I guess a "modern" one will work.

By the way, is that the spare tire tub I sent you?

Again, nice vid!

haha.  Nah.  that's the really junk one that I got rid of.  The one you sent is in the car now.  I'm not sure if I recorded any footage of that process.  But that will come MUCH later in the series.  Watching along, you'll see how the whole project was moving along fine and then just got completely sidetracked all over the place.  It's like playing an RPG that suddenly becomes open world and you decide to do all of the side quests first.  hahahaha.

Anyway, I got a great deal on a small Lenovo (The laptop pictured in the videos).  I've been using that one and can finally retire my old Toshiba Windows XP laptop that I used to use.


Get your Short Antennas, Decals, and all sorts of goodies at:

Topic starter Posted : December 5, 2023 10:45 pm
Member Admin

I've been able to keep my schedule of 1 video per week.  Episode 5 just went live on Tuesday.

This one shows me creating a custom oil return line and how much of a PITA is was for me.  I am still not sure what I did or didn't do to make my experience so terrible compared to other people's videos online.

Anyway, enjoy.  ๐Ÿ™‚

Get your Short Antennas, Decals, and all sorts of goodies at:

Topic starter Posted : December 28, 2023 2:04 pm
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