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Holy Crap! What is wrong with America? Cannot find a truck for ACTUAL WORK

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Prominent Member

Seriously.  Try to find a used regular cab Tundra for sale.  Just try.

You see, the regular cab allows a full 8' bed, which is ideal for hauling things.  Hauling things is what work trucks do.  Trucks are for work, right?  No, apparently not.  They are for showing off, hauling a family of six with a 42" bed sitting there liek an afterthought that serves only one real purpose: making your big thing technically "a truck", and... generally looking like an ass because you have "truck" that cannot haul anything besides brats, a few bags of topsoil from the local Big-box and yes, groceries.


Ok, forgive me, I am just upset that I cannot find a damn work truck.  That is, a truck, that is built for work.  Oh, wait, I am about to go into a loop.


Seriously, what happened?  When did having a vehicle whose origin is utility become something so perverted that it cannot even be used for it's original purpose?  It's a rhetorical question, and I am probably both offending people here who have "shorties" and I simultaneously "don't get it", but in fact I think I am the one who DOES get it.  Everyone else is just a peacock with a truck that costs more than a Supra?  REALLY?  By the way, trucks are not "for girls".  They are for work.  If you are a girl who needs a truck for work, then fine.  But they are for work, dammit.


Sigh.  Anyone seen any good deals on a K40 Tundra?  Regular cab, or better-stated, that rarest of breeds, the FULL-SIZED BED?  You know, for hauling shit other than $50,000 boats and campers.. shit like, I dunno, sheets of freakin' plywood?  Glory-Truck is such a "thing" that apparently T just didn't even make very many any actual WORK-format trucks.  I just wasn't paying attention to the change.  Last time I had a truck, it was a full size F150, a basic truck (and also a huge, stinky POS lemon from Hell).  I do think the trend is dumb, which is my right, but that's just one crazy-ass (and currently annoyed) dude's opinion about a cultural trend so asinine that it affects the production of one of the worlds largest auto manufacturers, causing them to make giant oversized toys out of work vehicles that some people actually need for, yup, work.  "Oh, you want a truck for work?  Yeah, no, nobody makes those anymore."


Anyway, if anyone has seen a work truck for sale in the loose vicinity of North Carolina, or can think of some other clever way to haul sheet goods around without buying a school bus, please chime in.  Or, if you think that yes, maybe trucks really are having a huge identity crisis, pipe up too.  Whatever.

🐸, 2003, Electric Green Mica

Topic starter Posted : July 10, 2021 6:14 pm
Honorable Member

I'm with you. The world of trucks has been debased to ridiculously expensive playtoys. Now an actual work truck costs over 50k and even most of those get turned into stupid monster trucks with 20x15 -50 deep dish bling wrapped in 20 sidewall tires, jacked up suspension, underglows, etc... Just to troll around town and coal roll pedestrians at 6mpg. It's pretty sickening. 

I mean... I'm all for modifying vehicles to your own personal tastes and such.... But how did this trend take hold so strongly that the utility of a stock truck has been compromised at the manufacturing level? And why are these 6 figure trucks almost always parked in front of crappy looking houses 🙄 I digress...

Anyhow, I don't have need for serious material or large item hauling on a regular basis. Most often I can get by with my outback wagon. Anything that doesn't fit in the cargo hold can usually go on the racks, including some furniture, lumber, pipe, plywood and even drywall if I throw some plywood down first. Add a light trailer and I can tow up to 2700lbs (IIRC) so it's pretty versatile for what it is. But by no means does it replace an actual truck in many instances.

Posted : July 10, 2021 7:02 pm
Just a member.

I have noticed that Toyota trucks and SUVs are going up in value. That is because they are dependable in uncertain times. Who wants an old BMW SUV, nobody. 



Posted : July 10, 2021 7:32 pm
Prominent Member


I found one truck about 350 miles away outside Baltimore, MD (350 painful miles of non-stop cities on the eastern seaboard, not 350 easy miles in West Texas -- big difference), but I will need to find someone to evaluate it.  I had The Frog taken to a dealership before I agreed to buy it, so I suppose I can do that again.  I just never trust a dealership to do a thorough inspection, even though I have zero evidence of any malfeasance, and even with how well things went buying The Frog. 

This truck in MD is about 12% above the "average" range in the KBB, which is starting to look like a good deal, because it is the ONLY deal within 500 miles that does not state right up front that it has under-body rust.

I'm worried that I might be forced to buy an American vehicle.  😖   My experience with that F-150 was really quite bad.  I've only just started doing my research, maybe that deal in MD will work out, but it might already be gone.  However, I guess that since nobody wants an actual work truck that this "niche purchase" might work to my advantage in much the same way that nobody wants a Spyder, even though they are pretty uncommon.  Too soon to say.  LOL, nobody wants any of the 12 full-bed Tundras in North America, what an "advantage"...

Maybe I could look for a cargo van or something.  Get me one of those fishtailing E100's, or... wait a minute... one of these:



🐸, 2003, Electric Green Mica

Topic starter Posted : July 11, 2021 7:22 am
Prominent Member

Up to now, I have been using the xB as a mini-truck, and it is fine for hauling tools and stuff, and it will even haul some lumber.  It's the sheet goods that are a problem.  And, it is going to college with my son this summer.  But, I wonder if I could get the second-gen with a V6 and a 4x8 trailer.  Might be cheaper and more flexible, and probably give me better gas mileage.  Hmm.

edit: I could have sworn a V6 was available on the second-gen xB. Guess I was wrong, only seeing 2.4L straight 4.

Maybe replace xB with "4-Runner" and it would be less, uh, silly.  My biggest issue with a trailer in any case is that I have limited space to park it and it takes time to hook, unhook, etc.  They are awfully flexible, though.

If anyone has any other creative ideas or even recommendations for a non-Toyota truck (almost un-thinkable to me but I don't feel like I have a lot of options), I would appreciate hearing them.

🐸, 2003, Electric Green Mica

Topic starter Posted : July 11, 2021 7:34 am
Honorable Member

@nottamiata Someone other than Toyota makes trucks?

2007 S2000 (New Formula Red)
2005 Spyders (Two in Paradise Blue Metallic, One Super White)
2004 Tundra SR5 Double Cab (White with 2UZ-FE Engine)
2003 Tundra SR5 Access Cab (Silver Stepside with 2UZ-FE Engine)
2003 Sequoia SR5 (Black with 2UZ-FE Engine)
1970 Olds 442 W30 (Nugget Gold )

Posted : July 11, 2021 8:22 am
Just a member.

4-Runner forget about it. They are way overpriced in the used market now. Actually used car sales in general have gone up especially for Honda and Toyota. This is impart due to the new car production parts shortage and chip shortage. They say that prices might come down later this year. I sold my Honda late last year and the phone was rigging off the hook. The first person who came to see it bought it and only negotiate $200 off my asking price as a formality because dealer used cars were selling for much more with higher millage. I could have waited and sold it for more but Im not that greedy and just needed to get it out of my hair. 

The whole chip shortage thing is bizarre  but oddly enough I sold a four years old graphics card for the same price I paid for it. 


Posted : July 11, 2021 9:51 am
Noble Member
Noble Member
Prominent Member


No, nobody besides Toyota makes trucks or cars.  Lots of people make garbage and label it as such, and a few others make quality vehicles, but the small difference in quality does not justify the exorbitant differences in purchase price and maintenance costs.  That is why Honda was only considered for about 18 seconds.  And the Honda truck has a weenie bed and is butt-ugly to boot.  My buddy told me it was $1200 to replace a timing belt and water pump in his Pilot.  Nope, not for me.

🐸, 2003, Electric Green Mica

Topic starter Posted : July 14, 2021 7:48 am
Prominent Member


LOL, In fact, I am making a deal on a 4Runner right now.  An 04 SR5 TRD, V8, with 227K.  Total cream-puff.  Very reasonable price considering it is in almost unbelievably nice condition, but not "too good to be true".  Tons of maintenance recently: struts, water pump, tires, brakes, belts, the works.  ANd documentation of all of it since the guy owned it.  Two owners.  It has never lived in the northeast (Utah and NC), clean title, etc.  The under-body is clean enough to eat off of, zero rust or corrosion, engine was pretty clean too, but just dirty enough to prove nothing is being covered up or washed off, and no fluid leaks visible. Runs like a top, no trouble codes.

Priced at the top end of the green zone for the KBB.  Guy is selling (so the story goes) because they are recently married and merging families, they don't need the extra vehicle and they have a newer 4Runner already.  And the guy is a family friend of my mechanic, didn't bat an eye when I asked if I could take it over there.  My haggle was weak; it would have sold in a day or two, and at this price range a few hundred dollars is the difference between a deal and an insult, but not enough to make any difference in the long run, so I just made a decent offer that was sure to fly, paid for my taxes and such-whats, and not invite a counter or piss the guy off. It is clear he takes pride in his care for his vehicles.  Did I mention it was in excellent condition?  There are two problems: the dashboard pleather has a few hairline cracks from sun damage, and the switch that moves the seat foreward and back did not seem to work.  He is apparently as tall as I am, though, since I didn't need to move it.

I drove it, floored it, slammed the brakes, cornered hard and so forth.  It doesn't drive like a Spyder, which sucks, but it is super-tight: no squeaks, rattles, ticks, waddle, soft suspension, nothing.  Doesn't choke when you floor it, no play in the steering, and the AC is a freezer.  It's solid, but at that age, it is foolish to expect perfection anyway.  I'm happy, but now I need a trailer.  But, it is wide enough for a full sheet of plywood on top of the wheel wells.  My work so far has not required big stacks of plywood, just a sheet or two.  Long lumber will still be harder to haul than it would be in a true pickup, but as this post implies: there ARE NO TRUE PICKUPS ANYMORE.

But it is funny, Dev, because you told me to "just be patient and something would pop up in my area".  It popped up in two days, and the guy lives 1.2 miles away from me.

🐸, 2003, Electric Green Mica

Topic starter Posted : July 14, 2021 8:10 am
Prominent Member

Chip shortages are largely from a-holes doing that most worthless of all human endeavors ever invented:  bitcoin mining.  That crap should be outlawed.  It is THE most obnoxious idea ever conceived by mankind.  Right up there with nuclear weapons in terms of pure detriment to humanity and the planet.  The shortages started before The 'Rona.

🐸, 2003, Electric Green Mica

Topic starter Posted : July 14, 2021 8:12 am
Just a member.
Posted by: @nottamiata


LOL, In fact, I am making a deal on a 4Runner right now.  An 04 SR5 TRD, V8, with 227K.  Total cream-puff.  Very reasonable price considering it is in almost unbelievably nice condition, but not "too good to be true".  Tons of maintenance recently: struts, water pump, tires, brakes, belts, the works.  ANd documentation of all of it since the guy owned it.  Two owners.  It has never lived in the northeast (Utah and NC), clean title, etc.  The under-body is clean enough to eat off of, zero rust or corrosion, engine was pretty clean too, but just dirty enough to prove nothing is being covered up or washed off, and no fluid leaks visible. Runs like a top, no trouble codes.

Priced at the top end of the green zone for the KBB.  Guy is selling (so the story goes) because they are recently married and merging families, they don't need the extra vehicle and they have a newer 4Runner already.  And the guy is a family friend of my mechanic, didn't bat an eye when I asked if I could take it over there.  My haggle was weak; it would have sold in a day or two, and at this price range a few hundred dollars is the difference between a deal and an insult, but not enough to make any difference in the long run, so I just made a decent offer that was sure to fly, paid for my taxes and such-whats, and not invite a counter or piss the guy off. It is clear he takes pride in his care for his vehicles.  Did I mention it was in excellent condition?  There are two problems: the dashboard pleather has a few hairline cracks from sun damage, and the switch that moves the seat foreward and back did not seem to work.  He is apparently as tall as I am, though, since I didn't need to move it.

I drove it, floored it, slammed the brakes, cornered hard and so forth.  It doesn't drive like a Spyder, which sucks, but it is super-tight: no squeaks, rattles, ticks, waddle, soft suspension, nothing.  Doesn't choke when you floor it, no play in the steering, and the AC is a freezer.  It's solid, but at that age, it is foolish to expect perfection anyway.  I'm happy, but now I need a trailer.  But, it is wide enough for a full sheet of plywood on top of the wheel wells.  My work so far has not required big stacks of plywood, just a sheet or two.  Long lumber will still be harder to haul than it would be in a true pickup, but as this post implies: there ARE NO TRUE PICKUPS ANYMORE.

But it is funny, Dev, because you told me to "just be patient and something would pop up in my area".  It popped up in two days, and the guy lives 1.2 miles away from me.

 I like the 4Runners with the V8s.  Those are some solid vehicles and they say they are now getting to have a cult following as the Land Cruiser.  The Land Cruiser cult following is totally justified because it is hands down the best vehicle made in the world.  

 Honda makes good engines and they have a reputation for it however Toyota builds better v6/ v8 motors and the whole damn vehicle is built better. 

Congrats on your purchase. 

There is an easy way to know which vehicle or anything of value is a good item to buy and it is not based on opinion or some stupid YouTube video review. All you need to do is look at its depreciation and demand in the used market and then it becomes obvious.  






Posted : July 14, 2021 9:45 am
Just a member.

Does anyone know why this old Toyota truck has become a collectors item. 

Posted : July 14, 2021 10:35 am
Honorable Member

My 2004 Forerunner (4.7L V8) is near 400,000 miles with no repairs, just maintenance. Flawless, I love the fact that they are on a truck frame. Great find!

2007 S2000 (New Formula Red)
2005 Spyders (Two in Paradise Blue Metallic, One Super White)
2004 Tundra SR5 Double Cab (White with 2UZ-FE Engine)
2003 Tundra SR5 Access Cab (Silver Stepside with 2UZ-FE Engine)
2003 Sequoia SR5 (Black with 2UZ-FE Engine)
1970 Olds 442 W30 (Nugget Gold )

Posted : July 14, 2021 10:42 am
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