2024 Indiana Meet.....
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2024 Indiana Meet...

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Honorable Member

Well, it looks like The Irish Lion is closing...the owner is retiring...sooo I'm looking for another Bloomington restaurant. Malibu Grill, Cardinal Spirits and Uptown Cafe are looking good. Malibu Grill has a decent menu and prices aren't too high....would make a reservation to be sure we had a table or tables; right now there are 6 who are going to be "there" Friday, 5-31. We could always do pizza, Mexican or...? More to come...

"Think as we think", say many Spyder owners, "or you are abominably wicked, you are a toad". After I'd thought about, I said "I will then, be a toad."
Thank you, Stephen Crane

Topic starter Posted : May 16, 2024 10:54 pm
Honorable Member

Posted by: @lordtakuban

Can't wait to see pics.  It sounds like there may be a decent turn out.

There will be pics...I just got a new camera(gave my 13y/o DSLR to a grandson who's been wearing it out LOL...he'll get lots of use out of it).

Right now, as near as I can tell, there will be 6-10 Spyders and possibly the VR4(if he gets off work, he's a waiter at a decent Mexican restaurant just South of Indy).


"Think as we think", say many Spyder owners, "or you are abominably wicked, you are a toad". After I'd thought about, I said "I will then, be a toad."
Thank you, Stephen Crane

Topic starter Posted : May 16, 2024 10:59 pm
LordTakuban reacted
Reputable Member

Galo, sorry but not making it this year

Posted : May 22, 2024 10:02 pm
Galo reacted
Honorable Member

Posted by: @cspidy

Galo, sorry but not making it this year


Kinda figured that, per our texts. I hope your wife is doing well and you get to do your own trip!


"Think as we think", say many Spyder owners, "or you are abominably wicked, you are a toad". After I'd thought about, I said "I will then, be a toad."
Thank you, Stephen Crane

Topic starter Posted : May 23, 2024 5:04 pm
Honorable Member

I like to checkout the weather forecast...dates back to my mailman days. Anyway, the forecast for Saturday is a bit iffy, ~30-44% chance for rain(I know, 10 days til and forecasts can be inaccurate, but...).

So, just so you know, we go, rain or shine
...there's never been a rain-out in 12 meets. There has been some minor rain on 2 meets.

See ya' in 10 days!

"Think as we think", say many Spyder owners, "or you are abominably wicked, you are a toad". After I'd thought about, I said "I will then, be a toad."
Thank you, Stephen Crane

Topic starter Posted : May 23, 2024 5:05 pm
Honorable Member

I did my route pre run today, and there are 2 road closures. They aren't deal breakers, but not all roads are created equal. I'll go back on Monday and check a couple of different roads.
I also got to eat at "Smokin" Jim's BBQ and Steak House" in Bedford...I am now a fan of BBQ! In Meet '22, we ate at a well known BBQ in an Eastern KY city...I wasn't overly impressed, good food, but nothing special. SJBBQSH definitely impressed me.
More news Monday evening, have a great Memorial Day weekend!

"Think as we think", say many Spyder owners, "or you are abominably wicked, you are a toad". After I'd thought about, I said "I will then, be a toad."
Thank you, Stephen Crane

Topic starter Posted : May 25, 2024 10:18 pm
Honorable Member

Ok, I have hopefully good news; the 1 road closure that causes the biggest headache, is supposed to over, and the road open, by 4:00PM Friday! If that's the case, we are looking terrific for Saturday. I'm going to call INDOT to verify the info...keep your 🤞
I did go back today to check a different route(before I knew about the above news...shoulda done this earlier, but I have other things on my mind, sorry), and the roads just aren't good enough. If Spyders were 4x4, off road warriors, it'd be no sweat, but since that isn't the case...

I'll post the info tomorrow.

"Think as we think", say many Spyder owners, "or you are abominably wicked, you are a toad". After I'd thought about, I said "I will then, be a toad."
Thank you, Stephen Crane

Topic starter Posted : May 27, 2024 8:14 pm
Honorable Member

Howdy! In checking the weather forecast for Saturday, there is a 40-60% chance of rain "in the area", which means there is a 60-40% chance it won't_rain_where_we_are(sorry, I felt I had to do the underscores). Unless the forecast is for the chance of tornados(Spydernados!?), the meet will go on. In '21, it was raining Friday night, into Saturday morning. It let up as we hit the road, most with tops down. It stopped and we had a fine rest of the day. In, I believe, '13, it rained a bit while we, Hokey Mule/phatts/me+wifey, were out driving, with the tops down. Nobody got "wet", and the rain ended well before the driving was over.
If "you" check the weather forecast and decide to not join in, that's cool...I don't want anyone to feel "threatened by the weather". Personally, I drive my Spyder and my BMW, in all 12 months; "neither rain, nor sleet, nor snow, nor gloom of night shall stay me from driving my cars"(hey, I'm a retired mailman!).
Those planning on being there Friday, I hope to see you. those planning on coming Saturday morning, I hope to see you also! Drive carefully!
See ya' soon!!!

"Think as we think", say many Spyder owners, "or you are abominably wicked, you are a toad". After I'd thought about, I said "I will then, be a toad."
Thank you, Stephen Crane

Topic starter Posted : May 28, 2024 11:34 am
Member Admin

Sounds like things are coming together nicely!  I can't wait to see the pics.

Get your Short Antennas, Decals, and all sorts of goodies at:

Posted : May 30, 2024 12:53 pm
Galo reacted
Honorable Member

Yes, could have 10 or so Spyders + the great people who own them(and potentially 2 non Spyders)!

Ok, tomorrow is the meet. This evening, at least 6 of us will be sharing dinner time, then breakfast and the meet tomorrow. "I'll try to fit in time to take some pics and post them during the day."(just for you, LT... 😉 😉)
Everyone drive carefully...see you soon!

"Think as we think", say many Spyder owners, "or you are abominably wicked, you are a toad". After I'd thought about, I said "I will then, be a toad."
Thank you, Stephen Crane

Topic starter Posted : May 31, 2024 2:11 pm
LordTakuban reacted
Honorable Member

Sunday, 2:20PM, Indy time...
Hello everyone! The '24 Indiana MR2 Spyder Meet is history, and a great history it is. All-in-all, it was a great day with great people. To me, the effort to put these together is totally worth the it...getting with "old" friends and making new ones! Unfortunately, Mother Nature didn't cooperate, but at least it wasn't a down pour, just a mostly pesky drizzle for part of the day. We had 2 totally new people(from SC), NoahYoda/Noah, and Huajiachicat/Zixiao, 2 great additions to the Spyder family. SW-Indy/Larry was there for breakfast, and it was great seeing him. He couldn't do the drive, due to family happenings...keep him/them in your thoughts.
I'll be posting some pics from breakfast and the BBQ in a few.

Hopefully, Indiana will be done with road repairs in time for the next IN MR2 Spyder Meet...just maybe, later in the Summer???...will post if a meet is possible.


"Think as we think", say many Spyder owners, "or you are abominably wicked, you are a toad". After I'd thought about, I said "I will then, be a toad."
Thank you, Stephen Crane

Topic starter Posted : June 2, 2024 2:33 pm
Honorable Member

In the "line up" pic, left to right; DrakeW and Wife Kim, SW-Indy/Larry, Galo-me-Mark and Wife Melinda, Dean, phattires/Randy, NoahYoda/Noah and Zixiao...you can figure out the restaurant pic 😉 😉 

20240601 090959~2
20240601 124943~2

More pics to follow...

"Think as we think", say many Spyder owners, "or you are abominably wicked, you are a toad". After I'd thought about, I said "I will then, be a toad."
Thank you, Stephen Crane

Topic starter Posted : June 2, 2024 9:26 pm
CSPIDY reacted
Honorable Member
20240601 124250~2

At Smokim Jim's BBQ and Steakhouse in Bedford IN...cars, left to right; Galo, Dean, DrakeW, phattires, Zixiao and Noah.

"Think as we think", say many Spyder owners, "or you are abominably wicked, you are a toad". After I'd thought about, I said "I will then, be a toad."
Thank you, Stephen Crane

Topic starter Posted : June 2, 2024 9:54 pm
CSPIDY reacted
Member Admin

Yas!!!  Thanks for the pics, Mark!  That looks like an amazing meet up.  I wish I could have joined you.  Hopefully, next year will be the one I can make it.  🙂

Get your Short Antennas, Decals, and all sorts of goodies at:

Posted : June 3, 2024 5:31 pm
Galo reacted
Honorable Member

One addition to the "line up" names; Noah/Yoda, next to phattires. He and Zixiao are new to the Spyder life style, and very welcome to the family!

Thank you, Justin! We would have had 7 cars in the drive, but SW-Indy/Larry had to leave, due to family considerations. The one road closure that was supposed to be open, Friday, 5-31 at 4:00PM...wasn't 🤨, which could have added 15-20 miles of detour,but, I looked at Google maps and found a road that could work. Dean and I hopped in our Spyders and and checked it out while the others stayed at Crossroads 46 Diner. There was ~ a mile stretch that wasn't good, but it wasn't rutted or pot-holed, and Dean gave it his ok, so we drove it. It got us back to what would be the "leadoff road", about 100' from the reason for that closure, bridge re-construction. From there it was smooth sailing, er, driving. I was a little damp, but not sloppy wet, just spray from the tires...I had my wipers on mid intermittent, never on full slow...of course, it does make a difference when one is the lead car 🤔 😉...hey, somebody has to be the leader!!!

There are some more pics on SC from the road...I'm going to ask Noah if he minds me copying them and posting here. If you want, go there and check them out.


One other thought...I've been asked previously to move the meet to two weeks after Memorial Day, soooo, I've asked for people to chime in if they WOULD do a meet at that time., My main reasoning for having the meet the first Saturday after Memorial Day? No LLEO's are seen...ever! I've organized 12 meets, Spyders/SLK's/MkII's, and have seen zero LLEO's. I've done 3 Razorback Runs, and had LLEO's drive by us while we're stopped in a pull over lane, checking out the scenery(ok, OKSpyder did have to water the weeds, but...), many times. Anyway, no responses as of yet, and I'm waiting til after 12-1 to make a decision on the date, and will post it in December. I've had people say "I didn't know...", "what's the day/date" etc. I know stuff comes up, but that's a different set of circumstances.

So, I will start a thread here...we'll see what comes up!


Enjoy, everyone!!!

"Think as we think", say many Spyder owners, "or you are abominably wicked, you are a toad". After I'd thought about, I said "I will then, be a toad."
Thank you, Stephen Crane

Topic starter Posted : June 4, 2024 12:21 am
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