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You ain't going to believe this

Trusted Member

So last year I acquired a set of factory take-off seat covers. Made me so happy.

Today I got a package in the mail .Someone from the other forum put a "Parts for sale" topic stating they have a pair of floor mats to giveaway. I responded within 40 minutes of the original topic creator. I sent him my mail address and he declined any form of payment for the mats or for shipping. He didn't disclose exactly what was coming, I was expecting a nice pair of second hands. So inside the package was a pair of new floor mats still inside the factory plastic. The patch embroidery style rather than the first embroidery style. Holy cow! What a deal.... feels like I got laid.

Topic starter Posted : August 6, 2019 5:37 pm
Just a member.

That’s really cool. There is nothing like surprising another enthusiast.  

What I would do in your situation if you have return address is send the seller a thank you note or a small gift of appreciation.  It goes a long way towards people being kind to each other which is rare these days. 

Posted : August 6, 2019 6:01 pm
Noble Member

some people are just nice and wanted them to go to a good home - congrats 

Posted : August 7, 2019 3:41 pm
Reputable Member

I will pay you 10 times what you paid for them.

Posted : August 7, 2019 5:29 pm
Honorable Member
Posted by: @cspidy

I will pay you 10 times what you paid for them.

I'd make it 11, but I can't afford it...

Great gesture on the part of the "seller"!

"Think as we think", say many Spyder owners, "or you are abominably wicked, you are a toad". After I'd thought about, I said "I will then, be a toad."
Thank you, Stephen Crane

Posted : August 7, 2019 6:35 pm
Reputable Member


it's still zero

Posted : August 7, 2019 8:04 pm
Just a member.

I thought I would use this thread instead of making a new one to give another story of paying it forward. 

I paid if forward Saturday with helping a Spyder owner with  installing a new aftermarket  downpipe.  The problem with this downpipe is the two ring gaskets would not fit over the pipes. I had already bought a make your own flat Rimflex gasket material  for my own application of a leaking connection. From that amount I received I was able to cut out two gaskets. 

 I decided to use one of the gaskets and the owner was going to reimburse me for another blank gasket maker. It turns out it worked and everything was actually better because it sealed much better then the previous ring gaskets.  

Anyway the owner reported that it held up and passed inspection and wanted to know my PayPal account and the cost.  I figured I already have one gasket from the material for myself so I said don't worry about it. 

That same evening I received a message from an order I made for an expensive item  for my espresso machine that was missing a small part. Apparently it was the last part in his inventory that was made by some retired  genius as there will not be anymore made. The seller decided to send me the part free of cost in hopes that I can find the missing part which I have already located.  

 I have had this kind of luck just about every time I pay it forward. It is too coincidental to be chance.  





Posted : August 12, 2019 10:45 am
Honorable Member
Posted by: @cspidy


it's still zero

That was my point 😀 

"Think as we think", say many Spyder owners, "or you are abominably wicked, you are a toad". After I'd thought about, I said "I will then, be a toad."
Thank you, Stephen Crane

Posted : August 13, 2019 7:50 pm