well, this is embar...
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well, this is embarrassing, painful, and a few other negative emotions

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Prominent Member

Hello. I've "come crawling back" indeed.  I didn't think that waiting would help anything. I read the few posts from the thread that pissed me off, and Dev has accurately reported what transpired.  I had a few email exchanges with Dev and learned why LT took the tone that he did.  Since I was the one who was currently straddling the line (my impression, others may disagree and say I was well over the line, but for the love of God I don't want any more bickering), I took it personally.  My best characterization of it was that I did not deserve such a harsh response, but I did earn it. We were in fact, talking about a domain that is widely known for malfeasance.  I'll come back to that in a moment, if I can stay coherent long enough.

As for LT, Dev certainly did refuse to take sides, although I didn't ask him to, I just explained why I got upset, and Dev reminded me that he thinks LT is a stand-up guy.  He explained how political rhetoric created a lot of pain in the old forum.  From where I stand, now that I've had some time to reflect, I would also have to agree that LT is a good guy, and not just by taking Dev's word for it.  LT has dedicated a substantial amount of his time -- which is valuable -- and his own money to getting this site up and has asked for nothing in return, and has actually refused compensation. Those actions speak as loudly as his words.  He lost his temper.  So did I.  I'm over it and I don't hold a grudge, nor am I demanding an apology, simply giving my own explanation/confirmation of what's already explained: it got to me.

Now, if I offended anyone by directing some ire at the current Russian leadership, then I apologize. I do not agree with how they are running things.  However, I also do not imply or infer that the entire culture and country is chock full of bad people.  If I made that impression (and I have no way to check because of my tantrum), then I apologize.  That's not how I feel, and it is not what I meant.  And certainly not every bit of data coming from .ru is from a criminal or spammer.

I over-reacted and burned my own house down in protest. Once again, I have submitted to my impulsive nature. I do have issues, it should be obvious by now, and my meds don't work 100% of the time... this is an explanation, not an excuse. It really sucks having a brain that didn't get dealt the best hand. It could be worse, but I won't go into details other than to say it is not a true psychosis. I won't ever be on the news. And I am still a little bit proud of myself for at least not flaming anyone on the way out.  Now all I have to remind me of my tantrum is an embarrassing pile of dots.

Over the weekend I realized that my tribe is more important to me than my ego.  Without being overly dramatic -- I've created too much drama already and I hate that I did that -- I hope at least a few of you will forgive me.  I've never done this online before, never been banned, and never "self-banned".  Shame on me.  I do think I have learned from this and will do better with the forum rules and simply not voice political opinions at all, and do better to consider my actions more carefully before acting on impulse. Normally I do that pretty well. Not always.  It sucks that we all have to walk on eggshells, since everything is so highly polarized anymore, but it should be easy here since we are talking about cars, as LT reminded.

So now I am left with my wounded ego and my embarrassing pile of dots. Friday really, really sucked.  But it didn't end there. That was just the beginning, sadly. A few hours later, and not my fault this time, this happened:

20190809 163438

Old lady was in the left turn lane, I was in the right.  Then she turned right instead and draaaaaaaaaged her Corolla across the front of The Frog over the course of what seemed like four agonizing seconds.  I was yelling at her, repeatedly honking the horn, etc.  She was completely oblivious.  I saw it coming, saw her wheels turn, and didn't have time to react except for the horn. Just had to watch it play out.

The Frog fought back!  He hooked his front crash bar into that old lady's Corolla and ripped it open!:

20190809 163422

Unfortunately, because of that, I fear that my frame may have gotten bent.  Maybe.  I did a lot of high-speed highway driving after the event and it felt fine, but I don't know if that proves anything.  The corner of the hood is slightly bent very slightly upward and can probably be fixed.  The bumper, fender and headlight housing are toast. Oddly enough, the side marker and light bub are totally unscathed.

I am completely heartbroken. I literally wept one time over the weekend after I decided to sell The Frog if it isn't totaled, and got misty-eyed a few other times.  I totally surprised myself at how much I love this car. But like I said earlier, I am not completely healthy, I have mood episodes once in a while (my medication works about 99.9% of the time, but that .1% is a real emotional roller-coaster -- I thank God for not completing his sick prank on me and at least I am violently non-violent by nature).  I hate having to admit something so personal so publicly, but you guys deserve an explanation. It's still embarrassing and stigmatizing, and it occasionally fucks up my life.

Yup. Friday REALLY sucked.  I showed my ass to everyone, left my tribe, immediately regretted it, and The Frog got kicked in the face.

So yesterday, having decided to sell The Frog, I went and tested a 2014 Miata (NC3). Never drove a Miata before. Up until then, my username has just been a fun sort of ribbing, pseudo-arrogance that wasn't in any way serious.  Mazda has sold about a million Miatas, IIRC.  So with that kind of popularity there has to be a lot to love, right?  WRONG!  Ho-ly SHIT, that is a terrible car.  Everything about it is just... wrong.  The handling, while technically good, I guess, FEELS simply terrible.  Calling the cabin cramped is being very generous - I am 5'11" and felt like I was in a sardine can.  The top of the windshield is at eye level because the seats are way too tall and the cabin is too short.  My son, who was with me, is 6'3" barely fit in there at all.  Because of all that, visibility is extremely limited.  The cabin is not only cramped, it's just "off" in every other way. The shifter is too close to the driver's hip.  I tested an automatic, with the paddle shift thing, and had to account for that, but that's weird too.  Could get used to it, maybe, and I planned to buy a manual anyway, but it still took the fun away from shifting and with the location of the shifter, I could tell a manual wouldn't be any fun either.  Yes, the torque curve was a little better, but I still had to rev the crap out of it to get the lift at 5000 or so, and it really did not accelerate much better than my stock 1ZZ (which I came home and immediately thrashed for comparison), and even though the butt dyno reported better accel, it didn't feel that way otherwise.  There is nothing fun about that car.  Nothing.  Now, when I am NottaMiata, I MEAN IT. <shudder> How the hell have they sold so many of those BLAND pieces of shit?  Does anyone actually drive them before they buy them?  Wow.  Sorry about the profanity here, but it's warranted. That car is just that bad.  I wanted to like it, but couldn't find a single good-side compromise.  It's completely terrible. Maybe it isnt intended to be a performance car, and if so, they succeeded at that!

So add my momentary lapse of faith to last weekend's list of shame. Sell The Frog? No f*ckin' way!  I've apologized to him already, and he accepted my apology.  He knows I ain't quite right, but I'm trying, and deep down I am a decent human being.  Nobody is required or even asked to agree with that.

I apologize to the community for over-reacting, for deleting my posts (most of them were not very helpful to anyone, let's be honest), and for insulting anyone's intelligence or heritage.

🐸, 2003, Electric Green Mica

Topic starter Posted : August 12, 2019 7:01 am
Member Admin

I'm glad you decided to come back.  I recently posted in the issues thread that I was a bit more harsh in my post than was really necessary.  I noticed that after re-reading it anyway.  You are correct.  I definitely lost my temper while writing my response.  which wasn't really directed at you, specifically.  It was more a message to everyone.  But, that is not easily expressed in a forum post, let alone one that is already off on a counter-rant so to speak.

Anyway, I'm glad that you're back and look forward to you contributions to the content of the site.  I'm also glad my, sometimes, abrasive nature didn't completely ruin things.

Get your Short Antennas, Decals, and all sorts of goodies at:

Posted : August 12, 2019 8:53 am
Just a member.

Good to have you back.  Misunderstandings happen especially on webforms.   Often times what is written  does not have the same inflection, tone, body language and so forth and it can be misconstrued easily or it can be easily assumed it's only directed at you. I have come across these situations before and if I feel something does not agree with me I will ask for clarification before I go on the attack.   

Some of us have many years of forum posting experience and have a good feel on things and how to use our words without having to be PC. We cant please everyone all of the time and we cant be friends with everyone but sometimes you will find that times change and people shift.  I have had those that I have been at odds with for years and then have them be good friends on the board. You just don't know what is going to happen with your interactions because a lot of it gets lost in words. 

The one thing that needs to be understood is that you might be at odds with someone on one topic debating and arguing your points but thats all it is. Often times people take that personally especially when they are proven wrong and therefore hold a grudge and what to kill you.  There is no dancing around posting to make people feel good and being PC doesn't work on a hobby forums.  Sometimes making a point means you may need to polarizing but it should not be confused with making it personal.




Posted : August 12, 2019 9:23 am
Prominent Member

LT, I owe you a beer, sir. Plus six for your efforts in standing up the site.

Before all this, last week i did go back to the old site to find some unrelated info on something i dont recall now.

You know, when you find yourself having been ambushed by reading "You can save money by switching to CryCo" before you realize you are reading an ad, because it is just another post in the middle of a thread... its like being intellectually raped. It's really violating. After about the tenth time getting ambushed, it is downright infuriating.

So thanks for your huge role in getting us out of that. Seriously. 👏

🐸, 2003, Electric Green Mica

Topic starter Posted : August 12, 2019 9:35 am
Uncle Mush

Welcome back.  People make mistakes.  It's a fact of life.   It's good to have you back.

Posted : August 12, 2019 9:40 am
Just a member.
Posted by: @nottamiata

LT, I owe you a beer, sir. Plus six for your efforts in standing up the site.

Before all this, last week i did go back to the old site to find some unrelated info on something i dont recall now.

You know, when you find yourself having been ambushed by reading "You can save money by switching to CryCo" before you realize you are reading an ad, because it is just another post in the middle of a thread... its like being intellectually raped. It's really violating. After about the tenth time getting ambushed, it is downright infuriating.

So thanks for your huge role in getting us out of that. Seriously. 👏

I agree with those adds.  They make them seem like its from a poster and partially related to the topic to grab your attention.  

That level of coercion to manipulate is a violation I cannot live with. They use to have laws against this when advertisers were using it to sell Coke or repeat do not steal in the background music of Sears.  Misleading messages are not protected by the first amendment and are subjected to FCC laws. It was also ruled to be an invasion of privacy.  




Posted : August 12, 2019 9:59 am
Reputable Member

Uhh what did I miss? Regardless, sorry about your car. A similar thing happened to me once. And happy to have you back. I always appreciated your commentary.

Posted : August 12, 2019 12:48 pm
Prominent Member

You missed nothing. Nothing to see here...

Estimate from body shop came back at $1950. Subject to revision when they start pulling it apart. I think The Frog is safe from the crusher. Initial estimate shouldn't make the insurance company balk. It sure does bother me that Blue Book is only 4400 to 6700, though. A bit more cushion would be nice. I know we wouldn't pay it, but a car like The Frog is $11,000 at a dealership. Examples abound. I know, I've been shopping online for The Frog 2.0, just in case. There are like 2 of them in Green, neither is a facelift model, but an 01 was recently sold that was pristine.

Seems like the prices for decent Spyders have bottomed. The general market doesn't really appear to fully price in the differences between pre- vs post-facelift, nor SMT vs MT, but those are important differences IMO, especially SMT vs MT.

I feel much better. The Frog feels safe now, but it's not set in stone just yet. Neither my mechanic nor the body shop seemed to think the odds were very high that the frame is bent.

🐸, 2003, Electric Green Mica

Topic starter Posted : August 12, 2019 2:35 pm
Estimable Member

I’ve been working this past weekend, so I missed it all as well (and no need to read the issues that are now resolved)- no big deal- get the Spyder repaired and continue to enjoy it- at least it’s not totaled and I’m sure they can make it like new again. 

I’ve seen fights on prior forums (I usually do my best not to get involved and more importantly not to engage and if I’m wrong, admit it), but we’re all owners here that just want to enjoy what we have- I’m happy for you the damage wasn’t too bad, should be quickly repairable and you’ll be behind the wheel again in no time. 

Posted : August 12, 2019 3:07 pm
Just a member.
Posted by: @nottamiata

You missed nothing. Nothing to see here...

Estimate from body shop came back at $1950. Subject to revision when they start pulling it apart. I think The Frog is safe from the crusher. Initial estimate shouldn't make the insurance company balk. It sure does bother me that Blue Book is only 4400 to 6700, though. A bit more cushion would be nice. I know we wouldn't pay it, but a car like The Frog is $11,000 at a dealership. Examples abound. I know, I've been shopping online for The Frog 2.0, just in case. There are like 2 of them in Green, neither is a facelift model, but an 01 was recently sold that was pristine.

Seems like the prices for decent Spyders have bottomed. The general market doesn't really appear to fully price in the differences between pre- vs post-facelift, nor SMT vs MT, but those are important differences IMO, especially SMT vs MT.

I feel much better. The Frog feels safe now, but it's not set in stone just yet. Neither my mechanic nor the body shop seemed to think the odds were very high that the frame is bent.

I wouldn't worry about any blue book.  I can tell you that its all a scam for those that want to trade in their car.  Most insurance companies will pay you the amount for a replacement from a dealership and if you find one that is more from a dealership most of the time the insurance company will pay the difference.  They are in the replacement business. 

People that trade in their cars on some sort of deal for a new car don't understand where they are getting ripped.  The more you complicate the math, the  easier it is to scam. Most people don't do the math because they are lazy and driven by having the least hassle of having to drink dealership coffee.   

Thats how undercoating from the 80s, wheel locks from the 90s  and now Kelly blue book makes people pay more then they should.  

Because people are blindsided by these scams that are also done by private sellers  you can take advantage of what people don't know. They think they are ripping you off while you have passively stumble on a good deal.  




Posted : August 12, 2019 3:26 pm
Member Admin
Posted by: @nottamiata

LT, I owe you a beer, sir. Plus six for your efforts in standing up the site.

Before all this, last week i did go back to the old site to find some unrelated info on something i dont recall now.

You know, when you find yourself having been ambushed by reading "You can save money by switching to CryCo" before you realize you are reading an ad, because it is just another post in the middle of a thread... its like being intellectually raped. It's really violating. After about the tenth time getting ambushed, it is downright infuriating.

So thanks for your huge role in getting us out of that. Seriously. 👏

Well, I do like beer.  🙂  No need for donations or payment though.  However, I will have a beer or few with you peeps on the board.  I'm mostly helping out this community since it makes things easier for me as well.  Once We can get a few more minor issues worked out, I think this place will be ready for the masses and will truly be a complete alternative to the money grab that was once a great place.

Get your Short Antennas, Decals, and all sorts of goodies at:

Posted : August 12, 2019 5:10 pm
Prominent Member

I was kind of harsh on the Miata earlier. I should specifically state that my personal impression was how it worked for *me. I did read some stuff over the weekend about the design of the suspension and the bracing -- its not a piece of junk, obviously. I guess my expectations were too high. I think a stock Spyder would run circles around it on twisty roads, though. Just considering the turning differences. But maybe it just felt that way, and that isnt actually the case. I also might have driven a dud. I might try to find a better one.

The fact that i am too big for it and it just doesnt fit me physically is just a shrug/whatever thing. But i really expected a *lot* more from the handling, since it is technically a mid engine, and 11 years newer than The Frog. Definitely not the same, though.

Not fair to call it a piece of shit, i dont have enough data to make that claim. But it doesnt work for me.

🐸, 2003, Electric Green Mica

Topic starter Posted : August 12, 2019 8:48 pm
Trusted Member

Dang, I thought I had a rough day. Then I saw your bumper slit open, been a long time someone touched my sweet blue lover.

Oh yeah, don't let anyone get in your head. I do care about people regardless of assumptions I decipher from their English logographs.

This post was modified 6 years ago by chrioboy2
Posted : August 12, 2019 9:30 pm
Noble Member

Welcome back. I hope you can get the car fixed, I'm sure there's no frame damage from that small amount of damage. There might be some bending of the crash bar attachment points, but nothing a hammer can't fix. 

Once you have the wonderful opportunity of a freshly painted bumper, do yourself a favor. Put some PPF (paint protection film) on it. I had my bumper resprayed and 3 years later it looks awful. Completely chipped and destroyed. My Lexus got PPF two years ago when it was new and it looks brand new now, except for the chrome that doesn't have PPF on it. It's already pitted.

2000 Toyota MR2 Spyder, 2021 Lexus UX 250h F Sport

Posted : August 12, 2019 9:49 pm
Estimable Member

Welcome Back!

Damn shame what happened to the Frog.

While I have not logged many miles in Itsy-Bitsy yet, as soon as I started driving it I was amazed how, apparently, invisible it is.  Therefore, before I set foot in the car I put on my "Defensive Driver" helmet and think carefully about where I am going to be driving. Yep, I always drive with my super brite LED head lights on. (BTW, I will soon, hopefully, be installing a 120 DB air horn in my Spyder.)

Maybe it is just me, but here in the Metro Washington D.C. area there are just some places: shopping centers; Rockville Pike; Georgia Ave; route 495; and times:  rush hour; rainy days; dusk; when being in a Spyder is totally not worth it. Thank God I have an old minivan for "grocery-getter" duties.

Anyway, get the Frog fixed quickly and enjoy the coming Fall driving season!

Posted : August 12, 2019 11:49 pm
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