I finally got my car today! One of the first things I did was test out the top, and I was disappointed to see ears on both sides ☹️. Closer inspection revealed that the top strap was actually In place, but only snapped on one side. So I fed it through the little tube to the other side, and went around the roof support (basically copied the strap routing from the good side). It definitely looks improved but the ears don’t tuck as neatly as I expected. Does this look normal?
I think it's best if you don't use the strap at all . Either leave the ears or tuck them in straight by hand which is what I do . The strap actually causes premature wear and we all don't want that .
I hear that the strap is bad for cloth.
2000 Toyota MR2 Spyder, 2021 Lexus UX 250h F Sport
It only really tucks easily and well if the top is really warm/hot and pliable. It does help keep things tucked, and based on where my top is having issues, it was not the source of premature cracking or tears for me.
You will still need to sort of hand-assist tucking the corners when you put the top down if you want it to really look nice.
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I leave my ears out as mini spoilers...
Mono Craft GT-300 with a few upgrades...
You have ears, don't you? The car just wants to be like you!
Seriously...don't sweat the ears.
"Think as we think", say many Spyder owners, "or you are abominably wicked, you are a toad". After I'd thought about, I said "I will then, be a toad."
Thank you, Stephen Crane
The first whale tail spoiler ?? 😀
Yeah, no strap here. I hand tuck them unless I'm doing the one-handed, put-it-down-while-going-10mph trick.
Yeah, no strap here. I hand tuck them unless I'm doing the one-handed, put-it-down-while-going-10mph trick.
I've never been brave enough to try it from a roll. In my head it's just complete carnage. Interesting to know it can be done, within reason.
You can drop the top up to about 45mph. At higher speeds the wind pushes the glass backwards and won’t let it fold into the tray. However, i raise the top at speeds up to 70mph. You can go a little higher but you need to be tucked in behind a tractor trailer to reduce the wind pressure. Just keep a firm grip on the handle as you snatch it forward.
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