I like how this pic in the Amazon page shows the guy putting together a chair or stool and brought that entire tool chest in with him.
That does look like a decent box though.
I bet that guy is AI generated. LOL.
Because china’s manufacturing base and economy is collapsing a lot of stuff like this is being sold cheap on Amazon. I would like one with thicker gauge steel and ball bearing rollers but they are too expensive even ones I found on craigslist. That reminds me, let me get a picture of my pressure washer set up. It’s not as fancy as those garage set ups but I got it to work with little money spent. Im looking forward to trying the foaming sealant which is going to be the easiest way to wax a car.
Here is a picture of my fancy pressure washer work station. My goal with this project was to make washing the car easy, fast and economical. I hate washing cars with a bucket, hose and wash mitt. This is so much more fun.
There are many different kinds of foamers on the market at various price ranges. What makes the Griots game changing is it has a smaller set of threads on the base where you can screw on the concentrated Griots surface wash bottle directly to it. The foamer also has metering tips tuned to the soap used so it can take it from concentrate and mix it with water at the right ratio. With the other foamers you have to measure out the concentrate ratio and then dilute it with water in the foamer bottle. It might seem fine but it is a process and if you have left over soap it gets wasted and the foamer has to be cleared with water when you are done using otherwise it might gum up.
So basically once I finish using the surface wash directly from the bottle I will remove the pickup straw and put it in the griots bottle filled with water and run the pressure washer to clear it. That simple. Because I am not fumbling with concentrate there is less mess and less soap waste. This makes it economical per wash which I think I can get at least 30 washes from one bottle which costs $22. Clean up is easy.
I was able to test it out last Sunday on my friend's mini van. One of the qualities of a good wash is the quality of the foam consistency. Usually a good foamer combined with an expensive pressure washer and soap will produce the best foam which looks like snow with a shaving cream consistency that is considered the holy grail of what you see on YouTube videos but not many achieve it especially on a budget. The better the foam consistency the longer the hang time on the car which is able to emulsify the dirt and grime and have it rise to the surface so it falls off the car. Foam that runs down quickly will have its working time cut short because it will dry on the paint which can leave spots that are harder to remove.
I did try a cheaper foamer with a different snow foam soap that claims high foam and thought it did produce good foam but I knew I could not expect what YouTube presenters were getting with their expensive rigs because that is at a different price point. However with the Griots system I got the pretty snow foam that looks like thick shaving cream which was a pleasant surprise.
After the rinse I tried their foaming poly sealant. It was very easy to foam on and let it hang so it bonds with the paint. Once it was rinsed the water was beading up and the van had a nice glow to it but the paint was in bad shape so it was not gong to be shiny.
I think the Poly Gloss and other products like it are revolutionary because they are easy to apply to the whole car like the wheels, tiny crevices and intricate details on grills and other things that cannot be done by hand using traditional waxes. It offered more than a months protection so you can keep using it every time you wash.
Here is a video showing how the concentrate can be attached. Disregard all of the other steps as the detailing world is full of cosmetic nonsense in products you don't need and Griots is one of the biggest offenders. I like the quality of Griots products and every now and then they make something that is revolutionary like this foam cannon system that is worth the added expence. What I found when I was looking at a lot of the video review including Griots is they never really emphasized the best features. I can economize further by buying cheaper soap like Meguiar's gold class car wash from the store and working out a dilution ratio to match the metering tip and then putting it in a gallon container so I can have three years of car soap on the cheap. Another advantage of having the Griots is they sell the rebuild kit for it so it can be serviced in the future rather than having to throw it away and buy another one.
I saw this amazing rear deck spoiler on a Honda today. The functionality of this little beast must be incredible! Anyone have any idea where I can get me one of these?
Seeking electrical consult from y'all. I want to take apart three solar powered yard floodlights to repurpose them to my needs. It looks like the first photo. The batteries that power each light are housed in the rectangular shaped solar collector. I want to place the three solar collectors a ways away from where the floodlight will be placed. Do I need to run three separate wires (pairs) to each of the 3 separate flood lights OR can I gang the wires from the solar collectors into one pair that runs to the three flood lights and then once there, split that single double strand into three individual double strands to power the floodlights? I don't know if what I have written makes sense for what I am trying to do. Thank you for your patience. I am just trying to keep from having to run three double strands of wire from the solar collectors to the floodlights. Thanks, in advance for your input. Much appreciated
@uncle-mush It depends on how it's internally wired. Most likely the batteries are in series and off the battery box are just two wires you'd have to extend. You'd have to take one apart and make sure, but yeah it's almost guaranteed to just be two wires coming off that section into the light.
2000 Toyota MR2 Spyder, 2021 Lexus UX 250h F Sport
I think it's worth a try. The main question like @haloruler64 mentioned is if the batteries are wired parallel (4.5 volts) or in series (1.5 Volts) ... I think I have that right... I would do a test with short wires to see if it works before making the long runs.
@haloruler64 thanks. Yes. There are just two wires coming off each box. Can I gang them together with the other two boxes into just one 2-strand wire and then split that at the other end to the three flood lights? Or do I need to run 3 separate 2 strand wire to each flood light? Thanks for any info/direction. Much appreciated.