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The random chat thread for throwing out things that don't matter

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Trusted Member


Keep the shiny side up and enjoy it for a long time!  

Love that color,


but bet my truck gets better MPG than your econo box - lol


Posted : March 29, 2023 8:02 am
Noble Member

Oh, guaranteed. On the track I saw 4 MPG loooool. I average around 24.

2000 Toyota MR2 Spyder, 2021 Lexus UX 250h F Sport

Topic starter Posted : March 30, 2023 4:47 am
Trusted Member


i am sure you have more "SMILES" per gallon though

Posted : March 30, 2023 9:02 pm
Noble Member

It was a great time

CWW 1150 1   Copy (Custom)

2000 Toyota MR2 Spyder, 2021 Lexus UX 250h F Sport

Topic starter Posted : March 31, 2023 7:08 am
Honorable Member

Been passively searching for a replacement hood for my grey/silver 09 OBXT for 3 years now. Seller apparently sprayed like 5lbs of clear coat on it, cracks and ripples everywhere:

20230602 082750~2

(Apparently so bad I never even took a picture of how bad it was lol)

Only 08-09 OBXTs have this front clip, and there just aren't many in this part of the country.

Last week I stumbled on a part out of a quartz silver 09 that was *only* 200mi away. I figured I could give it a shot, see if the two tone look could be embraced further and still look good. Here are initial results:

Screenshot 20230604 134122 Photos
Screenshot 20230604 134715 Photos
Screenshot 20230604 134006 Photos

Still trying to figure out if I like the new look or not. I'm really happy the hood is smooth for the first time in my ownership, is noticeably lighter (less material), and at least matches one of the original colors. I grabbed the mirrors too, and plan to swap them to see if it helps tie everything together a bit better. Opinions welcome...




Posted : June 4, 2023 4:28 pm
Uncle Mush

I had an odd (at least to me) experience today and wanted to rant for a moment.  We took our 2022 Toyota Venza to the Stealership today for the FREE 10k maintenance that came with the purchase of the vehicle and $200 later we were able to pick-up our car and drive it home.  There were some service items that were new to me and options that were offered -- options for things I had never heard of.  That is not surprising as I am not mechanically minded.  The first was an Ethanol Kit ($41.10) that is supposed to collect and remove water condensation in the fuel system that is the result of ethanol that is in almost all automotive fuels in California.  Okay.  But then there was a fuel additive to keep sludge from building up in the fuel line and a couple of other additives listed as (Hybrid 44k [$38.15], Hybrid EPR [$26.60] and Hybrid 115 [$26.50]).  I don't know, but they said these things protect the hybrid engine, so I say okay.  What do I know?  I know I don't know enough.  I can kind of live with these things but what torqued my lug nuts was that the Stealership charged my $8.49 to top off the window washing fluid reservoir with window washing solution.  I asked about this and they said that because we approved that service they topped it off with window washing solution instead of just water.  That if he had not okayed that service, they would have just topped it off with just water.  WHAT?!!!  I can buy a few gallons of window washing solution for the price of them topping off the reservoir!  The service writer sort of agreed.  I let him know I thought that was ridiculous and might find such practice motivating to take my business elsewhere (where? another stealership!) and he offered to delete the charge for washing fluid to which I thanked him.  But it really got me to wondering if the other aforementioned services were tantamount to my paying them to remove and replace the air in my tired kind of thing. Not knowing much about cars (makes you kind of wonder why I am even on a car forum, doesn't it?) I feel like a lamb before the slaughter when I go in for service.  Thank you for listening.  Rant over (for now.) 🤔 

Posted : June 8, 2023 12:01 am
Just a member.

Posted by: @uncle-mush

I had an odd (at least to me) experience today and wanted to rant for a moment.  We took our 2022 Toyota Venza to the Stealership today for the FREE 10k maintenance that came with the purchase of the vehicle and $200 later we were able to pick-up our car and drive it home.  There were some service items that were new to me and options that were offered -- options for things I had never heard of.  That is not surprising as I am not mechanically minded.  The first was an Ethanol Kit ($41.10) that is supposed to collect and remove water condensation in the fuel system that is the result of ethanol that is in almost all automotive fuels in California.  Okay.  But then there was a fuel additive to keep sludge from building up in the fuel line and a couple of other additives listed as (Hybrid 44k [$38.15], Hybrid EPR [$26.60] and Hybrid 115 [$26.50]).  I don't know, but they said these things protect the hybrid engine, so I say okay.  What do I know?  I know I don't know enough.  I can kind of live with these things but what torqued my lug nuts was that the Stealership charged my $8.49 to top off the window washing fluid reservoir with window washing solution.  I asked about this and they said that because we approved that service they topped it off with window washing solution instead of just water.  That if he had not okayed that service, they would have just topped it off with just water.  WHAT?!!!  I can buy a few gallons of window washing solution for the price of them topping off the reservoir!  The service writer sort of agreed.  I let him know I thought that was ridiculous and might find such practice motivating to take my business elsewhere (where? another stealership!) and he offered to delete the charge for washing fluid to which I thanked him.  But it really got me to wondering if the other aforementioned services were tantamount to my paying them to remove and replace the air in my tired kind of thing. Not knowing much about cars (makes you kind of wonder why I am even on a car forum, doesn't it?) I feel like a lamb before the slaughter when I go in for service.  Thank you for listening.  Rant over (for now.) 🤔 

A better description is you were the sheep. Just imagine how many people get sucked into unnecessary services so the dealership makes money. My sincere advice is to follow the service intervals and do it your self. Most all Toyotas and Lexus require almost nothing for the first 100k miles and the last thing you would want is someone at the dealership substituting a non Toyota fluid in your vehicles as thats what some of these dealerships do to make money ruining your car by draining good factory fill fluids. 

 What is worse than the dealership is big Pharma. I never seen so much scamming in the number of pills people have to take.  I take no pills unless it's absolutely necessary. I spent good money on hiking shoes instead.  








Posted : June 8, 2023 1:19 am
Noble Member

Never go for the optional dealer offered services, Uncle Mush. They just dump a bottle of this or that into the gas tank. Stick with the free service and that's IT. Sorry to hear you were taken advantage of. People tend to believe the dealer when they recommend things, but the dealer is not the manufacturer. 


Speaking of which, I picked up my GR Corolla from the dealer today. I was going to do all my own service, but they did give me a free alignment as the wheel was crooked from the factory so they did the oil change while they were at it. Luckily they did not try to upsell me on anything. Just 5,000 oil change, tire rotation, inspection, and that's it.


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This post was modified 2 years ago by haloruler64

2000 Toyota MR2 Spyder, 2021 Lexus UX 250h F Sport

Topic starter Posted : June 8, 2023 2:47 am
Member Admin

Posted by: @uncle-mush

I had an odd (at least to me) experience today and wanted to rant for a moment.  We took our 2022 Toyota Venza to the Stealership today for the FREE 10k maintenance that came with the purchase of the vehicle and $200 later we were able to pick-up our car and drive it home.  There were some service items that were new to me and options that were offered -- options for things I had never heard of.  That is not surprising as I am not mechanically minded.  The first was an Ethanol Kit ($41.10) that is supposed to collect and remove water condensation in the fuel system that is the result of ethanol that is in almost all automotive fuels in California.  Okay.  But then there was a fuel additive to keep sludge from building up in the fuel line and a couple of other additives listed as (Hybrid 44k [$38.15], Hybrid EPR [$26.60] and Hybrid 115 [$26.50]).  I don't know, but they said these things protect the hybrid engine, so I say okay.  What do I know?  I know I don't know enough.  I can kind of live with these things but what torqued my lug nuts was that the Stealership charged my $8.49 to top off the window washing fluid reservoir with window washing solution.  I asked about this and they said that because we approved that service they topped it off with window washing solution instead of just water.  That if he had not okayed that service, they would have just topped it off with just water.  WHAT?!!!  I can buy a few gallons of window washing solution for the price of them topping off the reservoir!  The service writer sort of agreed.  I let him know I thought that was ridiculous and might find such practice motivating to take my business elsewhere (where? another stealership!) and he offered to delete the charge for washing fluid to which I thanked him.  But it really got me to wondering if the other aforementioned services were tantamount to my paying them to remove and replace the air in my tired kind of thing. Not knowing much about cars (makes you kind of wonder why I am even on a car forum, doesn't it?) I feel like a lamb before the slaughter when I go in for service.  Thank you for listening.  Rant over (for now.) 🤔 

The fuel additives were snake oil that will be burned up during your next tank full of gas and for anything that is a "kit" costing only $41.10, that is really suspicious.  This seems to me to be maybe an in-line water separator with some sort of filter material (If it was really a thing).  But there is no way something like that would not already be on the car or would cost that little.  My guess is the "Kit" was another fuel additive that they dumped in.

I'm sorry to hear this happened to you.  At least it wasn't a large amount of money (although, that's likely how they get away with it because people don't argue small amounts like that often).  Anyway, next time, let them know you'll be posting the charges online along with the dealership name to let people know of the services they add.  😉  That might get them to change their tune (pun intended).  But who knows.


Get your Short Antennas, Decals, and all sorts of goodies at:

Posted : June 8, 2023 9:46 am
Just a member.

 Same goes for warranty work. When I had a failed tensioner that caused the belt to come off on a previous BMW the dealer wanted to charge me for the installation of the new belt. I told them that the warranty covers the tensioner so why are you charging me for putting the belt back on.  They said it was because they were going to use a new belt. I told them to put the old one back on.  Eventually they said just pay for the new belt and they would be so gracious to pay for the labor. 

 I settled only because the interaction was so comically weird and the new belt was cheap.  These people have no shame.  



Posted : June 8, 2023 12:44 pm
Just a member.

last week I helped a local member install a new head unit. I did not know he bought the car with a broken radio and had no tunes for years. 

 Yesterday I helped him install a LT antenna which was a continuation from last week. The threads on the nub were badly damaged. I tried to cut new threads but it was impossible because the antenna is cockeyed and the die kept slipping off when it was trying to cut threads.  The threads were so messed up I do not think it could be done even if I removed the antenna from the car.  

 I had to think on my feet on the best way to approach this to MacGyver the situation . The best way was to drill the LT antenna so that it fits over the damaged threads but not too much so it would be an interference fit.  JB weld would act like an insulator so that was not going to work but red thread locker did the trick.  Although thread locker is an insulator it would be a poor one that would still make the antenna work which it did. Red locktite is very strong stuff so I do not think it's coming off. 

It is nice to see my local friend enjoy his radio for the first time.  I know for myself I cant live without tunes.  






Posted : June 10, 2023 12:47 pm
Member Admin

The threads on my antenna were bad?  If this was a 2002, that nub is removable and the threaded grub screw with the LT Short Antenna threads into the mast that's concealed within the rear quarter panel.  If you can get the LT antenna off and put some vise grips on that nub, it should be able to break free.  I can send a replacement antenna.  I think I know which order it was (Address is in Silver Spring, MD?).  I'd like to make sure your friend is sorted out with the best chance for reception with my antenna.

Get your Short Antennas, Decals, and all sorts of goodies at:

Posted : June 10, 2023 5:05 pm
Uncle Mush

Thank you, all, for your empathy and suggestions.  Alas, it was just as I thought: stealership trickery.  I will be wiser next time, thanks to you all.


Again, thank you.

Posted : June 10, 2023 9:40 pm
Just a member.

Posted by: @lordtakuban

The threads on my antenna were bad?  If this was a 2002, that nub is removable and the threaded grub screw with the LT Short Antenna threads into the mast that's concealed within the rear quarter panel.  If you can get the LT antenna off and put some vise grips on that nub, it should be able to break free.  I can send a replacement antenna.  I think I know which order it was (Address is in Silver Spring, MD?).  I'd like to make sure your friend is sorted out with the best chance for reception with my antenna.

Nothing wrong with your antenna. In fact I had to ruin the threads to make it work. I did not know the nub was removable. 

We actually used my old LT antenna. Yes he purchased one from you not to long ago that had the threaded rod so that went unused. 

 I will make it right eventually with removing  what I did and do it right but I fear that the nub might be rusted and hard to remove so I will shave the sides of the nub and use a vice grip to get it out.

He is coming over today and I will ask him about the reception. If it is lacking I will make it right but if it isn't  I will let it ride. 




Posted : June 11, 2023 11:34 am
Just a member.

I forgot to mention. When I removed the bits from my broken antenna if you remember I kept them for two weeks before I threw them out. I had a strong gut feeling that was telling me not to throw it away but I said to myself what the hell would I use it for.  

The universe is full of surprises. I could have used the broken mount to study it and I would have tried to remove the sub. 




Posted : June 11, 2023 11:49 am
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