Ever since I've been a kid, I've always loved seeing movies in the theater. I still regularly go out to see movies a few times a month. I do agree that theater setup can be inconsistent, and sometimes pretty bad tbh. When it's a big movie, or a movie where audio is super important, Ill travel to a theater in Pittsburgh that does a great job.
A couple movies I feel like need to be seen in theaters for full effect:
Ford v Ferrari
A Quiet Place
Top Gun: Maverick
Avatar (James Cameron)
Maybe its just nostalgia, but for me there is nothing like spending a few hours seeing a movie on the big screen
Really cool that you got your setup so dialed in
Ever since I've been a kid, I've always loved seeing movies in the theater. I still regularly go out to see movies a few times a month. I do agree that theater setup can be inconsistent, and sometimes pretty bad tbh. When it's a big movie, or a movie where audio is super important, Ill travel to a theater in Pittsburgh that does a great job.
A couple movies I feel like need to be seen in theaters for full effect:
Ford v Ferrari
A Quiet Place
Top Gun: Maverick
Avatar (James Cameron)
Maybe its just nostalgia, but for me there is nothing like spending a few hours seeing a movie on the big screen
Really cool that you got your setup so dialed in
Thanks. One of the things I do miss about a theater is the reaction of the crowd and it is one of the things I hate. These days with the newer Dolby Atmos format they can produce an enveloping bubble where it can project sounds in a three dimensional space where you have the greatest immersive experience. My system sounds very wide and deep.
I cant quiet put my finger on it but there is a difference between seeing a movie reflected from a screen vs from a very large TV. With these new 4k projectors you are getting some very nice colors and resolution that it feels like you are looking though a window. Its very different than the previous generation of projectors which were kind of dull in comparison.
I got to see Top Gun Maverick the other day and it was incredible.
I finally completed my dream of owning a workbench. Did it all on a budget. Got a Husky adjustable height workbench, leveled it on the incredibly crooked floor, then attached a Husky pegboard meant for their tool boxes and adapted it to the bench. Installed some existing LED lights above (it's overhead storage in my house, literally touches my hair but I fit underneath). Then got a budget vise... and I hated it.
Ended up buying a Wilton WS6, a nice drill holder, and made a platform for my chargers. The walls are stone and it's a rental so I preferred not to drill into them. So I used some scrap wood for the charger platform. Gonna attach some battery mounts there soon.
It's not much, but it's a dream come true and I'm thrilled.
2000 Toyota MR2 Spyder, 2021 Lexus UX 250h F Sport
That is nice! I need a much larger garage to be able to get that kind of good stuff into it. That drill holder is sweet. Nice job on mounting the chargers too.
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Thanks man! My garage is very small, a Lexus RX fits if you have NOTHING in it and the door barely closes. But with the MR2, it leaves enough room for the workbench! It's also 2 car wide, but again, not really, two cars barely fit when it's empty. Add shelves and it becomes a one car garage. So I park the MR2 in it sideways. But I'm so lucky to have a garage at all, especially in this area.
2000 Toyota MR2 Spyder, 2021 Lexus UX 250h F Sport
Yep. I also have a "2 car garage". And I do fit the STi and MR-S in there, but I need to be strategic on the sides so that nothing is where the doors open.
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@dev the difference between TV and projector probably has a lot to do with the nature of bouncing light off of a screen.
Dont know if you've heard, but Avatar is back on theaters for like a week. I originally saw it in 2009 in a reald 3d theater. RealD 3D suffers from dim screens due to how much light the polarizers filter out.
Went to the rerelease today in Imax 3d which apparently uses lasers and different filters and it was legitimately the craziest experience Ive ever had in a theater, visuals wise. At the end they had a sneak peak of the next movie and I thought it looked so real. The underwater scene felt like I was at the aquarium. Im beyond excited for the sequel release this December.
One thing to watch out for with those battery holders. Those walls look kinda thing, so you might see some de-lamination due to the weight of the bateries nd the orientation in which they were printed. Also, hopefully, the person printed in ABS or PETG. Although I would guess it's PLA. In any case, if they do break, I can probably help you out with a new design.
Get your Short Antennas, Decals, and all sorts of goodies at:
Thank you for the heads up! I know very little about 3D printing. Frustratingly, neither listing states the material.
2000 Toyota MR2 Spyder, 2021 Lexus UX 250h F Sport
The first listing should be fine. It's hard to tell what material was used from the pics in the listings, but it doesn't look like ABS. Also, they are basically giving those away. That is a cheap-ish price and with free shipping?! I wouldn't sell anything I made that cheap. They might have stole the designs from Thingiverse and are just printing and shipping. Either way, you will definitely get your money's worth out of them.
This holder looks like ABS:
Not sure if it's for the same stuff, but it was a link on one of the other links you posted.
Get your Short Antennas, Decals, and all sorts of goodies at:
Yeah it looks like the typical cheap 3D print material, not ABS. But hey it works and yeah it's SUPER cheap. Can't complain. Thanks for the link, that one looks nice! I'll stick with what I have till it breaks. Ideally with light use it'll last.
2000 Toyota MR2 Spyder, 2021 Lexus UX 250h F Sport
I think I understand why I like the projector more than a large TV. I also have a 65 inch OLED. The OLED has incredible contrast and visuals but the problem is the screen is not matte and very reflective to objects in the room. The screen is only reflective the picture and nothing else so it looks far more immersive. These newer 4k projectors with deep color can rival TV screens image output especially when you blow them up compared to having a 100 inch screen in 4k as I think 8k is needed for anything larger than 85 inches.
These newer short throw laser projectors are so bright they can be seen in daylight that it might actually be a better solution.
I watched A New Hope which was remastered from film to 4k and it was amazing. What I liked about it most is they respected the original film without making look like video. I also watched the 4k remastered Godfather and it was like watching it for the first time with so much more emersion that I was actually able to see things in the background that made it surreal adding to the immersive experience.
Finally I was able to watch all seasons of Yellowstone. It was excellent with good writing and none of that woke crap. As I was watching it I thought to myself they should have a prequel and unknown to me there are two.
Few workbench updates! Added a clamp on power strip with 20W USB-PD ports, awesome for charging my phone or screwdriver.
Plugged in my soldering iron and got to work connecting some spare warm white LED strips I had lying around with some spare wire. Added a strip to the back of the workbench as an accent.
Then thought of added another at the bottom. Since there's a bright light above and poor lighting in the garage, I couldn't see anything I dropped. This actually helps a ton!
Final product with the overhead lights on.
Also mounted my polisher on a nearby wall, the only drywall wall in the garage lol.Near it is the center cap from my first car, a 1996 Corolla.
2000 Toyota MR2 Spyder, 2021 Lexus UX 250h F Sport