My wife got an inflatable collar to replace the cone for the dogs.
this is much better than a cone for him. Works fine for keeping him away from licking stitches. Will work for anything but front paws on log legged dogs. I never knew they had something like this. Highly recommended.
EDIT got it on Amazon can't seem to link directly to it but search there for inflatable dog collar to replace cone.
Blown, it is like lift, only bigger, better, longer, stronger, harder... and that’s just the car. The first Rotrex supercharged 2zz Spyder.
Blown, it is like lift, only bigger, better, longer, stronger, harder... and that’s just the car. The first Rotrex supercharged 2zz Spyder.
I am sure that my German Shepherd Bob would have preferred the inflatable!
2007 S2000 (New Formula Red)
2005 Spyders (Two in Paradise Blue Metallic, One Super White)
2004 Tundra SR5 Double Cab (White with 2UZ-FE Engine)
2003 Tundra SR5 Access Cab (Silver Stepside with 2UZ-FE Engine)
2003 Sequoia SR5 (Black with 2UZ-FE Engine)
1970 Olds 442 W30 (Nugget Gold )
Bandit now has figured out how to walk slow. He was fine at a slow gallup but walking wasn't good. now he knows how to hop when just walking. He is down to just the foot stool to get up on bed instead of needing a box also. I expect him to not need that tomorrow. He goes in and out of the automatic dog door by just turning his head to get the collar through. We were told such things had a learning curve, but he is just goin on gettin on with it. harasses the older dogs into playing and just about back to "norma". If there is a normal, or ever has been. He is back to being a puppy anyway and everyway he can.
Blown, it is like lift, only bigger, better, longer, stronger, harder... and that’s just the car. The first Rotrex supercharged 2zz Spyder.
My spoiled asshole. Turning 16 in a few months, mostly deaf but an unbelievable sniffer. Had to get a throat tieback surgery due to collapse of the throat flaps that nearly killed him. Total jerk. I love him.
2000 Toyota MR2 Spyder, 2021 Lexus UX 250h F Sport
In 71 years I never realized what DOG spelled backward is. Certainly does not change anything. No way I could love dogs more! Just never noticed!
2007 S2000 (New Formula Red)
2005 Spyders (Two in Paradise Blue Metallic, One Super White)
2004 Tundra SR5 Double Cab (White with 2UZ-FE Engine)
2003 Tundra SR5 Access Cab (Silver Stepside with 2UZ-FE Engine)
2003 Sequoia SR5 (Black with 2UZ-FE Engine)
1970 Olds 442 W30 (Nugget Gold )
I also just started what seems to be a really interesting book, "No Ordinary Dog". About the dog (Cairo) who sniffed out Bin Laden.
On another note "The Book of Riley" if a wonderful Zombie series about a dog named Riley. Great stuff for dog folks in a Zombie setting.
Yep, I do not get out much!
2007 S2000 (New Formula Red)
2005 Spyders (Two in Paradise Blue Metallic, One Super White)
2004 Tundra SR5 Double Cab (White with 2UZ-FE Engine)
2003 Tundra SR5 Access Cab (Silver Stepside with 2UZ-FE Engine)
2003 Sequoia SR5 (Black with 2UZ-FE Engine)
1970 Olds 442 W30 (Nugget Gold )
I finally upgraded my gaming rig. Went from a classic but an outdated one, an i7 4790k overclocked to 4.7GHz all core. All the way to.... an 8700k! Haha still outdated. But much better. Unfortunately the board I'm running isn't suited for an 8700k, the VRMs overheat immediately under load because it's made for a 65W CPU, not a 95W one. But I'll address that later.
2000 Toyota MR2 Spyder, 2021 Lexus UX 250h F Sport
8700k is the last best thing Intel made. I got one in 2017 and was able to o/c it to 4.8Ghz. Before that I had an i5-750 for a decade. The i9-9900k doesn't have much room for o/c and the 10 series chips aren't special for the price. Not sure what you got the CPU for, but I remember paying $340 cash in 2017. The damn thing is still like $320!!!
If the next CPU I buy at the $500 range will be x399 + Ryzen. I'm tired of Intel.
I got mine for $225 used, but it's from Silicon Lottery and is guaranteed to 5.0GHz. Not that my ASUS PRIME B360M-A supports overclocking.
I love what AMD is doing, but I don't love the issues that their rush has caused.
2000 Toyota MR2 Spyder, 2021 Lexus UX 250h F Sport
I got a new head unit. JVC. It has the same guts as the latest Kenwood reference series which uses audiophile components in its pre-output stage and can play high resolution audio.
I already seen a YouTube video where they bench tested a similar Kenwood unit that has the same guts and it is found to have the full 5Volt output without any clipping which is good so I decided to test it based on subjective sound quality comparing it to my high resolution music player which is exceptional.
The verdict is, its not as good and this was expected but it holds its own and its exactly what my expectations are as far as sound quality that is not dull or veiled.
Now the bad. These units like all the others regardless of brand is another piece of junk car audio made in Indonesia or China. The only reason why I bought it is because it will supports 3 Way tri amping with DSP crossovers. The EQ is only 13 band graphic which I can get it to work but I wish it was parametric. Crossover slope doesn't go down passed 12db and I suspect its for safety so idiots don't blow their components if they dont know what they are doing.
The sound enhancement features are garbage. Im sure it will impress someone who is not an audiophile but it colors the sound in a bad way. The better way to do it is though EQ and crossovers.
The UI is terrible and made for flashy people. Nothing at all professional about this model or any of the other brands. These thing are made for consumers that want eye candy flash to impress people.
Overall its not horrible especially for what I paid and the apple car play works well but its only saving grace is the outputs and that it plays my high resolution files.
I think my next system will have a dedicated fiber optic out that goes into separate DSP that has the features I need.
How about them apples. I tuned it the best that I could which is actually not too bad working off a graphics EQ which are horrible but I did the best I could for a head unit that has 70% of what I need but lacks serious tuning features. The redeeming quality was being able to work the EQ and see a clear interface where I can manipulate my active crossover points. In the past with single din stereos you had so many button presses to get to where you needed to be to raise a level. This unit plays high resolution files amazingly well. I have the new remastered 24bit ACDC Black in Black album and it rocks.
I've recently decided I need a new project in addition to the Spyder. My brother was kind enough to leave his motorcycle, a Honda CBR 1100xx sitting around for me to see if I can get running. It should be noted he was kind enough to think of this in advance...17 yrs ago when he last left it parked out in the elements. So now I'm Russia, the bike is Crimea, & if I get it running I'll inform him of it's annexation.
The bike has the same HP as a stock Spyder, I know nothing of motorcycles, & have never even ridden one but I mean what's the worst that could happen.... Anywho, it'll be something different and maybe I'll end up keeping it & getting an M on my driver's license since he's been "getting around to getting rid of it" since 2007.
I bricked the Mazda 3 for two days. Would not do anything but turn the radio on. Flash tune gone bad. Unbricked it last night. What a wild 2 days...
2000 Toyota MR2 Spyder, 2021 Lexus UX 250h F Sport