Not a bad idea to make some replicas. I thought these were still sold by Toyota. Maybe not though. It has been quite some time since I've looked for them.
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You can still get from the dealer, but not identical in all dimensions. I found at least 3-4 different sizes but none are identical to my one remaining 2003 clip.
I really don't feel like buy one of everything to find out. I'll probably just end up getting it from the dealer and try to make them work.
The part number I was able to find was: 08210-00820. They look just like your picture and match the number in your pic. That part replaces all of these: 00206-00801, 00206-00802, 00208-00800, 00208-00801, 08211-00720. So it's possible that they just don't make that same one from 2003 anymore. I'm pretty sure that one will work though. And it's super cheap.
Get your Short Antennas, Decals, and all sorts of goodies at:
yes, they are cheap. And if I don't like the way they fit (for whatever asinine reason) I'll just give them away or toss them.