Check out this spyder driver at 3:45 in the video. Can't imagine what he/she's thinking.
As bad of a driver that person is as far as having a little patience I could see a purpose of the whole interaction. Basically the guy wanted to turn into the other lane but decided to be on the outside probably to have an advantage in traffic which didn't work well when the other cars blocked him in so he double back and did it again. The reason why there was no one hit is for two reasons.
1. Everyone was driving slow enough not to cause a collision.
2. That country probably has a lot of divers that don't follow a pattern of organization but in a way their skill set is much better than ours. If it was a typical American they would just shut down and text 911.
This is the primary reason why robotic cars will not work and when they do they will be sentient enough to want to kill us anyway.
That car looks a lot like yours Richard
Yes man, I was in Russia a few weeks ago. Went for a drive and had some fun.