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[Sticky] Code of conduct, behavior and rules of the forum.

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Just a member.
Posted by: Refirendum

As extracted from the FCC site summarizing the pertinent portion of the broadcast regulations:

"Indecent and profane content are prohibited on broadcast TV and radio between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m., when there is a reasonable risk that children may be in the audience. "

Applicability of this rule on a continuously available resource is debatable.

However, if instead we go by the MPAA rules, (since movies  sold for home viewing are continuously available content), it makes a bit more sense to reference these rules rather than the FCC.
- Depictions of intense violence are permitted under the PG-13 rating, but violence that is both realistic and extreme or persistent are not permissible.
-  Profanity may be present in PG-13 rated films, and however harsher "sexually-derived words" as an expletive generally are restricted to R rated content. Therefore, mild profanity should not be under fire in a PG or PG-13 environment. words like "C", "F", "Tw**" would require minimal use and censoring filters, but words such as "sh*t" and "d*mn" should be xcepted from such filters.
- Drug use content is restricted to PG-13 and above and is therefore acceptable within PG13 content.
- Nudity is restricted to PG and above, and anything that constitutes more than brief nudity will require at least a PG-13 rating. Nudity that is sexually oriented will generally require an R rating. So obviously Pornography falls under the latter category and is not permitted. Lightly clothed is not equivalent to nudity, so should not be considered such.

Ultimately, this is only a comment, and may be reiterating what has been said earlier in the thread, but it's here for reference if sought.

Thanks for that.  I think possibly the best way is to have what is acceptable for late night television.    I think moderation will be avoided for slips but if a member is constantly using profanity then we can moderate.  I will amend a clarification. 

I just don't want this place to turn into the republic of Iran. 

Anyone opposed to this.  

Topic starter Posted : July 13, 2019 10:24 am
Reputable Member

The problem with late night TV today is some parents allow their children to stay up and watch. Just as if they were adults

Posted : July 13, 2019 12:43 pm
Just a member.
Posted by: CSPIDY

The problem with late night TV today is some parents allow their children to stay up and watch. Just as if they were adults

Its just amazing what parents will let their children do these days. Foul language and having them perform at strip clubs is just appalling.   I hate that children are harmed by this kind of demoralization at an early age where they may not fit into society knowing where the boundaries are  that can screw up how they interact with others like their peers and adults.  These days children cant be shielded because a lot of it slips out but they should at least know  its not acceptable by anyone in polite conversation.  

Topic starter Posted : July 13, 2019 12:58 pm
Active Member
Posted by: Dev
Posted by: CSPIDY

The problem with late night TV today is some parents allow their children to stay up and watch. Just as if they were adults

After 34 years of teaching HS students, I can report that the condition of childhood and parenting is impressive.Throughout my career, my students  have consistently become more thoughtful, empathetic, accepting, patient, inquisitive and nicer (and many more positive adjectives). They have also become much much more authentic. On the other hand, they don't mince words when they think you're wrong, they don't automatically trust authority figures and they occasionally.....cuss. If us baby boomers allow them to, they'll save the world!

As to the forum rules, don't cuss. 😉 

Posted : July 13, 2019 8:05 pm
Prominent Member


🐸, 2003, Electric Green Mica

Posted : July 15, 2019 9:18 am
Mark G
Active Member
Posted by: @hello

Why don't we just make a profanity jar? Put in $1 every time you curse. Money goes towards the forum.

No! I can't afford that! 🤣 

Posted : July 30, 2019 3:23 pm
Just a member.

Edited to keep in line with the forum. 

Sorry about that. 




Topic starter Posted : August 8, 2019 10:33 am
Member Admin

I thought this was already an understood thing or in the rules already.  But I was recently reminded it is not.

Political posts should be restricted to either a political forum or within a political thread in the general forum.  This leaves the trash that is usually seen all over facebook and other sites contained while still allowing people to think they're changing the world or other people's minds by posting the latest meme, propaganda, news story, opinion, ...etc. to post in a place and have their discussions.


Get your Short Antennas, Decals, and all sorts of goodies at:

Posted : August 8, 2019 5:06 pm
Just a member.
Posted by: @lordtakuban

I thought this was already an understood thing or in the rules already.  But I was recently reminded it is not.

Political posts should be restricted to either a political forum or within a political thread in the general forum.  This leaves the trash that is usually seen all over facebook and other sites contained while still allowing people to think they're changing the world or other people's minds by posting the latest meme, propaganda, news story, opinion, ...etc. to post in a place and have their discussions.


I can include this as a general guideline to follow. I think it should be ok to have a little off topic banter but if it gets political we can just express our displeasure that it should be  in the general section.   




Topic starter Posted : August 8, 2019 6:26 pm
Member Admin

Yep.  thread drift is a great thing, IMHO.  It's just the Political rants and stuff that I have a problem with.

Get your Short Antennas, Decals, and all sorts of goodies at:

Posted : August 15, 2019 7:56 pm
Just a member.
Posted by: @lordtakuban

Yep.  thread drift is a great thing, IMHO.  It's just the Political rants and stuff that I have a problem with.

I will set that as a guideline to follow rather than a rule.  This way anyone can simply express their displeasure and have it self regulating.  

It worked great last time.  Lol. 



Topic starter Posted : August 15, 2019 9:28 pm
Reputable Member

I have reread this thread, I see a great set of guidelines and rules but no consequences for braking the rules.

with regards to the locking of a thread because some individual or individuals break the rules is a classic punishment of the masses for one or two individuals that step over the line.

can we not find a way of policing the forums with out treating everyone like a rule breaker.

Uncle Mush, I understand you were doing the job you were asked to do. There are no provisions for any actions.

so I am starting what hope will be a polite discussion about what should be done if this situation reoccurs. And it will.

Posted : April 26, 2020 2:40 pm
Just a member.

Now that we have reached this milestone we should have a open discussion on how we must handle this going forward.  I have received complaints from a number of members as well about this. From the consensus of the board everyone has a different take on where the line should be so we need to sort out a way forward that benefits the board. 

 I feel that we need to have a three strikes and your are out policy. One strike puts you on notice. 2nd strike gets you suspended for a month. 3rd strike and you are out. I do think the cooling off period by locking down a thread is important to give people time to reflect. 

 It needs to be clear cut moderation because what will happens is some people will try to fracture the board.  If a person violates the rules its 100% on them as they did it to themselves.  




Topic starter Posted : April 26, 2020 3:22 pm
Uncle Mush
Posted by: @lordtakuban

Yep.  thread drift is a great thing, IMHO.  It's just the Political rants and stuff that I have a problem with.

I learned, growing-up in my family, that it is wise to not discuss politics and/or religion if you want to avoid unnecessary conflicts that can and often ensue from such discussions.   I work at practicing that family norm in my public and private life and that serves me well.   I recognize that is my inclination and not everyone else's approach to life.

I agree that it would be best practice to have pre-defined logical/natural consequences for inappropriate behavior.   I am inclined to wait and watch as other members of this forum discuss and formulate what those consequences should/could/will look like.  If I feel strongly about something,  I'll chime-in.  I am not familiar with any well-run community where the constable is called-upon to make the rules or to designate the consequences for infractions of those rules -- but to serve in the function of enforcement. 

Posted : April 26, 2020 4:58 pm
Noble Member

May I suggest

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This post was modified 5 years ago by T-bone
Posted : April 26, 2020 9:31 pm
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