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[Sticky] Code of conduct, behavior and rules of the forum.

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Reputable Member

Why don't we just make a profanity jar? Put in $1 every time you curse. Money goes towards the forum.

Posted : June 27, 2019 12:41 pm
Just a member.
Posted by: hello

Why don't we just make a profanity jar? Put in $1 every time you curse. Money goes towards the forum.

All good idea but I think it will not amount to much because most normal people with more than a 50 word vocabulary general don't use that much profanity. 

I have no problem if someone uses it even though I generally don't but I get it. 


Topic starter Posted : June 27, 2019 1:07 pm
Uncle Mush
Posted by: Dev

Any objections to the language filter that adds asterisks or being a PG forum. 

Speak up so we can hash this out.    






That's fine by me.   Use of PG rating criteria makes a lot of sense as it is well established and embraced.

Posted : June 27, 2019 1:30 pm
Just a member.
Posted by: Uncle Mush
Posted by: Dev

Any objections to the language filter that adds asterisks or being a PG forum. 

Speak up so we can hash this out.    






That's fine by me.   Use of PG rating criteria makes a lot of sense as it is well established and embraced.

Im just thinking out loud here, what about PG13 .  No profanity but at the same time we can be a little more adult then Home Alone.  


Topic starter Posted : June 27, 2019 1:34 pm
Honorable Member

I "vote" for the asterisk thing, as long as the original word is obvious.

I know all sites are "different", but I'm on another car site, and there are many times vulgar language is used, i.e. F*CK. I'm NOT saying "anything goes"...I am saying we are human, and sometimes words get said that probably shouldn't. There are people here(and other sites) who make ignorant, ugly comments about what they think is "ugly". I know one person who's not said "stuff" to be polite...maybe they should.

Are "we" going to have an "ignore" button?

"Think as we think", say many Spyder owners, "or you are abominably wicked, you are a toad". After I'd thought about, I said "I will then, be a toad."
Thank you, Stephen Crane

Posted : June 27, 2019 6:52 pm
Trusted Member

I personally do not like idiosyncratic attitudes toward protocols, conduct or behavior. Reminds me of fascism aka positivism. But personal attacks are unwarranted, childish and unfriendly. In my home I use all the really bad words every single day, but this is not my house. It's something we share. 

As for ignore buttons, I really feel people should grow up and learn not everything in this world is candy canes and butterflies. Our society really shields individual behaviors at the expense of another's personal tranquility. The other party then seeks to maintain inner tranquility at the expense of the entire group.

This post was modified 6 years ago by chrioboy2
Posted : June 27, 2019 7:37 pm
Just a member.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and so is ugliness.  If we go down that road then there is no line and before you know it everything is offensive and everything can be interpreted as offensive on the way you say it. Apparently cauliflower is offensive these days. 

If someone makes a tasteless comment about someones car then that is their opinion. Let it stand on its own merits of their ugly comment and be reflective on someone you would rather not converse with.  

I think it would be a bit dumb on the person who has the ugly opinion if the car in question is not ugly and therefore has no merit however if someone has an ugly car and others think its ugly then maybe it is to most people,  but if the owner is happy with the look it doesn't matter  and it shouldn't matter one bit.  

 I know my car is not ugly and if someone called it ugly It would make me bust out in laughter.  

Most of the time people will give their opinions on said car when the OP asks and even if the feedback is harsh the owner takes it into consideration and makes sensible changes not knowing something might be out of date or in bad taste,  sometimes they stick to their guns.  


Topic starter Posted : June 27, 2019 7:43 pm
Trusted Member
Posted by: NottaMiata


A couple of items:

1. The word "n a z i" is offensive or disturbing to many, and can be caught in hate speech filters for those of us who visit from work. Just sayin'. This actually reinforces your point about free speech.

There will never be a way to create hard rules that always work and yet allow complete freedom. There could be a real, honest discussion about WW2, which might include that other N-word. I have had this happen to me while researching a medicinal herb (no, not THAT herb, it was valerian that we now grow in our garden and it is a sleep aid, but I got flagged anyway, sigh). It is very easy to argue that personal attacks are also free speech.  And so on...

2. The Frog is still pouting that you said his brown top is ugly. But he respects your right to express a subjective opinion, however misguided it may be. The point is, if somebody doesn't have a skin, they might consider staying off the Internet. Somewhere in the gray area, people need to understand that others do have opinions, and they will not always align with yours. Delivery matters.

I hope we don't have to shield ourselves from trivial wording. It's easier just to forgive the individual for their lack of articulation. I am also really sorry your work place is enforcing what I would call fascist behavior. It's as absurd as being called out for anti-semitism for citing the Mitzvots relating to capitalist roots in the Torah.

Posted : June 27, 2019 7:54 pm
Trusted Member
Posted by: Dev

Most of the time people will give their opinions on said car when the OP asks and even if the feedback is harsh the owner takes it into consideration and makes sensible changes not knowing something might be out of date or in bad taste 

I hope so.... Ahahaha

Posted : June 27, 2019 7:57 pm
Just a member.
Posted by: chrioboy2

I personally do not like idiosyncratic attitudes toward protocols, conduct or behavior. Reminds me of fascism aka positivism. But personal attacks are unwarranted, childish and unfriendly. In my home I use all the really bad words every single day, but this is not my house. It's something we share. 

As for ignore buttons, I really feel people should grow up and learn not everything in this world is candy canes and butterflies. Our society really shields individual behaviors at the expense of another's personal tranquility. The other party then seeks to maintain inner tranquility at the expense of the entire group.

 I strongly believe in the principle of striving to have the least amount of moderation. You obviously need moderation otherwise it can devolve into chaos  because some people are psychos that want to burn things down and take everyone with them. 

I also hate the idea of this place turning into a home owners association.  Those people suck and they just want the opportunity to tell others what to do.

 The people I despise the most since I have been on forums is moderators. There are a few that are cool but the vast majority of them are people that want to be a moderator because they feel a sense of status/importance that love to  dominate over others. I want to make sure that future moderators of this forum do not violate a posters space which  includes their writing, avatar and so forth as long as they follow the rules and if they break the rules I want the post held in moderation and politely tell them whatever violated the rules and if they can fix their posts and then thank them for it.  I also want future moderators to follow and honor the rules.  This was the major disfunction that happened with SW and I would hate to see people abusing their authority. 

Once this board is stable and running well Im going to return to being a regular member and let someone else take the watch.    





Topic starter Posted : June 27, 2019 8:07 pm
Trusted Member

Well said, I'm also one of the few folks who would never take a moderator role as it would make me a hypocrite and violate my personal beliefs.

Posted : June 27, 2019 8:19 pm
Reputable Member

I personally make it a point to not use profanity in my posts, I think it lacks creativity when communicating.

Lazy talk.

Profanity if used correctly and timely may have a purpose, just not in a public forum.

so I really don't care if you use or do not use an asterisk.

Posted : June 27, 2019 9:33 pm
Estimable Member

When do laissez-faire forum rules become counter productive?

IMHO: If forums could stay successful without moderators, no forum would have moderators.

However, given the, unfortunately ubiquitous,  lack of successful self moderation readily visible in posts throughout the Internet, I believe that moderators are necessary and perform (to me) a highly valued unpaid service.

Maybe it is just me, but I --- having run a very successful Bulletin Board, back in the day --- feel that every forum is the forum sponsor's "Home" if you will.  If it is my  "Home," it is up to me --- preferably with some forum member input --- to set the rules.  If you don't like many of the rules in a particular forum, start you own... and find out how many hours of your week is taken up just keeping a forum up and running. Running and/or moderating a forum can be a very eye opening and humbling experience.

Posted : June 29, 2019 7:20 pm
Trusted Member
Posted by: CSPIDY

I personally make it a point to not use profanity in my posts, I think it lacks creativity when communicating.

Lazy talk.

Profanity if used correctly and timely may have a purpose, just not in a public forum.

so I really don't care if you use or do not use an asterisk.

I was thinking about what you said and well it kind of sunk in, I can easily be twice or three times as offensive by describing the meaning behind my profanity rather than using those words as shortcuts. Big Kudos!

Posted : June 30, 2019 1:49 am
Trusted Member

As extracted from the FCC site summarizing the pertinent portion of the broadcast regulations:

"Indecent and profane content are prohibited on broadcast TV and radio between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m., when there is a reasonable risk that children may be in the audience. "

Applicability of this rule on a continuously available resource is debatable.

However, if instead we go by the MPAA rules, (since movies  sold for home viewing are continuously available content), it makes a bit more sense to reference these rules rather than the FCC.
- Depictions of intense violence are permitted under the PG-13 rating, but violence that is both realistic and extreme or persistent are not permissible.
-  Profanity may be present in PG-13 rated films, and however harsher "sexually-derived words" as an expletive generally are restricted to R rated content. Therefore, mild profanity should not be under fire in a PG or PG-13 environment. words like "C", "F", "Tw**" would require minimal use and censoring filters, but words such as "sh*t" and "d*mn" should be xcepted from such filters.
- Drug use content is restricted to PG-13 and above and is therefore acceptable within PG13 content.
- Nudity is restricted to PG and above, and anything that constitutes more than brief nudity will require at least a PG-13 rating. Nudity that is sexually oriented will generally require an R rating. So obviously Pornography falls under the latter category and is not permitted. Lightly clothed is not equivalent to nudity, so should not be considered such.

Ultimately, this is only a comment, and may be reiterating what has been said earlier in the thread, but it's here for reference if sought.

03 spyder

Posted : July 13, 2019 12:49 am
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