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[Sticky] Code of conduct, behavior and rules of the forum.

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Member Admin

I would like to add that there are to be no multiple accounts for the same person.

The only exception to this would be if there is a registration issue or something like that.  But, the multiple accounts thing is only done as a subversive maneuver and should not be done here.

Get your Short Antennas, Decals, and all sorts of goodies at:

Posted : June 25, 2019 10:44 pm
Just a member.
Posted by: LordTakuban

I would like to add that there are to be no multiple accounts for the same person.

The only exception to this would be if there is a registration issue or something like that.  But, the multiple accounts thing is only done as a subversive maneuver and should not be done here.

Absolutely yes.  Like SC rules should it get you banned. 

Topic starter Posted : June 25, 2019 10:47 pm
Prominent Member


🐸, 2003, Electric Green Mica

Posted : June 26, 2019 6:58 am
Just a member.
Posted by: NottaMiata


A couple of items:

1. The word "n a z i" is offensive or disturbing to many, and can be caught in hate speech filters for those of us who visit from work. Just sayin'. This actually reinforces your point about free speech.

There will never be a way to create hard rules that always work and yet allow complete freedom. There could be a real, honest discussion about WW2, which might include that other N-word. I have had this happen to me while researching a medicinal herb (no, not THAT herb, it was valerian that we now grow in our garden and it is a sleep aid, but I got flagged anyway, sigh). It is very easy to argue that personal attacks are also free speech.  And so on...

2. The Frog is still pouting that you said his brown top is ugly. But he respects your right to express a subjective opinion, however misguided it may be. The point is, if somebody doesn't have a skin, they might consider staying off the Internet. Somewhere in the gray area, people need to understand that others do have opinions, and they will not always align with yours. Delivery matters.

These are all valid points, let me address them separately. 


1.  Regrading offensive language, racial epithets  and drug and drug paraphernalia. 

  It starts to become subjective and gray on what can or cannot be said and if we don't have a line then this board will cease to exist because everyones line is different. However most in America will tolerate certain aspects of living in a free country by turning away and minding their own business if they don't like something. You cant make people dress modestly to fit your cultural normal and so on.

The best way to go about the rules is to use the same or similar rules of what we are accustom to on Spyderchat which was originally created by the founders. Its not perfect however it has kept the peace when situations arise and they have to be dealt with to put out fires. 

The best way for us to go about it as Galo alluded to is what ever is permissible on the Law and Order TV show. Basically FCC rules as a guideline.  I don't agree with all of the FCC rules and regulations on language but I will abide by them to get along because in the end  what is more important to me is the enthusiasm of sharing our hobby, not if I can or cannot  say a bad word.  I also think its something special when families can enjoy the forum together. There have been several fathers and sons, fathers and daughters and husbands and wives that have shared the old SC forum and keeping it family friendly is a good thing. 

As far as nazi or other historical reference or what is known today as hate speech it becomes a slippery  slope where someone will eventually get upset at the word water lilly. Again we need to be reasonable with drawing a line and using the Law and Order tv show example.  As far as racial slurs yes we shouldn't use them because they are highly offensive however they will be dealt with the outrage of its members letting the poster know its not welcome here and the post will be held for moderation. In regards to drugs I do not think we should censor the drug word but if someone is describing their indulgence in a recreational context and how they like to shoot drugs up their butt then that would be a problem. Basically if it isn't legal federally we shouldn't entertain it and that goes for anyone asking how to murder someone,  rob a bank , engage in felony speeding  and so on.     

2.  The silly hat rule needs to be in place because hobby boards are opinionated.  Everyone has an opinion and everyone is a critic.  These are only material things and choices. Hobby boards are full of passionate people and it can  devolve into name calling and making it personal for the most minor things if there is no silly hat rule. To be on a hobby board you have to have thick skin otherwise its best to turn off the internet. Having the silly hat rule makes it clear and if we started to police opinions it would be dangerous because there would be so much subjective interpretation that we could not agree where the line should be in every case and having to make someone change their opinion by silencing them or only approving those opinions others agree with is just wrong.  Opinions needs to be protected however it can be challenged with a dissenting opinion and you should be able win the the court of public opinion which is self regulating.  The problem often is if someone calls your car ugly then it probably is if you are offended by it.  No one would call a super model ugly and if they did it would seem a bit ridiculous and thats perfectly fine also. 

We need to have objective rules like a republic because we need accountability  so we don't show favoritism or have someone like a moderator go overboard in the moment and do something regrettable which will only add fuel to the fire. Its not going to be perfect for every situation because you will have people that will skirt around the gray area of the rules and still be disruptive.  At that point in time it will be unfortunate but a subjective action may have to be taken if there are those members that are disruptive and are harming the board. We should work towards minimizing the rules and just behaving like gentleman and gentle ladies to regulate ourselves and think what would be best for the good of the board so everyone can enjoy its main purpose and that is to share enthusiasm.  

Topic starter Posted : June 26, 2019 12:32 pm
Guy with car Admin

Dev, I have taken your code of conduct/rules and implemented them in the Signup/registration process as a checkbox that's required when joining.

Posted : June 26, 2019 12:54 pm
Just a member.
Posted by: Patrick Lipp

Dev, I have taken your code of conduct/rules and implemented them in the Signup/registration process as a checkbox that's required when joining.

Cool, I still need to amend a few things as we hash them out so its not yet finalized but getting close once we have more input. 

I suppose having something in the signup right now is important. 



Topic starter Posted : June 26, 2019 1:11 pm
New Member

A point that I would like to make is that this place is neither a democracy nor a republic and there is no guarantee of free speech. I would like the discourse to be as open and honest as possible but the forum can make the rules that they wish to operate under. I like the idea of the funny word translator. I know I have on rare occasion (ahem) spouted a profanity or expletive. I usually try to use a similar word, carp instead of crap, fvck instead of, well you can figure that out, beetch, bastage, son of a beach, corksocker, etc. You get the idea. Of course you can get creative with the replacements and make them obviously funny. I'm tired of this [doo-doo]. You can kiss my big, white, [donkey]. My 2 cents.

Posted : June 26, 2019 3:30 pm
Just a member.

Just a little update. I gave it a new revision based on the feedback and what I believe works. 

I made rule number 3 about having multiple accounts. I removed the sales rule as that is addressed in the sales section of the board.  I have addressed the FCC guidelines for posting as well not discussing anything that is illegal. 

 I just want to make very clear that if anyone has an issue with any of the  rules or think  it needs amending you need to speak up so we can have that conversation, debate or compromise. 

 Please keep in mind these are not  my rules and I don't want it to be my rules. It needs to be the agreed upon rules for the board as its own entity which I have to follow   and if there is a disagreement please let it be known and I will take a consensus.  The final arbitrator  of the rules if there is something that cannot be agreed upon will be the Admins because they can be subjected to liability. 

When a question is asked im only giving my opinion just like everyone else but I am the one that is taking the initiative to getting  it done which is always subject to change when the need arises.   

Topic starter Posted : June 26, 2019 3:33 pm
Reputable Member

Thanks for taking the lead on this Dev. The rule I will propose is that anytime anyone breaks a rule, they have to wash my car. 

Posted : June 26, 2019 3:43 pm
Just a member.
Posted by: AgSpyder

A point that I would like to make is that this place is neither a democracy nor a republic and there is no guarantee of free speech. I would like the discourse to be as open and honest as possible but the forum can make the rules that they wish to operate under. I like the idea of the funny word translator. I know I have on rare occasion (ahem) spouted a profanity or expletive. I usually try to use a similar word, carp instead of crap, fvck instead of, well you can figure that out, beetch, bastage, son of a beach, corksocker, etc. You get the idea. Of course you can get creative with the replacements and make them obviously funny. I'm tired of this [doo-doo]. You can kiss my big, white, [donkey]. My 2 cents.

A disclaimer of no guaranty of free speech I can agree with especially for those that want to skirt the rules and become disruptive however we have to have some rules that have to be followed by everyone and are accountable like a republic. Not having it like a democracy I would agree.  


As far as the bad language filters it has been brought up by other members. I do not agree with this as I do not like changing a persons  language by ridiculing them for using it by altering their speech. I would rather have the post held for moderation and then have them requested to remove the language otherwise it gets held in moderation and not visible.   

Since this has been brought up by other members I think  there should be a  consensus and if others think It should be implemented then LT or Patrick can do so with the features of the forum.  


Topic starter Posted : June 26, 2019 4:00 pm
Eminent Member

I also disagree with a profanity filter. The internet is a big scary place and people use bad words sometimes. Especially if it involves a wrench or bolt!

I also think that it should be kept within reason, and I will call people out if they're being excessive, but that's just my opinion and I don't think I or anyone else should be able to force others to change their rhetoric. The obvious exception to this being hate speech which has a pretty straightforward legal definition. That should invoke banning. If it does not fit the legal definition of hate speech but is kind of in a gray area, then as long as the moderators/admins are somewhat unified in their decision to delete/ban then I stand behind them. I really doubt that will be a problem though.

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Posted : June 26, 2019 5:28 pm
Guy with car Admin
Posted by: joluthgo_2

I also disagree with a profanity filter. The internet is a big scary place and people use bad words sometimes. Especially if it involves a wrench or bolt!

I also think that it should be kept within reason, and I will call people out if they're being excessive, but that's just my opinion and I don't think I or anyone else should be able to force others to change their rhetoric. The obvious exception to this being hate speech which has a pretty straightforward legal definition. That should invoke banning. If it does not fit the legal definition of hate speech but is kind of in a gray area, then as long as the moderators/admins are somewhat unified in their decision to delete/ban then I stand behind them. I really doubt that will be a problem though.

I err on the direction of leaving what's been said. With that said, to PG up the joint, in the past I've introduced a simple filter that only replaces letters of a word with astericks so the meaning is left unaltered, but it is changed enough

Posted : June 26, 2019 9:26 pm
Just a member.
Posted by: Patrick Lipp
Posted by: joluthgo_2

I also disagree with a profanity filter. The internet is a big scary place and people use bad words sometimes. Especially if it involves a wrench or bolt!

I also think that it should be kept within reason, and I will call people out if they're being excessive, but that's just my opinion and I don't think I or anyone else should be able to force others to change their rhetoric. The obvious exception to this being hate speech which has a pretty straightforward legal definition. That should invoke banning. If it does not fit the legal definition of hate speech but is kind of in a gray area, then as long as the moderators/admins are somewhat unified in their decision to delete/ban then I stand behind them. I really doubt that will be a problem though.

I err on the direction of leaving what's been said. With that said, to PG up the joint, in the past I've introduced a simple filter that only replaces letters of a word with astericks so the meaning is left unaltered, but it is changed enough 

I like this compromise.  Its like a bleep and not a voice over  for words that wasn't said. 



Topic starter Posted : June 26, 2019 9:34 pm
Uncle Mush

 I am reading and writing this post on the fly, so I apologize if the point I'm about to make is moot.  We may want to identify, when tying to FCC rules and regs,  that it is FCC rules for broadcast TV.   The FCC still has authority over cable where there is content that is not permissible over broadcast TV.  Don't know if we need to be that specific, but when push comes to shove, people are always looking for the loop holes.


I do want to echo my thanks to Dev for taking on this responsibility and to other members who have knowledge, wisdom and experience to lay the groundwork to establish norms for this forum.  Thank you, y'all. 

Posted : June 27, 2019 11:52 am
Just a member.

I appreciate that and Im just trying to channel the late Ed Black who wanted an actual community forum that is own by the community. 

You actually bought up something that was already in my thought process from last night. Patrick bought up PG which makes more sense and its a very simple way of getting the message across because more people identify with what PG is than FCC rules.  It pretty much takes care of the language and  pictures.

 I will make this revision.   

Any objections to the language filter that adds asterisks or being a PG forum. 

Speak up so we can hash this out.    






Topic starter Posted : June 27, 2019 12:06 pm
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