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turbo build anyone?

Guy with car Admin

I posted it in SC already, but turbo build anyone? I've been holding off on this for YEARS... finally got the balls to do it. 

63675930110  61B50257 D2A9 4B1E 8580 4E4E0A544DC8
63675428136  497F368D 8788 4400 A764 4944C029138E
63624723617  B26C5A03 CD1F 4B48 B789 A5502E516541
63624853496  B837CAAE A7B6 4E4E 9B3F 23461764CB7E
63622357417  FE81FD43 1CE1 498E ADCB 8CD9D82995C3
63624848029  9919363B A9F7 4482 84F4 956FBE343AEB

Topic starter Posted : March 8, 2021 11:56 am
Estimable Member

Since it's a t25 flange on there, you can change it out to a better suited turbo too. Like a gt2860 or gt2871... Make sure to get some sort of charge cooling for it. Even an A2A makes a big difference.

Posted : March 8, 2021 9:36 pm
Trusted Member

Looks like a fun project.  Any details you want to share with us, incase the itch needs scratching?

By the way - any engine history prior to "slapping a Turbo on it"? did it have a HD clutch before you started?


And of course - not to be that guy, but couldn't help but notice the stack of 2X6s (?) in conjunction with proper jack stands - please tell me they are at least screwed together...



Posted : March 8, 2021 9:40 pm
Guy with car Admin
Posted by: @rdawg

Looks like a fun project.  Any details you want to share with us, incase the itch needs scratching?

By the way - any engine history prior to "slapping a Turbo on it"? did it have a HD clutch before you started?


And of course - not to be that guy, but couldn't help but notice the stack of 2X6s (?) in conjunction with proper jack stands - please tell me they are at least screwed together...



The engine is original with around 150K miles. The transmission is/was an SMT to Manual conversion, done by me. The previous owner of the car had GSA problems which is why I picked up the car. In the years he owned the car, Toyota did the normal "Lets throw parts at the car we don't understand", and in the process replaced the clutch before I purchased the car and did the swap.. So it's an OEM clutch with low miles. 

In my advanced(not really. lol) age, I have become cautious when it comes to being under something that could crush me, especially when I'm alone, so I had jack stands, two stacks of 2x6's(yes, they were screwed together), and the jack still in place. I'll also normally place the wheels under the axles when I have them off. I'm just over cautious. Don't want to leave my kids without a father by my own doing.

Posted by: @turbo_jimbo

Since it's a t25 flange on there, you can change it out to a better suited turbo too. Like a gt2860 or gt2871... Make sure to get some sort of charge cooling for it. Even an A2A makes a big difference.

I'm already considering a turbo swap at some point to a hybrid or ball bearing. That'll come in time. The first thing will be charge cooling in the form of an A2W once I get any/all boost leaks resolved and a base tune while the ambient temps are still down.

Topic starter Posted : March 9, 2021 9:28 am
Guy with car Admin

Topic starter Posted : March 9, 2021 9:29 am
Guy with car Admin

Topic starter Posted : March 9, 2021 9:30 am
Guy with car Admin

Topic starter Posted : March 9, 2021 9:30 am
Guy with car Admin

It starts and Runs - MR2 Spyder Turbo Build Vlog 4

Topic starter Posted : April 14, 2022 8:15 pm
Guy with car Admin

MR2 VLOG5 - The Update

Topic starter Posted : April 14, 2022 8:16 pm
Uncle Mush

Wow!  That's a lot of work!  Congrats on sorting it all out.  Although it sounds like a Lotus would be a lot of fun, I am grateful that you are keeping the Spyder for now.   I'd hate to lose you to another vehicle and chance your interest/support of this forum going by the wayside.  Selfish on my part.  I'll own that.

Thanks for taking the time to VLOG your build.  I enjoyed watching.

Posted : April 15, 2022 2:00 am
Reputable Member

Well done 

Posted : April 15, 2022 8:40 am
Estimable Member

Be sure to brace the turbo to the engine block.  If you only support all of the mass of the turbo by the manifold, it will eventually crack due to engine vibrations.

Posted : April 15, 2022 9:27 am