Copilot for Power F...
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Copilot for Power FC: Download and Discussion

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Guy with car Admin

The latest and greatest Power FC data logging, display, editing, tuning, and replay software is now available. It is loaded with new features. Some of the new features which were not in the 2.0.6 "Lite" version include:

Online Auto Tuning
Previously you had to do data logging while connected ("online"), run it in offline mode and click Analyze, then run it in online mode and write the new base map. Now you can set it up so it reads, logs, analyzes, and writes as you drive. This includes auto tuning the base map and/or ignition timing. Online ignition timing changes are limited to retarding only for safety reasons. 

Improved Auto Tuning Algorithms
This is rather complicated, but basically samples are weighted and balanced, and you have a clearer picture of what is happening due to additional maps which can be displayed, some in higher resolution than the 20 by 20 Power FC maps. For ignition timing auto tuning, the program looks at what is happening for each knock sample obtained, for example whether or not you are shifting gears, and decides whether the knock is most likely true knock or false knock (false knock can be caused by shifting noise). Also, if you want it to, it will retard timing when there is knock (even a small amount, which you may think is just noise) until the point at which retarding it further does not reduce the knock. It will also advance timing, if you enable that feature. Advancing and retarding timing via "Find Insignificant Knock" works extremely well and can unlock power you did not know you were missing. 

Street Dynamometer
The program looks for conditions that indicate a full throttle run in one gear and saves the data associated with it (not just HP and torque, but also AFR, knock, airflow, injector duty, boost, etc) in a Dyno file that can be opened later. If you want, the Dynamometer window will open automatically when there is new data. You can compare any two runs. Amplifying information, for example the car's weight and other factors affecting the HP calculation and notes, are saved and can be viewed as well. 

Export to Google Earth
If you have a GPS antenna connected (example: DeLorme's LT20 -- around $60 and includes mapping software which can run at the same time), GPS data will be saved in the log, so you will be able to use the Export to Google Earth function. I've posted an example .kml file before (Google Earth input file).

Complete Replacement for FC-Edit
Well, almost. You cannot reinitialize the Power FC yet. I've added all the Fuel Injection Factors, Ignition Factors, Sensors, and so on. There are new windows for displaying, editing, saving, load, and writing all this new data.

Different Ignition Maps per Gear - REMOVED
This is actually described pretty well in the User's Guide. Unfortunately, I had to disable this code due to the complexity of the ignition timing auto tuning. It may be put back in later.

Better Communications Error Recovery
The Datalogit box is prone to communications dropouts. I have tried many things in software to work around this and the latest version seems to do a better job. I went for a two hour drive today and there were 6 momentary dropouts, all of which were handled automatically within a couple of seconds. The only reason I know it happed at all is there were messages in the log saying that it had handled them. UPDATE: Nope, that was too much to hope for. It still stops responding at times. Yet another update: It is working very well now after some more changes. 

Rescaling Maps
A previous version added map rescaling, but I did not catch a bug that prevented the new map reference from being written. So this is just a bug fix, but it will not be in the Lite version... I am done updating the old code. It is just too much work to maintain two separate versions of the software.

Boost Gauge, Oil Pressure Gauge, other Gauges
These have not been tested, but should work with at least some of the sensors out there. Like the other virtual gauges, the data driving it is logged and replayed, so the gauges all work when replaying. Additionally, there is a Boost map, Boost trace on the chart, and Boost is included in the Dynamometer plot. The Boost map is 20 by 20 and can be displayed as average, min, and max, all per gear(s) (like HP and Torque maps). Many other types of gauges can be added, moved, and resized.

Export to Excel Workbook
Most of the data, for example all the maps, airflow, and map reference, can be exported as a complete Excel Workbook. In a later version I will expand upon this to include all the data. Having the Power FC data in Excel makes it easy for people with Excel talents to implement their own formulas. You can also print, of course. Whether or not this particular feature works for you depends on what version of Excel you have... no guarantees that it will work on your computer. 

Expanded I/O Capabilities
With Datalogit, you get 4 Analog Inputs. Copilot also supports Phidgets 8/8/8 boards, which give you another 8 analog inputs, 8 digital inputs, and 8 digital outputs. The inputs are all logged and analog inputs can be used for a wideband O2 sensor (faster and more precise than Datalogit or even LC-1 digital), an oil temperature sender, oil pressure sender, or boost sensor. That's all I have defined at present. I have built a hand controller with 8 buttons that connect to the Phidgets 8/8/8 card and do dedicated funtions in Copilot. Let me know if you have any special I/O needs and I can work with you on the software. Copilot also works with Phidgets 2- and 3-axis accelerometers, and any GPS antenna and driver that outputs NMEA (standard protocol) GPS sentences on an actual or virtual comm port. Copilot can control a Phidgets 0/0/4 relay output board to close/open relays in response to user-defined conditions (examples: oil cooler fan control, warning light control).

Graphical User Interface Improvements
Many improvements here... too numerous to list.

Audio for Limit Check Alerts
You can now have it play any WAV file when a parameter (e.g., water temperature, knock, injector duty, ... up to 14 in all) exceeds a limit you define. A different WAV file can be used for each parameter, if you wish. A variety of WAV short files are installed.

2D Plot of Course and G Forces Display

This is an overhead view of where the car is with many features. A GPS antenna is required for this feature. The plot is a separate window and a miniature version showing just the track and vehicle position can be viewed on the Dashboard tab. Control of both plots center and scale is done via the 2D Plot of Course window, which you can set up to keep the vehicle on the plot (anywhere), keep the vehicle in the center, or keep it centered on any position. The Dashboard tab can now (as of 3.0.4) display a different style AFR gauge and a G forces plot (different from the G Forces window). Just click the different gauges/displays to make them change function. See the Jan 1, 2008 post on Page 17 of this topic for more information. There is also a Horizontal Situation Indicator (fake aircraft instrument) which is driven by GPS data.


Now (3.0.5 and greater) you can replay an AVI file in synch with all the other data (Power FC, wideband, GPS, accelerometer). This will be expanded upon in the future.

Economy Display

Computes and displays fuel economy as you drive. Similar to a Prius "Consumption" display.

Platforms/Engines Supported:

1ZZ-FE, 2ZZ-GE, 3S-GTE, 3S-GE, 2JZ-GTE1, EJ20K (WRX), EJ207, RB25DET, RB26DETT, RB261PRO, RB26_2-D, 1JZ-GTE, 3S-GT1PRO, SR20DET1, 4G63 (EVO) 

Note: platforms other that 1ZZ-FE and 2ZZ-GE have not been extensively and may still have some problems. I've been working on bug fixes.


Jan 13, 2008: Added support for 3S-GE and added Injector Warning settings for 3S-GTE
Feb 10, 2008: Getting started on 13B-REW
Feb 19, 2008: Hopefully the Boost problem is fixed (converting from PFC format to PSI)
Feb 23, 2008: Minor changes. Boost is still wrong.
Feb 25, 2008: RB26DETT support added + minor changes
Aug 6, 2008: Bug fixes 
Aug 26, 2008: Added Economy display
Sep 3, 2008: Improved Economy display, added some more error checking, removed preliminary 13B-REW support because of runtime errors (running out of memory)
Sep 10, 2008: Added another type of Economy display -- shows MPG for each gear at constant speeds to help you decide what gear to choose (if you want to save money)
Sep 14, 2008: Bug fixes, minor tweaks
Oct 4, 2008: Bug fixes mostly intended for EJ20K.
Oct 19, 2008: Bug fixes, added VVT-i logging for 1ZZ-FE 
Nov 3, 2008: Added 1JZ-GTE support and a feature to Auto Detect the Datalogit comm port. Please don't try 13B-REW as it isn't ready to be tested yet.
Nov 18, 2008: Added more things that can be viewed in 3D: Logged AFR (filtered or unfiltered), Filtered Airflow %, and Filtered Injector %. These can be normal (20 x 20) resolution or Detailed (60 x 60) resolution and with or without Trivial data, just like on the 2D map display. 
Nov 20, 2008: Included another background bitmap for the temperature guages in the setup package, so when you switch temp. units to Celsius, it will show the correct units. 
Jan 2, 2009: Added support for RB261PRO plus other (minor) RB* platform changes.
Jan 10, 2009: Allow selection of RB26_2-D, treat like other RB26* platforms for starters. 
Jan 11, 2009: Did more work on RB26_2-D and it is mostly functional now.
Jan 22, 2009: Trying to get to the botton of some run time problems and perhaps an installation issue. 
Feb 16, 2009: Bug fixes
Feb 25, 2009: Bug fix for the calculation of "Throttle Accel (%/sec)", which is an auto tune filter 
Mar 1, 2009: Fixed 2 RB26_2-D bugs
Mar 5, 2009: More work on RB26_2-D and other MAP platforms
Mar 8, 2009: More work on RB26_2-D and other MAP platforms
Mar 8, 2009: Fixed problem reading "PIM Scale, offset" strings for RB26_2-D and other MAP platforms, fixed display of minimum AFR on I/O Settings window
May 10, 2009: Added WRX STi (EJ207) support and enhancements
July 2009: Made numerous ease of use improvements, added 3SGT1PRO support, added Relay output support, new Limit Check Alerts, Advisor window, bug fixes
Aug 2009: Minor improvements
Sep-Nov 2009: Improvements to Auto Tune Ignition Timing (advancing timing), other enhancements, bug fixes, added SR20DET1 and 4G63 (Mitsubishi EVO I through IX) support.
Dec 2009: Virtual gauge additions & improvements, HSI added, bug fixes, hibernation

Topic starter Posted : June 20, 2019 12:27 pm
Guy with car Admin

The manual is very much out of date and has been a source of confusion, but I really don't have time to update it anymore. Some people have had trouble just getting started, so I will make this second post in the topic into a Getting Started guide, coming back to edit it as required.

1. If you already have an old version, uninstall that first (you will not lose any of your data or settings). Keep the old msi file in case you want to revert to a previous version. I can't keep all of them on the server.
2. Just double-click the msi file. The only choice you have is where it is installed and there is no longer a problem with spaces in the path, so it does not matter where it goes.

Before Running Copilot
1. Create shortcuts to Copilot.exe and ConfigureCopilot.exe wherever you wish (desktop, start menu). The installer is too stupid to create good shortcuts.
2. Run ConfigureCopilot.exe whenever you want to change modes (Online Mode, Offline Mode, or Offline+Replay (which I just refer to as Replay Mode). You have about 5 seconds to click something on the window before it disappears and starts up Copilot using whatever settings are shown. The next version of Copilot will have a default mode of Online, but as of new it is Offline Mode, so you need to change that before trying to connect to the Power FC. If all you ever want to do is work in Online Mode, you'll not have to bother with the Configure program again.
3. Determine what port you will be using for the Datalogit. It will be listed under Ports (determining that depends on the OS). Optionally confirm that you can connect using FC Edit. Always make sure you close FC Edit before starting Copilot because two programs cannot open the same port for read/write access. FC Edit has an autodetect option and so does Copilot, but I don't completely trust autodetect in Copilot... it may try a different port when there is a communications timeout or when something else happens. It is better to know the port number and always plug the USB to serial cable for the Datalogit into the same laptop / Car PC / hub USB port. Port numbers will get reassigned otherwise.
4. Recommended: Run FC Edit, click Read All, make sure it read the data (no connect error etc.), and Save As (some file... like Baseline.dat). This is just to ensure you have everything save in FC Edit format because Copilot does not write a few things. It cannot change the injector size settings and it cannot do a "Reinitialise Power FC", which is part of the Idle Relearning Procedure (which you may need at some point).

Running Copilot for the First Time (Online Mode)
1. Unless the correct port number happens to be 1, it will have a Connect Error. Click OK, then use the Comm menu to select Settings. On that dialog box, set the port number, click Appy, Save As Default, and OK. Then you should be able to connect using the Comm menu --> Connect. Once it has connected, it will read everything (all the maps and settings) and begin reading the Advanced Data packets (tells it what the current load, RPM, and various other dynamic values are). From this point on, whenever you start Copilot (in Online Mode), it should automatically connect, read all, and Start Acquisition (read Advanced Data). 

Basic Checks - Things to do whenever you run Copilot on Online Mode
1. Check the status panels at the bottom. The first panel shows the Datalogit port status. (It may also show GPS or LC-1 port status, but in those cases it will say something like "GPS: Parity Error"). It may say Disconnected, Connected, or an error status. The panel to the right of that is for other statuses or additional information. It may say "View message log", for instance, when a longer error message has been generated. Clicking this second panel clears the text, so you can tell when a new error has occurred. 
2. View the Message Log. Select the View menu, then Message Log. A window will appear. The messages are not written to a file on disk (under Copilot/MessageLogs) until the program exits, but you can save the log at any time, which clears it and starts over. Clearing (by itself) doesn't save. Normal, informational type messages are written in dark green. Warning messages are written in dark red. Error messages are written in bold bright red. It is a good idea to check out the message log when there ISN'T a problem to see what is normally written there. You can enable/disable different types of messages (like GPS sentences) if you wish to troubleshoot. Most messages are disabled by default because it slows down the program (makes data acquisition and response slower).
3. Make sure you have a Min and Max Base map and a Min and Max Ignition map that suit your purposes. The program creates maps which are missing when it starts up, but you should always know what limits it is working under. 
4. Run the Advisor. That's also under the View menu. View --> Advisor. It does some basic checks of maps, like comparing the current, new, min, and max maps. It also checks to see if your Target AFR map (initially not a valid one... containing 14.7 everywhere) is valid and if it matches the New Inj map.
5. If you have a wideband O2 sensor connected and set up, is the AFR reading correctly (within reason)? Is the Power FC in open loop or closed loop? Do you have O2 Feedback enabled or disabled? 
6. Always check out the knock. Do you have Auto Tune Ignition Timing checked? (This must be done each time you want the program to adjust timing... other than High Knock situations... then it will retard timing without having the box checked as a safety measure.) Just select the Ignition tab and "Logged Knock" should be displayed. Use Max/Min/Avg options at the upper right to display maximum, minimum, or average knock. You can also select Real Knock or Ignored Knock below the map.

Note: You do not need a wideband O2 sensor to use Copilot. You only need that for auto tuning fuel (or safely changing the base or inj you know what the effects are) or to see the AFR in various displays.

Topic starter Posted : June 20, 2019 12:28 pm
Guy with car Admin

There are two ways to rescale a map, so it is a little complicated.

1. Work Offline, enter new map reference numbers, click Save under New Map Reference (not really necessary... it should save when it exits), click Rescale All New Maps, then exit. It will save all the files. Work Online, click Stop Acquisition, verify new map reference values are correct (they are loaded from NewMapRef.pfc when it starts up), then click Write New Map Ref and New Maps.

2. Work Online, Stop Acquisition, enter new map reference numbers, click Rescale All New Maps, click Write New Map Ref and All New Maps. That's simpler.

The current and new map reference need not match. After writing, they should, though. That's the problem, I think. It could also be that the Base map wasn't rescaled. The reason the Current and New Map Reference data does not have to match is that you have to be able to enter the New Map Reference and they won't match until you write the data to the Power FC. The program uses the New Map Reference when displaying maps (and I thought it did so for all maps), provided the file exists. If the file doesn't exist (probably not the case here), it will fall back to using the Current Map Reference. Why would it use the New Map Reference to display? So it can show the results of rescaling (whether you are working online of offline) to give you a preview. I will look into it to see if it always uses the Current Map Reference for the base map display... that would be an oversight.

Meanwhile, try to determine if the New Map Reference is really in effect and if the Current Base Map really has been rescaled. I'd use FC Edit to do that, since we may have a bug here. If it is a case of the Current Base Map (what's in the Power FC) not being rescaled, the safest thing to do is revert to your old FC Edit .dat file. UNLESS this only affects the curve editor. I'm hoping the problem is in the Curve Editor.

Topic starter Posted : June 20, 2019 12:28 pm
Member Admin

There are several files available to download from my site can be gotten here:

These are for CoPilot for PowerFC by Kevin Beane.  it really makes tuning the PFC quite a bit easier than just using FCEdit.

Get your Short Antennas, Decals, and all sorts of goodies at:

Posted : June 23, 2019 2:59 pm
Honorable Member

LT, I'm in the process of replacing the rad and "fixing" my exhaust. The next fix will include installing an LC2, connecting it to the PFC thru an FC HAKO. Do you have Co-pilot knowledge, as in being able to talk someone thru/helping them use it?

Thanks for hosting this stuff!!!( I think I've said that before!!!)

"Think as we think", say many Spyder owners, "or you are abominably wicked, you are a toad". After I'd thought about, I said "I will then, be a toad."
Thank you, Stephen Crane

Posted : June 23, 2019 9:55 pm
Guy with car Admin
Posted by: Galo

LT, I'm in the process of replacing the rad and "fixing" my exhaust. The ex fix will include installing an LC2, connecting it to the PFC thru an FC HAKO. Do you have Co-pilot knowledge, as in being able to talk someone thru/helping them use it?

Thanks for hosting this stuff!!!( I think I've said that before!!!)

Depending on when you do this, I may be able to assist you. It's been a few years since i've done it all, but I'm about to go through it all again. If my memory serves be right, the most difficult part of it all is getting the formula right within CoPilot so that it knows what the LC2's values actually mean. There is a curve associated with it that needs to be set that was a huge PITA when I had an AEM UEGO. I do remember, however, that my Innovative MTX-L WB was super easy to setup. I'm assuming the LC2 would be similar to that.

EDIT - I'll be hooking mine up in late August once I'm moved down to South Carolina.

Topic starter Posted : June 24, 2019 9:21 am
Honorable Member

Cool, PL! Back in '09(?), T-bone and I drove to a town 1/2 way between Indy and Cincy to meet up with Black Creek. He was going to school me on using Co-Pilot. 1st thing he said was "keep quiet/don't ask any questions"! I should have videoed it...there is no way in Hades I could remember all he said. 

My hope is to get started before August, but that depends on a lot of peripheral  stuff, like getting a new p/t job to do the exhaust right...Gomba seemed to have a lot on the ball with C-P and the PFC. I was gonna try to get with him, but he moved to Colorado.

I'll be in touch! Oh, I haven't posted in that thread, but I hope your move goes "sanely"!

"Think as we think", say many Spyder owners, "or you are abominably wicked, you are a toad". After I'd thought about, I said "I will then, be a toad."
Thank you, Stephen Crane

Posted : June 24, 2019 3:51 pm
Member Admin

Yep.  I can help.  But I would strongly recommend against the Innovate sensor and lambda.  You should go with the PLX sensor and hook it up the same way.

Also, it's been a while.  So I might be a bit rusty.  But I can help out.  You have my number.  I'll be up in your area (well, a couple hours north of you) this weekend.  But I won't have any extra time then.  Otherwise, I'd stop by for a visit.

Get your Short Antennas, Decals, and all sorts of goodies at:

Posted : June 24, 2019 5:18 pm
Honorable Member

LT, I already have the LC2...why do you say that?


Have a great trip! Sometimes it works, sometimes not.

"Think as we think", say many Spyder owners, "or you are abominably wicked, you are a toad". After I'd thought about, I said "I will then, be a toad."
Thank you, Stephen Crane

Posted : June 25, 2019 5:52 pm
Member Admin

I had 2 LC2's fail on me.  It was also very temperamental to setup.  The PLX has worked flawlessly for me since I installed it.

If you already have the LC2, keep it until it dies.  Then get a PLX.  If it keeps on working, then enjoy your good fortune.  🙂

Get your Short Antennas, Decals, and all sorts of goodies at:

Posted : June 25, 2019 10:49 pm
Honorable Member

I'm hoping it lasts as long as I do... 🤔 😀 

"Think as we think", say many Spyder owners, "or you are abominably wicked, you are a toad". After I'd thought about, I said "I will then, be a toad."
Thank you, Stephen Crane

Posted : June 26, 2019 7:24 pm
Honorable Member

Well, it's 2.5 yrs later, and I still haven't installed the LC2 😏 😕 😟 ...was going to do it today...never got off my butt...hoping I can get a move on tomorrow...just being lazy...

"Think as we think", say many Spyder owners, "or you are abominably wicked, you are a toad". After I'd thought about, I said "I will then, be a toad."
Thank you, Stephen Crane

Posted : January 15, 2022 6:18 pm
New Member

Hi all, is anyone still using CoPilot that might be able to help me answer some questions? I've just got a GTR (I know, you'd think those forums would be better but it appears the user base is very limited now and the only real active discussions are here and RX7 forums)  that has a power FC with an unknown history. I've watched and read the documentation and have the Datalogit so I can interact and autotune but I've found oddness with auto Ignition tuning amongst some other things. Before I write the whole thing out, is anyone still around who wouldn't mind answering a few q's? Cheers.

This post was modified 1 year ago by Japtastic141
Posted : December 21, 2023 10:11 am
Member Admin

There are a few of us that are still using CoPilot (Myself included).  It may depend on what info you need if anyone has those specific answers though.

Get your Short Antennas, Decals, and all sorts of goodies at:

Posted : December 21, 2023 12:04 pm
New Member

Excellent, thanks for the reply. Good to know it's still being used. I know a Link G4/5 would provide a better more modern solution but I like a challenge and not dropping £2k if this can give me what I need.

I re-initialized the PFC to start from scratch as I've only just got the car from Japan with no history and lots of bodge jobs so no confidence it was mapped correctly.

I then ran a Fuel auto-tune which went well and lots of changes were picked up which I then wrote. AFR is now much better with lots of further tweaks to come.

So the few questions I have at the moment are:

I'm not sure how the logged samples are supposed to work. Is there a way to save this data so it doesn't start from 0 each time you run a log? Or is that by design?

I ran an ignition sample/autotune and it says that 51 cells were written but there is no difference from the original. Is there a difference between the function of Fuel vs Ignition tuning? Fuel showed me the changes/differences and I then decided whether to write these or not. Does Ignition work the same or not?

Probably a lot more but these are the two for now.



This post was modified 1 year ago by Japtastic141
Posted : December 22, 2023 11:04 am
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